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Created April 11, 2019 10:51
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Timer based script to invoke OpenShift pod's Jolokia agent
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option
import java.time.Instant
// Uses jolokia's REST API exposed from OpenShift to periodically output the metrics of the given nodes
@Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7.1')
* Update these if required
// Openshift URL
def OSE_BASE_URL = 'https://my.non-prod.openshift.env:8443'
// Name of InfluxDB database (this script creates this Influx database if it doesn't already exist)
def METRICS_DB_NAME = 'data'
* jolokia MBean path constants
def JOLOKIA_PATH_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE = '/read/java.lang:type=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage'
def JOLOKIA_PATH_NON_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE = '/read/java.lang:type=Memory/NonHeapMemoryUsage'
def JOLOKIA_PATH_PROC_CPU_LOAD = '/read/java.lang:type=OperatingSystem/ProcessCpuLoad'
def JOLOKIA_PATH_SYS_CPU_LOAD = '/read/java.lang:type=OperatingSystem/SystemCpuLoad'
def JOLOKIA_PATH_THREAD_COUNT = '/read/java.lang:type=Threading/ThreadCount'
def JOLOKIA_PATH_PEAK_THREAD_COUNT = '/read/java.lang:type=Threading/PeakThreadCount'
def JOLOKIA_PATH_LOADED_CLASSES_COUNT = '/read/java.lang:type=ClassLoading/LoadedClassCount'
* CLI processing
def cli = new CliBuilder(
usage: 'groovy CollectMuleJvmMetrics.groovy --app <app A>,<app B> --env <Openshift environment> --token $(oc whoami -t) --dbUrl <Influx DB URL>',
width: 200
cli.with {
h longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information'
a longOpt: 'app', args: Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES, required: true, valueSeparator: ',' as char,
'App names separated by a comma, e.g. api-payment-v1,api-security-v1'
e longOpt: 'env', args: 1, required: true, argName: 'env', 'Openshift environment e.g. uat'
t longOpt: 'token', args: 1, required: true, argName: 'token', 'Openshift auth token from `oc whoami -t`'
d longOpt: 'dbUrl', args: 1, required: false, argName: 'dbUrl', 'Influx database instance to push metrics to (optional)'
def options = cli.parse args
* Setup
def apps = options?.apps
def env = options?.env
def authToken = options?.token
def namespace = '/api/v1/namespaces/'+env+'/pods'
def dbRestClient = null
Timer timer = new Timer ()
println 'Getting metrics for apps ' + apps + ' in env ' + env
* Initialise InfluxDB RESTClient if DB argument provided
if (options?.dbUrl) {
dbRestClient = new RESTClient( options?.dbUrl )
println 'Pushing metrics to DB via instance: ' + options?.dbUrl // + ', database: '+ METRICS_DB_NAME
//dbRestClient.ignoreSSLIssues() // TODO allow HTTPS
// Create database (idempotent)
def create_database_query_string = 'CREATE DATABASE ' + METRICS_DB_NAME
def response =
path: 'query',
body: [ 'q': create_database_query_string ],
def responseMap = response.getData()
if(responseMap?.results[0]?.statement_id != 0) {
println 'Uh oh, something went wrong creating the InfluxDB database: '+responseMap
if (apps) {
* Create REST Client
println 'Setting jolokia URL: '+OSE_BASE_URL
def jolokiaRestClient = new RESTClient( OSE_BASE_URL )
// Set Auth headers
jolokiaRestClient.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + authToken
// We don't care about OSE's self-signed certs
// Get the pod name for the app
def appPods = getPodNames(jolokiaRestClient, namespace, apps)
println sprintf('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s',
'memory_heap_used', 'memory_heap_committed',
'memory_non_heap_used', 'memory_non_heap_committed',
'cpu_load_process', 'cpu_load_system',
'thread_count', 'thread_count_peak', 'classes_loaded_count')
* Task called on a timer that retrieves metrics
TimerTask timedTask = new TimerTask () {
public void run () {
appPods?.each { app, pods ->
pods?.each { pod ->
def podName = '/https:'+pod+':8778/proxy/jolokia'
def metricsMap = [:]
// Current system time before MBean REST calls is close enough for this application
def unixTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
// Call metrics related helper methods
hMem = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE)
nhMem = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_NON_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE)
pCpu = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_PROC_CPU_LOAD)
sCpu = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_SYS_CPU_LOAD)
tc = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_THREAD_COUNT)
pTc = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_PEAK_THREAD_COUNT)
lcc = getMbean(jolokiaRestClient,namespace,podName,JOLOKIA_PATH_LOADED_CLASSES_COUNT)
metricsMap['app'] = app
metricsMap['instance'] = pod
metricsMap['env'] = env
metricsMap['created_ts'] = unixTimestamp
metricsMap['memory_heap_used'] = hMem?.value?.used/1024/1024 // bytes -> megabytes
metricsMap['memory_heap_committed'] = hMem?.value?.committed/1024/1024 // " "
metricsMap['memory_non_heap_used'] = nhMem?.value?.used/1024/1024 // " "
metricsMap['memory_non_heap_committed'] = nhMem?.value?.committed/1024/1024 // " "
metricsMap['cpu_load_process'] = pCpu?.value*100 // get % out of 100
metricsMap['cpu_load_system'] = sCpu?.value*100 // " "
metricsMap['thread_count'] = tc?.value
metricsMap['thread_count_peak'] = pTc?.value
metricsMap['classes_loaded_count'] = lcc?.value
// Pretty print results to console in realtime
println sprintf(
metricsMap['app'], metricsMap['instance'], metricsMap['env'],
// Heap memory
metricsMap['created_ts'], metricsMap['memory_heap_used'], metricsMap['memory_heap_committed'],
// Non-heap memory
metricsMap['memory_non_heap_used'], metricsMap['memory_non_heap_committed'],
// CPU
metricsMap['cpu_load_process'], metricsMap['cpu_load_system'],
// Threads
metricsMap['thread_count'], metricsMap['thread_count_peak'],
// Classes
* Push to InfluxDB if DB URL provided
if(dbRestClient) {
insertMetrics(METRICS_DB_NAME, dbRestClient, metricsMap, unixTimestamp)
* Execute repeating task to collection metrics
timer.schedule (timedTask, 0l, METRICS_COLLECTION_INTERVAL_IN_MILLI)
* Helper methods
* Filter all OSE environment props to retrieve pod names for given application
* Returns a map of Apps and their corresponding pod instance names
def getPodNames(jolokiaRestClient, namespace, apps) {
try {
def appPods = [:]
// Retrieve all OSE environment properties
def response = jolokiaRestClient.get path: namespace
def responseMap = response.getData()
apps.each { app ->
appPods."$app" = responseMap?.items
?.findAll {
it?.metadata?.name?.contains( app )
}?.collect {
return appPods
} catch( ex ) {
if( ex?.getResponse()?.data?.text?.contains('Unauthorized') ) {
println 'Unauthorized, try `oc login`'
* Invoke Jolokia REST endpoint to execute a particular MBean
* Returns a map containing the output of the MBean function
def getMbean(jolokiaRestClient, namespace, podName, mbean) {
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
try {
def response = jolokiaRestClient.get path: namespace + podName + mbean
def responseMap = jsonSlurper.parseText( )
return responseMap
} catch( ex ) {
if( ex?.getResponse()?.data?.text?.contains('Unauthorized') ) {
println 'Unauthorized, try `oc login`'
* Invoke Influx DB REST client to publish timeseries metrics
def insertMetrics(
timestamp) {
// Prepare POST body (there might be better way to do this with RESTClient... I'm working from InfluxDB examples.)
def body =
// App name as the series (table) name
// Write our field-keys (meta-data tags)
' '+ // space = InfluxDB field-key / value separator
// Write our values
' '+ // space = InfluxDB value / timestamp separator
// Write our timestamp
try {
// POST JVM metrics to Influx DB via REST client
// Specify timestamp precision is in milliseconds
def resp =
path: 'write',
query: [ 'db': dbName, 'precision': 'ms' ],
body: body.bytes,
} catch( ex ) {
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