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Last active January 7, 2018 22:31
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Uniform-dimension cells in a sparse grid, for acceleration of 2D bounding rectangle overlap tests.
#define NO_CELL_MASK
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
namespace Physics
public class Space
#region Data
public struct Coord
public static readonly Coord PosMax = new Coord()
X = int.MaxValue,
Y = int.MaxValue,
public static readonly Coord NegMax = new Coord()
X = -int.MaxValue,
Y = -int.MaxValue,
public int X;
public int Y;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (X * 397) ^ Y; ;
public bool Equals(Coord other)
return other.X == X && other.Y == Y;
public static bool operator ==(Coord a, Coord b)
return a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y;
public static bool operator !=(Coord a, Coord b)
return a.X != b.X && a.Y != b.Y;
public class CoordComparer : IComparer<Coord>
public int Compare(Coord a, Coord b)
long aa = a.X << 32 | a.Y << 32;
long bb = b.X << 32 | b.Y <, 32;
return aa.CompareTo(bb);
public class Cell
public Coord Coord;
public readonly List<RigidBody> Objects;
public int Mask;
public Cell(Coord coord)
Coord = coord;
Objects = new List<RigidBody>();
public struct SpaceMetrics
public int ObjectCount;
public int CellCount;
public int QueryCount;
public int CellsPerObject;
public int CellsPerQuery;
public int ObjectsPerQuery;
public int _totalCellsQueried;
public int _totalObjectsCompared;
private readonly int _originX;
private readonly int _originY;
private readonly int _cellDim;
//private readonly IComparer<Coord> _comparer = new CoordComparer();
private readonly Dictionary<long, Cell> _cells;// = new Dictionary<long, Cell>();
private readonly List<Cell> _unusedCells;// = new List<Cell>();
private readonly HashSet<RigidBody> _objects;
private readonly List<RigidBody> _temp;
public SpaceMetrics Metrics;
#region Public API
public Space(int originX, int originY, int cellDim)
_originX = originX;
_originY = originY;
_cellDim = cellDim;
_cells = new Dictionary<long, Cell>();
_unusedCells = new List<Cell>();
_objects = new HashSet<RigidBody>();
_temp = new List<RigidBody>();
public void Query(Rectangle queryBounds, List<RigidBody> results)
Coord min = new Coord();
Coord max = new Coord();
PositionToCoord(queryBounds.X, queryBounds.Y, ref min);
PositionToCoord(queryBounds.X + queryBounds.Width, queryBounds.Y + queryBounds.Height, ref max);
// iterate all cells in coord range testing objects therein for collision
Cell cell = null;
Coord coord = new Coord();
bool hit;
for (coord.Y = min.Y; coord.Y <= max.Y; coord.Y++)
for (coord.X = min.X; coord.X <= max.X; coord.X++)
long key = coord.X << 32 | coord.Y;
if (_cells.TryGetValue(key, out cell))
if ((cell.Mask & queryMask) == 0)
Metrics._totalObjectsCompared += cell.Objects.Count;
foreach (var obj in cell.Objects)
if (results.Contains(obj))
Rectangle objectBounds = obj._quadRect;
hit =
queryBounds.X < (objectBounds.X + objectBounds.Width) &&
objectBounds.X < (queryBounds.X + queryBounds.Width) &&
queryBounds.Y < (objectBounds.Y + objectBounds.Height) &&
objectBounds.Y < (queryBounds.Y + queryBounds.Height);
if (hit)
public void Query(Rectangle queryBounds, int queryMask, List<RigidBody> results)
Coord min = new Coord();
Coord max = new Coord();
PositionToCoord(queryBounds.X, queryBounds.Y, ref min);
PositionToCoord(queryBounds.X + queryBounds.Width, queryBounds.Y + queryBounds.Height, ref max);
// iterate all cells in coord range testing objects therein for collision
Cell cell = null;
Coord coord = new Coord();
bool hit;
for (coord.Y = min.Y; coord.Y <= max.Y; coord.Y++)
for (coord.X = min.X; coord.X <= max.X; coord.X++)
long key = coord.X << 32 | coord.Y;
if (_cells.TryGetValue(key, out cell))
if ((cell.Mask & queryMask) == 0)
Metrics._totalObjectsCompared += cell.Objects.Count;
foreach (var obj in cell.Objects)
if (((int)obj.CollisionType & queryMask) == 0)
if (results.Contains(obj))
Rectangle objectBounds = obj._quadRect;
hit =
queryBounds.X < (objectBounds.X + objectBounds.Width) &&
objectBounds.X < (queryBounds.X + queryBounds.Width) &&
queryBounds.Y < (objectBounds.Y + objectBounds.Height) &&
objectBounds.Y < (queryBounds.Y + queryBounds.Height);
if (hit)
public void Add(RigidBody obj)
Rectangle rect = obj._quadRect;
rect.Inflate(1, 1);
Coord min = new Coord();
Coord max = new Coord();
PositionToCoord(rect.X, rect.Y, ref min);
PositionToCoord(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height, ref max);
_Add(obj, min, max);
public void Remove(RigidBody obj)
//bool wasRemoved = _objects.Remove(obj);
//if (wasRemoved)
foreach (var c in obj._cells)
if (c.Objects.Count == 0)
long key = c.Coord.X << 32 | c.Coord.Y;
bool wasRemoved = _cells.Remove(key);
if (wasRemoved)
c.Mask = 0;
foreach (var o in c.Objects)
c.Mask |= (int)o.CollisionType;
obj._minCoord = Coord.PosMax;
obj._maxCoord = Coord.NegMax;
//obj._quadAdded = false;
//obj._space = null;
//#if !RETAIL
//if (obj._cells.Count != 0)
//throw new Exception("Space._objects and RigidBody._Cells out of sync!");
public void Clear()
foreach (var obj in _temp)
obj._quadAdded = false;
obj._space = null;
obj._minCoord = Coord.PosMax;
obj._maxCoord = Coord.NegMax;
if (_objects.Count != 0)
throw new Exception(string.Format("There are still {0} objects after Space.Clear, expected there to be zero!", _objects.Count));
if (_cells.Count != 0)
throw new Exception(string.Format("There are still {0} cells after Space.Clear, expected there to be zero!", _cells.Count));
private void PositionToCoord(int posx, int posy, ref Coord coord)
coord.X = (posx - _originX) / _cellDim;
coord.Y = (posy - _originY) / _cellDim;
// convert bounds to a range of cell coordinates
// x-min
int x = queryBounds.X - _originX;
int xmin = x / _cellDim;
// x-max
x = bounds.X + queryBounds.Width;
float fx = (float)x / (float)_cellDim;
x = (int)fx;
if (fx != (float)x)
x += 1;
int xmax = x;
// y-min
int y = queryBounds.Y - _originY;
int ymin = y / _cellDim;
// y-max
y = bounds.Y + queryBounds.Height;
float fy = (float)y / (float)_cellDim;
y = (int)fy;
if (fy != (float)y)
y += 1;
int ymax = y;
public void OnBoundsChanged(RigidBody obj)
var rect = obj._quadRect;
rect.Inflate(1, 1);
Coord min = new Coord();
Coord max = new Coord();
PositionToCoord(rect.X, rect.Y, ref min);
PositionToCoord(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height, ref max);
if (obj._minCoord == min && obj._maxCoord == max)
_Add(obj, min, max);
public void _Add(RigidBody obj, Coord min, Coord max)
// remove obj if already present in any cells
//if (_objects.Contains(obj))
// iterate overlapped cells, adding the obj to them
Cell cell = null;
Coord coord = new Coord();
for (coord.Y = min.Y; coord.Y <= max.Y; coord.Y++)
for (coord.X = min.X; coord.X <= max.X; coord.X++)
long key = coord.X << 32 | coord.Y;
if (!_cells.TryGetValue(key, out cell))
int c = _unusedCells.Count;
if (c > 0)
cell = _unusedCells[c];
cell.Coord = coord;
cell.Mask = 0;
cell = new Cell(coord);
_cells.Add(key, cell);
cell.Mask |= (int)obj.CollisionType;
bool wasAdded = _objects.Add(obj);
if (!wasAdded)
throw new Exception("Space._objects out of sync!");
obj._minCoord = min;
obj._maxCoord = max;
public void MetricsBegin()
Metrics._totalCellsQueried = 0;
Metrics._totalObjectsCompared = 0;
Metrics.ObjectCount = 0;
Metrics.CellCount = 0;
Metrics.QueryCount = 0;
Metrics.CellsPerObject = 0;
Metrics.CellsPerQuery = 0;
Metrics.ObjectsPerQuery = 0;
public void MetricsEnd()
Metrics.ObjectCount = _objects.Count;
Metrics.CellCount = _cells.Count;
int cellsPerObject = 0;
if (_objects.Count > 0)
foreach (var obj in _objects)
cellsPerObject += obj._cells.Count;
cellsPerObject /= _objects.Count;
Metrics.CellsPerObject = cellsPerObject;
int cellsPerQuery = 0;
if (Metrics.QueryCount > 0)
cellsPerQuery = Metrics._totalCellsQueried / Metrics.QueryCount;
Metrics.CellsPerQuery = cellsPerQuery;
int objectsPerQuery = 0;
if (Metrics.QueryCount > 0)
objectsPerQuery = Metrics._totalObjectsCompared / Metrics.QueryCount;
Metrics.ObjectsPerQuery = objectsPerQuery;
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