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Last active November 29, 2022 02:29
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Get all OP3 podcast hits from a single day
// To get all podcast hits on a specific day
// Very rough PHP code from
if (empty($config['op3-bearer'])) {
// Grab a API key here:
// Get the bearer and add it in this line below
// For testing purposes, the preview bearer given here will also work
$datefrom="2022-11-25"; // this is the date we are going to grab from (at midnight)
$dateto=date_add($dateto,date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 day")); // this calculates the end date: one day after (at midnight)
$dateto=date_format($dateto, "Y-m-d\TH:i:s");
$requests=1000; //we are going to grab 1,000 requests every time, to keep the number of requests low
// Here is the URL search we're doing. Podnews uses the "pg" - podcast guid - URL structure here
// Podnews, all episodes
// Alternatives for fun
// $itemurl='*'; // Podcasting 2.0 podcast, episode 111, released 18 Nov 22
// $itemurl='*'; // Practical Stoicism, episode S3/E26, released 25 Nov 22
// $itemurl=''; // Buzzcast ep 90, released 25 Nov 22
//$itemurl='*'; // NoAgenda, episode 1506, released 24 Nov 22. Caution: not recommended. VERY big: more than 384,000 hits in the one day. Will result in 384 API grabs, and probably exhausting all your memory.
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'header'=>"User-Agent: PodnewsBot/1.0\r\n"
); //Set a useragent, but also mark errors to be ignored so that we can grab the error messsages
$data=array(); //this is where all the data will go.
while($fetch) {
$op3url="".substr(date_format(date_create($fetchdate), "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u"),0,23).'Z'."&end=".substr(date_format(date_create($dateto), "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u"),0,23).'Z'."&format=json&url=".$itemurl."&limit=".$requests."&token=".$config['op3-bearer'];
// uncomment the below to see every call this makes to OP3. It should be one every $request hits.
// echo '<hr>Calling URL: '.$op3url;
if (isset($op3data['message'])){
echo $op3data['message']; exit;
$data=array_merge($data,$op3data['rows']); // add to $data all the data we've just got.
if(!empty($op3data['rows'][$requests-1]['time'])) {
// we asked for a total of $requests and we have them. So, reset the date to the latest one for the query, and continue stepping through
// note: for a *very* heavy podcast, there is a slight possibility that multiple hits happened on the same microsecond. This could
// skip those hits, but only at this exact moment when making multiple calls.
// Possibility for skipping one or more downloads in this way is 1 in 86,400,000 per thousand hits.
} else {
// we didn't get the full number of $requests and so we're done. Don't fetch any more
echo '<h1>OP3 stats</h1>';
echo 'For: '.$itemurl.'<br>';
echo 'On: '.date_format(date_create($datefrom), "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u");
echo "<h2>Totals</h2>";
echo number_format(count($data),0).' hits';
echo number_format(count(array_unique(array_column($data,'hashedIpAddress')))).' unique IPs';
echo "<h2>Continents</h2>";
$continentcodes=array("AF"=>"Africa","NA"=>"North America","OC"=>"Oceania","AN"=>"Antarctica","AS"=>"Asia","EU"=>"Europe","SA"=>"South America");
$continents=array_count_values(array_column($data,'continent')); // count all the 'continent' values
arsort($continents); // sort so biggest is top
foreach($continents AS $continentcode=>$continentcount) {
echo $continentcodes[$continentcode].': '.$continentcount.'<br>';
echo "<h2>Countries</h2>";
echo "<h2>Timezones</h2>";
echo "<h2>Referers</h2>";
echo '<h2>Total data</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
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