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James Briggs jamescalam

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import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r'C:\\User\medium\pysqlplus\lib')
import os
from data import Sql
sql = Sql('database123') # initialise the Sql object
directory = r'C:\\User\medium\data\\' # this is where our generic data is stored
file_list = os.listdir(directory) # get a list of all files
def union(self, table_list, name="union", join="UNION"):
"""Pass a list of table names to union them all together. The join
argument can be changed to alter between UNION/UNION ALL.
Keyword arguments:
table_list -- a list of table names, example: to union [d1] and
[d2], table_list = ["d1", "d2"]
name -- the name of the table created by the union (default "union")
join -- the union type, either "UNION" or "UNION ALL" (default "UNION")
def union(self, table_list, name="union", join="UNION"):
# initialise the query
query = "SELECT * INTO ["+name+"] FROM (\n"
# build the SQL query
query += f'\n{join}\n'.join(
[f'SELECT [{x}].* FROM [{x}]' for x in table_list]
def manual(self, query, response=False, comment="manual query",
"""Enter a manual statement/query.
Keyword arguments:
query -- SQL query to run on SQL connection
response -- Boolean value stating whether a response/table
should be returned (default False)
comment -- string input that translates into a comment in the
self.query string (default "manual query")
def manual(self, query, response=False):
cursor = self.cnxn.cursor() # create execution cursor
if response:
return read_sql(query, self.cnxn) # get sql query output to dataframe
cursor.execute(query) # execute
except pyodbc.ProgrammingError as error:
print("Warning:\n{}".format(error)) # print error as a warning
def drop(self, tables):
"""Pass a table or list of table names to drop.
Keyword arguments:
tables -- a single table name as a string, or a list of table names as
strings. For [dbo].[data] we would input "data"
# check if single or list
if isinstance(tables, str):
# if single string, convert to single item in list for for-loop
def drop(self, tables):
# check if single or list
if isinstance(tables, str):
# if single string, convert to single item in list for for-loop
tables = [tables]
for table in tables:
# check for pre-existing table and delete if present
query = ("IF OBJECT_ID ('["+table+"]', 'U') IS NOT NULL "
jamescalam /
Created February 24, 2020 10:55
Alternative push_dataframes script for maintaining datatypes, more error prone on less clean datasets.
def push_dataframe_dtypes(self, data, table="raw_data", batchsize=500,
overwrite=False, fast_upload=False):
# if overwrite is true we auto remove any tables with same name
if overwrite:
# check for pre-existing table and delete if present
# convert pyodbc connection string into sqlalchemy friendly format
connection_str = urllib.parse.quote_plus(self.connection_str)
jamescalam /
Last active March 7, 2020 12:04
Code snippet for building rotating animated 3D scatter plot of two clusters.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# create cluster builder
def cluster(center, radius=10, n=50):
c = np.asarray(center)
xx, yy, zz = np.random.uniform(c-radius, c+radius, size=(n, 3)).T
jamescalam /
Last active March 7, 2020 11:24
Animated sine wave being generated from up and down motion point at x=0.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
# figure and axes setup
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-0.25, 2), ylim=(-1.2, 1.2))
sine, = ax.plot([], [], linewidth=4, color='#212B38')