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Created October 10, 2011 03:00
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Simple template controller
$template = array();
$template['routes'] = array(
'(?P<slug>[a-z0-9\-])' => 'view',
'(?P<slug>[a-z0-9\-])/comment' => 'create_comment',
'default_action' => 'index'
class Blog_Template extends Starter_Controller {
function index()
$page = $this->input->get('page') ? $this->input->get('page') : 1;
$this->_template('blog/index', array(
'articles' => $this->article_model->find(array('page' => $page))
function view($vars = null)
$slug = $vars['slug'];
$this->_template('blog/view', array(
'article' => $this->article_model->first(array('slug' => $slug))
function create_comment($vars = null)
$slug = $vars['slug'];
class Starter_Controller {
function __construct($page) {
//store instance of CI
$this->CI =& get_instance();
//store page info
$this->page = $page;
//include module helpers and models
$includes = $page->includes();
if (count($includes['helper']))
foreach ($includes['helper'] as $helper)
$this->CI->load->helper(str_replace('.php', '', $helper));
if (count($includes['model']))
foreach ($includes['model'] as $model)
$this->CI->load->model(str_replace('.php', '', $model));
//check routes
$this->routes = array('(?P<action>[a-z0-9\-])' => '$action');
if (isset($this->page->routes) && $this->page->routes)
$this->routes = $this->page->routes;
function _route()
$uri = $this->CI->uri->uri_string();
$slug = addslashes('/'.$this->page->full_slug);
$uri = preg_replace('/^'.$slug.'/', '', $uri);
$matched = null;
foreach ($this->routes as $route => $action)
if ($route != 'default_action' && preg_match('/^'.$route.'/', $uri, $matches))
$matched = (object) array('route' => $route, 'action' => $action, 'info' => $matches);
if ($matched != null)
$action = isset($matched->info['action']) ? $matched->info['action'] : $matched->action;
if (function_exists($this->$action))
$action = $this->routes['default_action'];
if (function_exists($this->$action))
function _template($name, $data = array())
//extract variables
//load template
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