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Created January 11, 2012 00:21
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On Ember Views & States

I have a state machine for the major sections of the page:

App.States = Ember.StateManger.create({
  foo: Ember.State.create({})

I have a view that needs to reset itself whenever the user enters the foo state:

App.FooDisclosureView = Ember.View.extend({
  didInsertElement: function() {
    // whenever the button is pressed, toggle the disclosure:
    var self = this;
    this.$('button').click(function() {

  reset: function() {
    // close the disclosure if it's open
    this.get('disclosedContent').set('isVisible', false);

The question is how to call FooDisclosureView#reset when that state is entered.

Option 1: currentState binding

App.FooDisclosureView = Ember.View.extend({
  // as above...

  resetOnEnterStateFoo: function() {
    // if foo has child states, you can use a more intelligent matcher
    if (App.getPath('') === 'foo') {

Option 2: Controller Mediation

Essentially the same as 1, but with a Controller.

App.fooController = Ember.Object.create({
  active: false

App.States = Ember.StateManger.create({
  foo: Ember.State.create({
    enter: function() { App.setPath('', true); },
    exit:  function() { App.setPath('', false); }

App.FooDisclosureView = Ember.View.extend({
  // as above...

  resetOnEnterStateFoo: function() {
    if (App.getPath('')) {

Option 3: State Change Events

This option requires changing Ember.StateManager to emit events when states change. This could be a monkey-patch or, if generally useful, incorporated into the library.

App.FooDisclosureView = Ember.View.extend({
  init: function() {

  resetOnEnterStateFoo: function(newState, oldState) {
    if (newState.get('name') === 'foo') { this.reset(); }

  // as above...
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jish commented Jan 11, 2012

I would throw the entire reset idea out the window and just use viewStates. Each time you enter a viewState it "resets" itself:

If you are dependent on a property, I would use the enter: method and a property on a controller:

enter: function() {
  controller.set('disclosureVisible', false);

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There are a few things I don't like about ViewStates:

  1. you have to declare the view property when you create the state. Since states can't be added to a StateManager after it's built, that means we need a whole bunch of view code in our states code.
  2. we might need to reset several different views when we enter a state. I suppose we could use one outer view and have it control its children.
  3. they are incompatible with body-templates (unless we used named singleton views, which I think is an antipattern) since the state needs to point to a particular view rather than all instances of a view class.

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jish commented Jan 12, 2012

If viewStates won't work, then I would suggest the enter: method I proposed above, or the pattern you suggested earlier:

foo: Ember.State.create({
  disclosureVisible: true


someBinding: 'currentState.disclosureVisible

edit: Nm, that pattern doesn't take into account the toggling nature you suggest :x

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No, though it does suggest a slightly different approach:

foo: Ember.State.create({
  fooDisclosureAvailable: true
App.FooDisclosureView = Ember.View.extend({
  resetObserver: function() {
    if (this.getPath("App.States.currentState.fooDisclosureAvailable")) {
      // The observer only fires when this has just been changed and it's
      // now true, so it must have changed from false:

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