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Last active April 28, 2020 20:25
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def drop(self, tables):
"""Pass a table or list of table names to drop.
Keyword arguments:
tables -- a single table name as a string, or a list of table names as
strings. For [dbo].[data] we would input "data"
# check if single or list
if isinstance(tables, str):
# if single string, convert to single item in list for for-loop
tables = [tables]
cursor = self.cnxn.cursor() # create execution cursor
for table in tables:
# check for pre-existing table and delete if present
query = ("IF OBJECT_ID ('["+table+"]', 'U') IS NOT NULL "
"DROP TABLE ["+table+"]")
cursor.execute(query) # execute
except pyodbc.ProgrammingError as error:
print("Warning:\n{}".format(error)) # print error as a warning
self.cnxn.commit() # commit drop(s) to SQL Server
print("Tables dropped.") # update user
# append query to our SQL code logger
self.query += ("\n\n-- drop table\n" + query)
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