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Last active October 4, 2020 23:31
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Finite difference Jacobians of numeric functions
'''Finite difference Jacobians
Author: James Gregson
Date: 2020-10-04
Utility function to differentiate numeric functions with finite differences.
Useful for checking analytically derived Jacobian & gradient computations.
See bottom of file for example usage.
import numpy as np
def dirac( shape, on, val=1.0 ):
'''Multidimensional dirac function returning a single on value
at specified location with specified value
V = np.zeros(shape)
V[on] = val
return V
def jacobian_fd( func, *args, jacfd_epsilon=1e-4, **kwargs ):
'''Numerically differentiate function with respect to it's positional arguments
- func (function): function to numerically differentiate, takes
ndarray positional arguments and optional keyword arguments
that are not differentiated. Returns a single ndarray return value
- args (ndarray list): ndarray arguments to func
- jacfd_epsilon (float): finite-difference epsilon
- kwargs (keyword args): optional keyword arguments for func,
passed to func unmodified
- f (ndarray): return value of function
- dF (list of ndarrays): partial derivatives of function w.r.t.
each argument in args. Shape of the i'th return value will be
f = func( *args, **kwargs )
if not isinstance( f, np.ndarray ):
raise RuntimeError('Return of func must be an ndarray')
dF = []
args = [ a.copy() for a in args ]
for aid in range(len(args)):
if not isinstance( args[aid], np.ndarray ):
raise RuntimeError('All positional arguments must be numpy ndarrays')
shape = args[aid].shape
count = args[aid].size
darg = np.zeros((*f.shape,count))
for i in range(count):
tmp = args[aid]
args[aid] = tmp + dirac(count,i,jacfd_epsilon).reshape(shape)
f1 = func( *args, **kwargs )
args[aid] = tmp - dirac(count,i,jacfd_epsilon).reshape(shape)
f0 = func( *args, **kwargs )
args[aid] = tmp
darg[...,i] = (f1-f0)/(2.0*jacfd_epsilon)
dF.append( darg.reshape((*f.shape,*shape)) )
return f, dF
if __name__ == '__main__':
def func( A, B ):
return A@B
A = np.random.standard_normal((2,4))
B = np.random.standard_normal((4,2))
f, (dfdA,dfdB) = jacobian_fd( func, A, B )
dB = np.random.standard_normal((4,2))*1e-5
f2_an = func( A, B+dB )
f2_fd = f + np.sum( dfdB*dB[None,None,...], axis=(-2,-1) )
print( 'analytic vs fd: {}'.format( np.linalg.norm(f2_an-f2_fd) ) )
dA = np.random.standard_normal((2,4))*1e-5
f2_an = func( A+dA, B )
f2_fd = f + np.sum( dfdA*dA[None,None,...], axis=(-2,-1) )
print( 'analytic vs fd: {}'.format( np.linalg.norm(f2_an-f2_fd) ) )
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