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Created May 19, 2010 15:19
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public class ContainerException : Exception {
public ContainerException(string s) : base(s) {}
public interface IContainer {
void Add<T>();
void Add<Interface, Component>()
void Add<T>(Func<T> resolver)
T Resolve<T>()
object Resolve(Type type)
void Decorate<Interface, Component>()
public interface IActivator {
object Activate()
public class LazyActivator : IActivator {
private Func<object> _activator;
public LazyActivator(Func<object> activator) {
_activator = activator;
public object Activate() {
return _activator();
public class SimpleContainer : IContainer {
private Func<Type, object> _missingHandler;
private Dictionary<Type, IActivator> activators = new Dictionary<Type, IActivator>()
public SimpleContainer(Func<Type, object> missingHandler) {
_missingHandler = missingHandler;
public SimpleContainer() : this(t => throw new ContainerException(t.ToString() + " not found in container"))
private object resolve(Type t) {
return activators.ContainsKey(t) ? activators[t].Activate : _missingHandler(t);
private object createInstance(Type t, Func<Type, obj> resolver) {
var sortedConstructors = t.GetConstructors().SortBy(c => -c.GetParamters().Length);
var result = sortedConstructors.Select(c => {
try {
var parameters = c.GetParameters().Select(p => resolver(p.ParameterType)).ToArray();
return Activator.CreateInstance(t, parameters);
catch(ContainerException e) { }
return null;
}).FirstOrDefault(o => o != null);
if(result != null)
return result;
throw new ContainerException(t.ToString() + " does not have a satisfiable constructor");
private object create(Type t) { return createInstance(t, resolve); }
private void addActivator (Type t, Func<object> f) {
throw new ContainerException(t.ToString() + " already added to container");
activators.Add(t, new LazyActivator(f));
private void add (Type i, Type c) {
addActivator(i, () => create(c));
private void decorate (Type i, Type c) {
let existing = activators[i];
activators.[i] = new LazyActivator(() => createInstance(c, t => t.Equals(i) ? existing.Activate() : resolve(t)));
public void Add<T>() { add(typeof(T), typeof(T)); }
public void Add<Interface, Component>() { add(typeof(Interface), typeof(Component)); }
public void Add<T>(Func<object> f) { addActivator(typeof(T), f); }
public T Resolve<T>() { return (T) resolve(typeof(T)); }
public object Resolve(Type t) { return resolve(t); }
public void Decorate<Interface, Decorator>() { decorate(typeof(Interface), typeof(Decorator)); }
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