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Created February 18, 2009 12:54
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Processing Admin::SnippetsController#update (for at 2009-02-18 12:45:22) [PUT]
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Save Changes", "action"=>"update", "_method"=>"put", "authenticity_token"=>"0a179689c71ca13ea61ef966c3cea238ecc0a3ad", "id"=>"6", "controller"=>"admin/snippets", "snippet"=>{"name"=>"comment_form", "filter_id"=>"", "lock_version"=>"0", "content"=>"<r:page>\r\n <r:if_enable_comments>\r\n\r\n <r:comments:form>\r\n <%= ir_tag :h2, 'Add a comment', :type => :blocked %>\r\n <r:error>\r\n <p class=\"error\">Please correct the errors below.</p>\r\n </r:error>\r\n <fieldset>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[author]\">Your name:</label>\r\n <r:error on=\"author\"><span class=\"error\">Name <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author\" id=\"author\" class=\"required\" />\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[author_email]\">Email address: <small>(required but will not be published)</small></label>\r\n <r:error on=\"author_email\"><span class=\"error\">Email <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_email\" class=\"required\" /></p>\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[author_url]\">Your Web Address</label> <small>(optional)<small></label>\r\n <r:error on=\"author_url\"><span class=\"error\">Web Address <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_url\" />\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[content]\">Comment:</label>\r\n <r:error on=\"content\"><span class=\"error\">Comment <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <label for=\"comment[filter_id]\">Filter: <r:filter_box_tag name=\"filter_id\" value=\"Textile\" />\r\n <r:text_area_tag name=\"content\" class=\"required\" rows=\"12\" />\r\n </p>\r\n <p class=\"actions\">\r\n <span class=\"nb\">TODO: Explain about filters</span>\r\n <r:submit_tag name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Comment\" />\r\n </p>\r\n </fieldset>\r\n </r:comments:form>\r\n\r\n <r:comments:form>\r\n <h3>Post a comment</h3>\r\n <r:error><p style=\"color:red\">Please correct the errors below.</p></r:error>\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[author]\">Your Name</label><br />\r\n <r:error on=\"author\"><p style=\"color:red\">Name <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author\" id=\"author\" class=\"required\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[author_email]\">Your Email Address</label> (required, but not displayed)<br />\r\n <r:error on=\"author_email\"><p style=\"color:red\">Email <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_email\" class=\"required\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[author_url]\">Your Web Address</label> (optional)<br />\r\n <r:error on=\"author_url\"><p style=\"color:red\">Web Address <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_url\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[content]\">Your Comment</label><br />\r\n <r:error on=\"content\"><p style=\"color:red\">Comment <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <label for=\"comment[filter_id]\">Filter: <r:filter_box_tag name=\"filter_id\" value=\"Textile\" /><br />\r\n <r:text_area_tag name=\"content\" class=\"required\" rows=\"9\" cols=\"40\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <r:submit_tag name=\"submit\" value=\"Save Comment\" />\r\n </r:comments:form>\r\n\r\n </r:if_enable_comments>\r\n</r:page>\r\n"}}
User Columns (0.001743) SHOW FIELDS FROM `users`
User Load (0.001385) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`session_token` = 'c6d0283806f8582d002ae26677ca449ca864ec6c') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000253) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'session_timeout') LIMIT 1
Cookie set: session_token=c6d0283806f8582d002ae26677ca449ca864ec6c; path=/; expires=Wed, 04 Mar 2009 12:45:22 GMT
Snippet Columns (0.001684) SHOW FIELDS FROM `snippets`
Snippet Load (0.001017) SELECT * FROM `snippets` WHERE (`snippets`.`id` = 6) ORDER BY name
SQL (0.000109) BEGIN
SQL (0.000264) SELECT `name` FROM `snippets` WHERE (`snippets`.name = 'comment_form' AND `snippets`.id <> 6)
Snippet Update with optimistic locking (0.000374) UPDATE `snippets`
SET `content` = '<r:page>\r\n <r:if_enable_comments>\r\n\r\n <r:comments:form>\r\n <%= ir_tag :h2, \'Add a comment\', :type => :blocked %>\r\n <r:error>\r\n <p class=\"error\">Please correct the errors below.</p>\r\n </r:error>\r\n <fieldset>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[author]\">Your name:</label>\r\n <r:error on=\"author\"><span class=\"error\">Name <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author\" id=\"author\" class=\"required\" />\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[author_email]\">Email address: <small>(required but will not be published)</small></label>\r\n <r:error on=\"author_email\"><span class=\"error\">Email <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_email\" class=\"required\" /></p>\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[author_url]\">Your Web Address</label> <small>(optional)<small></label>\r\n <r:error on=\"author_url\"><span class=\"error\">Web Address <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_url\" />\r\n </p>\r\n <p>\r\n <label for=\"comment[content]\">Comment:</label>\r\n <r:error on=\"content\"><span class=\"error\">Comment <r:message /></span></r:error>\r\n <label for=\"comment[filter_id]\">Filter: <r:filter_box_tag name=\"filter_id\" value=\"Textile\" />\r\n <r:text_area_tag name=\"content\" class=\"required\" rows=\"12\" />\r\n </p>\r\n <p class=\"actions\">\r\n <span class=\"nb\">TODO: Explain about filters</span>\r\n <r:submit_tag name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Comment\" />\r\n </p>\r\n </fieldset>\r\n </r:comments:form>\r\n\r\n <r:comments:form>\r\n <h3>Post a comment</h3>\r\n <r:error><p style=\"color:red\">Please correct the errors below.</p></r:error>\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[author]\">Your Name</label><br />\r\n <r:error on=\"author\"><p style=\"color:red\">Name <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author\" id=\"author\" class=\"required\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[author_email]\">Your Email Address</label> (required, but not displayed)<br />\r\n <r:error on=\"author_email\"><p style=\"color:red\">Email <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_email\" class=\"required\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[author_url]\">Your Web Address</label> (optional)<br />\r\n <r:error on=\"author_url\"><p style=\"color:red\">Web Address <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <r:text_field_tag name=\"author_url\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <p><label for=\"comment[content]\">Your Comment</label><br />\r\n <r:error on=\"content\"><p style=\"color:red\">Comment <r:message /></p></r:error>\r\n <label for=\"comment[filter_id]\">Filter: <r:filter_box_tag name=\"filter_id\" value=\"Textile\" /><br />\r\n <r:text_area_tag name=\"content\" class=\"required\" rows=\"9\" cols=\"40\" /></p>\r\n\r\n <r:submit_tag name=\"submit\" value=\"Save Comment\" />\r\n </r:comments:form>\r\n\r\n </r:if_enable_comments>\r\n</r:page>\r\n', `updated_by_id` = 1, `lock_version` = 1, `filter_id` = '', `updated_at` = '2009-02-18 12:45:22'
WHERE id = 6
AND `lock_version` = 0
SQL (0.024987) COMMIT
Redirected to http://www.liveline.local/admin/snippets
Completed in 0.17026 (5 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.03195 (18%) | 302 Found [http://www.liveline.local/admin/snippets/6]
SQL (0.000477) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000250) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.filters_enabled') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000150) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notify_creator') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000157) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000134) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.mollom_publickey') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000147) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notify_updater') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000151) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification_from') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000147) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.akismet_url') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000138) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification_to') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000172) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.akismet_key') LIMIT 1
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SQL (0.000473) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000220) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.additional_thumbnails') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000185) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.additional_thumbnails') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000383) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000201) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.content_types') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000203) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.content_types') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000290) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000153) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.max_asset_size') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000139) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.max_asset_size') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000292) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000182) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.image_magick_path') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000283) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'roles.settings') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000145) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'roles.settings') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000431) SHOW TABLES
Page Columns (0.001839) SHOW FIELDS FROM `pages`
SQL (0.001773) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL
Processing Admin::SnippetsController#index (for at 2009-02-18 12:45:23) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"admin/snippets"}
User Columns (0.002847) SHOW FIELDS FROM `users`
User Load (0.000291) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`session_token` = 'c6d0283806f8582d002ae26677ca449ca864ec6c') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000214) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'session_timeout') LIMIT 1
Cookie set: session_token=c6d0283806f8582d002ae26677ca449ca864ec6c; path=/; expires=Wed, 04 Mar 2009 12:45:23 GMT
Snippet Load (0.000280) SELECT * FROM `snippets` ORDER BY name
Rendering template within layouts/application
Rendering admin/snippets/index
Snippet Columns (0.002495) SHOW FIELDS FROM `snippets`
Radiant::Config Load (0.000323) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'admin.title') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000147) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle') LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'admin.title') LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle') LIMIT 1
Completed in 0.04110 (24 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02695 (65%) | DB: 0.01599 (38%) | 200 OK [http://www.liveline.local/admin/snippets]
SQL (0.000436) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000245) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.filters_enabled') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000143) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notify_creator') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000139) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000143) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.mollom_publickey') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000136) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notify_updater') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000134) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification_from') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000157) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.akismet_url') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000145) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification_to') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000136) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.akismet_key') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000138) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.notification_site_name') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000148) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'comments.mollom_privatekey') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000453) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000216) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.additional_thumbnails') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000148) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.additional_thumbnails') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000328) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000212) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.content_types') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000176) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.content_types') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000311) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000157) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.max_asset_size') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000141) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.max_asset_size') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000309) SHOW TABLES
Radiant::Config Load (0.000159) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'assets.image_magick_path') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000428) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'roles.settings') LIMIT 1
Radiant::Config Load (0.000337) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = 'roles.settings') LIMIT 1
SQL (0.000625) SHOW TABLES
Page Columns (0.001797) SHOW FIELDS FROM `pages`
SQL (0.001979) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL
Processing SiteController#show_page (for at 2009-02-18 12:45:23) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show_page", "url"=>["javascripts", "prototype.js"], "controller"=>"site"}
Radiant::Config Load (0.003138) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = '') LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = '') LIMIT 1
Page Load (0.001875) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`parent_id` IS NULL) LIMIT 1
Page Load (0.000539) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`slug` = 'javascripts') AND (`pages`.parent_id = 1) ORDER BY virtual DESC, title ASC LIMIT 1
Page Load (0.000563) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.parent_id = 1) ORDER BY virtual DESC, title ASC
FileNotFoundPage Columns (0.002206) SHOW FIELDS FROM `pages`
Page Load (0.002174) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
ArchivePage Columns (0.006833) SHOW FIELDS FROM `pages`
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
Page Load (0.000584) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.parent_id = 1 AND (status_id = 100 and (class_name = 'FileNotFoundPage'))) ORDER BY virtual DESC, title ASC LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
Layout Columns (0.002159) SHOW FIELDS FROM `layouts`
Layout Load (0.001269) SELECT * FROM `layouts` WHERE (`layouts`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY name
Layout Load (0.000363) SELECT * FROM `layouts` WHERE (`layouts`.`name` = 'master') LIMIT 1
PagePart Load (0.000500) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.page_id = 2) ORDER BY id
PagePart Columns (0.001352) SHOW FIELDS FROM `page_parts`
PagePart Load (0.000377) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.`name` = 'intro') AND (`page_parts`.page_id = 2) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
Snippet Columns (0.001453) SHOW FIELDS FROM `snippets`
Snippet Load (0.001209) SELECT * FROM `snippets` WHERE (`snippets`.`name` = 'slideshow') LIMIT 1
PagePart Load (0.000391) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.`name` = 'slides') AND (`page_parts`.page_id = 2) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
PagePart Load (0.000363) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.`name` = 'live-won') AND (`page_parts`.page_id = 2) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`parent_id` IS NULL) LIMIT 1
Page Load (0.000909) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`slug` = 'vacancies') AND (`pages`.parent_id = 1) ORDER BY virtual DESC, title ASC LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.`id` = 1)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `config` WHERE (`config`.`key` = '') LIMIT 1
Page Load (0.000546) SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`pages`.parent_id = 18 AND ((virtual = 0) and (status_id = 100))) ORDER BY published_at DESC, virtual DESC, title ASC
PagePart Load (0.000336) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.page_id = 20) ORDER BY id
PagePart Load (0.000185) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.`name` = 'body') AND (`page_parts`.page_id = 20) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
PagePart Load (0.000486) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.page_id = 19) ORDER BY id
PagePart Load (0.000530) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.`name` = 'body') AND (`page_parts`.page_id = 19) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
PagePart Load (0.000451) SELECT * FROM `page_parts` WHERE (`page_parts`.`name` = 'blog') AND (`page_parts`.page_id = 2) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1
Snippet Load (0.000334) SELECT * FROM `snippets` WHERE (`snippets`.`name` = 'header') LIMIT 1
Snippet Load (0.000321) SELECT * FROM `snippets` WHERE (`snippets`.`name` = 'footer') LIMIT 1
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