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Created June 11, 2014 04:00
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[WIP] Fixing Persistent n+1's with Haxl
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, OverloadedStrings, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Handler.Home where
import Import
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- Haxl imports
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Typeable
import Haxl.Core
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (for)
-- We don't want n=0 in our n+1 investigation
-- Run `curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/populate`
createUser :: Int64 -> Handler ()
createUser n = do
_id <- runDB . insert $ User email Nothing
_ <- runDB . insert $ Uname _id name
return ()
email = "email" <> (thow n) <> ""
name = "User " <> (thow n)
thow = T.pack . show
postPopulateR :: Handler Value
postPopulateR = do
mapM_ createUser [1..10]
returnJson ("Okay!" :: Text)
-- An easy way to get yourself in to trouble: run queries in a widget
usernameWidget :: UserId -> Widget
usernameWidget _id = do
(Entity _ n) <- handlerToWidget . runDB . getBy404 . UniqueUname $ _id
[whamlet|#{unameName n}|]
getBadR :: Handler Html
getBadR = do
users <- runDB $ selectList [] [Asc UserId]
defaultLayout $(widgetFile "bad")
-- Now with haxl
-- This setup cribbed directly from the README:
data UserReq a where
GetAllIds :: UserReq [Id]
GetNameById :: Id -> UserReq Name
deriving (Typeable)
type Id = Int64
type Name = String
deriving instance Eq (UserReq a)
instance Hashable (UserReq a) where
hashWithSalt s GetAllIds = hashWithSalt s (0::Int)
hashWithSalt s (GetNameById a) = hashWithSalt s (1::Int, a)
instance StateKey UserReq where
data State UserReq = UserState
{ userStateHandler :: Handler [UserId] -> IO [UserId]
, userStateHandler2 :: Handler [Entity Uname] -> IO [Entity Uname]
instance DataSourceName UserReq where
dataSourceName _ = "UserDataSource"
deriving instance Show (UserReq a)
instance Show1 UserReq where show1 = show
type Haxl = GenHaxl ()
dekey (Key (PersistInt64 n)) = n
dekey _ = error "Can't dekey"
rekey = Key . PersistInt64
-- Here's where we veer off the beaten path a little
instance DataSource () UserReq where
fetch _state _flags _userEnv blockedFetches = SyncFetch $ do
unless (null allIdVars) $ do
-- Fetch all the IDs.
ids <- runHandler $ runDB $ selectKeysList ([] :: [Filter User]) []
-- Store the results.
mapM_ (\m -> putResult m (Right . map dekey $ ids)) allIdVars
unless (null ids) $ do
-- Fetch all the names.
users <- runHandler2 $ runDB $ selectList [UnameUserId <-. (map rekey ids)] []
let names = map (unameName . entityVal) users
-- Store the results.
mapM_ (\ (m, res) -> putResult m (Right res)) (zip vars (map show names))
runHandler = userStateHandler _state
runHandler2 = userStateHandler2 _state
allIdVars :: [ResultVar [Id]]
allIdVars = mapMaybe
(\bf -> case bf of
BlockedFetch GetAllIds m -> Just m
_ -> Nothing)
ids :: [Id]
vars :: [ResultVar Name]
(ids, vars) = unzip $ foldr go [] blockedFetches
:: BlockedFetch UserReq
-> [(Id, ResultVar Name)]
-> [(Id, ResultVar Name)]
go (BlockedFetch (GetNameById userId) m) acc = (userId, m) : acc
go _ acc = acc
-- And bring it on home
getAllUserIds :: Haxl [Id]
getAllUserIds = dataFetch GetAllIds
getUsernameById :: Id -> Haxl Name
getUsernameById userId = dataFetch (GetNameById userId)
getAllUsernames :: Haxl [Name]
getAllUsernames = do
userIds <- getAllUserIds -- Round 1
for userIds $ \userId -> do -- Round 2
getUsernameById userId
getGoodR :: Handler Value
getGoodR = do
runH <- handlerToIO
runH2 <- handlerToIO
liftIO $ do
let stateStore = stateSet UserState{ userStateHandler = runH, userStateHandler2 = runH2 } stateEmpty
env0 <- initEnv stateStore ()
names <- runHaxl env0 getAllUsernames
return ()
error "I hope that was what you wanted"
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