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Created July 10, 2020 03:11
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Spatial, Fourier and matrix representations of 2D filtering operations
import unittest
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
class Filter2D:
def __init__( self, offy, offx, vals ):
'''2D filtering operation with spatial, fourier and matrix features
- offy (integer sequence): vertical offsets of filter coefficients
- offx (integer sequence): horizontal offset of filter coefficients
- vals (float sequence): filter coefficients
self._offy = np.array(offy)
self._offx = np.array(offx)
self._vals = np.array(vals)
def T( self ):
'''Mirror/conjugate/transpose the filter for spatial, fourier & matrix operations respectively'''
return Filter2D( -self._offy.copy(), -self._offx.copy(), self._vals.copy() )
def __matmul__( self, img ):
'''Perform spatial correlation with the input image, no padding is performed'''
result = np.zeros_like(img)
for dy,dx,v in zip(self._offy,self._offx,self._vals):
result += v*np.roll( img, (-dy,-dx), (0,1) )
return result
def image(self, dim, dtype=np.float32):
'''Return the image representation of the filter, not shifted to center'''
K = np.zeros(dim,dtype=dtype)
K[-self._offy,-self._offx] = self._vals
return K
def fft(self, dim, dtype=np.float32):
'''Return the filter spectrum, for Fourier-domain operations'''
return np.fft.fft2( self.image(dim,dtype) )
def matrix(self,dim,dtype=np.float32):
'''Return a sparse-matrix representation of the filter with pixels in numpy array ordering, periodic boundaries'''
N =
row,col,val = ([],[],[])
idx = np.arange(N).reshape(dim)
x,y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(dim[1]),np.arange(dim[0]))
for (dy,dx,v) in zip(self._offy,self._offx,self._vals):
cr = idx.copy().flatten()
cc = idx[(y+dy+dim[0])%dim[0],(x+dx+dim[1])%dim[1]].flatten()
cv = v*np.ones(N)
row.append( cr )
col.append( cc )
val.append( cv )
row,col,val = [np.concatenate(arg) for arg in (row,col,val)]
return sparse.coo_matrix((val,(row,col)),shape=(N,N),dtype=dtype)
class FilterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_all(self):
# test images for gradient filters and laplacian
x,y = [v.astype(np.float32) for v in np.meshgrid( np.arange(51),np.arange(100) )]
img = np.random.standard_normal((100,51))
# derivative in x & Y and Laplacian
Dx = Filter2D([0,0],[-1,0],[-1.0,1.0])
Dy = Filter2D([-1,0],[0,0],[-1.0,1.0])
L = Filter2D([0,0,-1,1,0],[-1,1,0,0,0],[-0.25,-0.25,-0.25,-0.25,1.0])
F = Filter2D([0,0,-1,1,0],[-1,1,0,0,0],np.random.uniform(size=5))
# x-derivative test
gx_s = Dx@x
gx_f = np.real( np.fft.ifft2( Dx.fft(x.shape)*np.fft.fft2( x ) ) )
gx_m = (Dx.matrix(x.shape)@x.flatten()).reshape(x.shape)
self.assertTrue( np.allclose( gx_s, gx_f ) )
self.assertTrue( np.allclose( gx_s, gx_m ) )
self.assertAlmostEqual( np.median(gx_s), 1.0 )
# y-derivative test
gy_s = Dy@y
gy_f = np.real( np.fft.ifft2( Dy.fft(y.shape)*np.fft.fft2( y ) ) )
gy_m = (Dy.matrix(y.shape)@y.flatten()).reshape(x.shape)
self.assertTrue( np.allclose( gy_s, gy_f ) )
self.assertTrue( np.allclose( gy_s, gy_m ) )
self.assertAlmostEqual( np.median(gy_s), 1.0 )
# laplacian test
l_s = L@img
l_f = np.real( np.fft.ifft2( L.fft(img.shape)*np.fft.fft2(img) ) )
l_m = (L.matrix(img.shape)@img.flatten()).reshape(img.shape)
self.assertTrue( np.allclose( l_s, l_m ) )
self.assertTrue( np.allclose( l_s, l_f ) )
# transpose/conjugation test
ft_s = F.T@img
ft_f = np.real( np.fft.ifft2( F.T.fft(img.shape)*np.fft.fft2(img) ) )
ft_m1 = (F.T.matrix(img.shape)@img.flatten()).reshape(img.shape)
ft_m2 = (F.matrix(img.shape).T@img.flatten()).reshape(img.shape)
self.assertTrue( np.linalg.norm( ft_s-ft_f ) < 1e-5 )
self.assertTrue( np.linalg.norm( ft_s-ft_m1 ) < 1e-5 )
self.assertTrue( np.linalg.norm( ft_m1 - ft_m2 ) < 1e-5 )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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