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Created May 24, 2021 07:48
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;; clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.apache.poi/poi {:mvn/version "4.1.1"} org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml {:mvn/version "4.1.1"}}}'
;; based on
(ns user
(:import [org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel XSSFWorkbook]
[ CellRangeAddress]
[org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart XDDFDataSourcesFactory ChartTypes AxisCrosses AxisPosition MarkerStyle]
[ LegendPosition]
[ FileOutputStream]))
(def wb (new XSSFWorkbook))
(def sheet (.createSheet wb "Sheet 1"))
(def NUM_OF_ROWS 3)
(for [i (range NUM_OF_ROWS)]
(.createRow sheet i)))
(for [i (range NUM_OF_ROWS)
j (range NUM_OF_COLUMNS)]
(let [row (.getRow sheet i)
cell (.createCell row j)]
(.setCellValueImpl cell (* j (inc i))))))
(def drawing (.createDrawingPatriarch sheet))
(def anchor (.createAnchor drawing 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 10, 15))
(def chart (.createChart drawing anchor))
(def legend (.getOrCreateLegend chart))
(.setPosition legend LegendPosition/TOP_RIGHT)
(def bottomAxis (.createValueAxis chart AxisPosition/BOTTOM))
(.setTitle bottomAxis "x")
(def leftAxis (.createValueAxis chart AxisPosition/LEFT))
(.setTitle leftAxis "f(x)")
(.setCrosses leftAxis AxisCrosses/AUTO_ZERO)
(def xs (XDDFDataSourcesFactory/fromNumericCellRange sheet (new CellRangeAddress 0, 0, 0, (dec NUM_OF_COLUMNS))))
(def ys1 (XDDFDataSourcesFactory/fromNumericCellRange sheet (new CellRangeAddress 1, 1, 0, (dec NUM_OF_COLUMNS))))
(def ys2 (XDDFDataSourcesFactory/fromNumericCellRange sheet (new CellRangeAddress 2, 2, 0, (dec NUM_OF_COLUMNS))))
(def data (.createData chart ChartTypes/SCATTER bottomAxis leftAxis))
(def series1 (.addSeries data xs, ys1))
(.setTitle series1 "2x" nil) ; //
(.setSmooth series1 false) ; //
(.setMarkerStyle series1 MarkerStyle/CIRCLE)
(.setMarkerSize series1 5)
(def series2 (.addSeries data xs ys2))
(.setTitle series2 "3x" nil)
(.setMarkerStyle series2 MarkerStyle/CIRCLE)
(.setMarkerSize series2 5)
(.plot chart data)
(with-open [os (new FileOutputStream "ooxml-scatter-chart.xlsx")]
(.write wb os))
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