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Created July 14, 2018 20:47
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Migrate to new CS Project format
function Extract-ProjectReferences ($projectFile) {
[regex]::matches((Get-Content $projectFile), '<ProjectReference Include=\"([^"]*)\"') | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value }
function Extract-NuGetReferences ($nugetFile) {
[regex]::matches((Get-Content $nugetFile), '<package id=\"([^"]*)\" version=\"([^"]*)\"') | ForEach-Object { @{ Name = $_.Groups[1].Value; Version = $_.Groups[2].Value } }
function Get-UpgradedProjectFile ($projectFile) {
$nugetReferences = Extract-NuGetReferences ($projectFile.DirectoryName + "\packages.config")
$nugetReferencesSection = $nugetReferences | ForEach-Object { ' <PackageReference Include="' + $_.Name + '" Version="' + $_.Version + '" />' } | Out-String
$projectReferences = Extract-ProjectReferences $projectFile
$projectReferenceSection = $projectReferences | ForEach-Object { ' <ProjectReference Include="' + $_ + '" />' } | Out-String
return '<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
' + $projectReferenceSection + '
' + $nugetReferencesSection + '
function Upgrade-AllProjects {
$projectFiles = get-childitem "*.csproj" -Recurse
foreach ($projectFile in $projectFiles) {
Write-Host "Generating new project file for $projectFile"
$newProjectFile = Get-UpgradedProjectFile $projectFile
Rename-Item $projectFile ($projectfile.FullName + ".old") -Force
Set-Content -Path $projectFile -Value $newProjectFile
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