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Created February 18, 2022 08:50
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{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
module ElimAgainAgain where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Lens hiding (cons)
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (either, head, id, tail, (.))
-- | Natural transformation
type f ~> g = forall t. f t -> g t
type From = (->)
type To b a = a -> b
-- What is an eliminator of 'a'
type Elim a f = f ~> From a
-- infix version
type f -< a = f ~> From a
-- What is an introducer of 'a'
type Intro a f = f ~> To a
-- infix version
type f >- a = f ~> To a
-- The functor 'To a' is the most obvious eliminator for a:
canonicalElim :: From a -< a
canonicalElim = id
-- The contravariant functor 'From a' is the most obvious introducer for a:
canonicalIntro :: To a >- a
canonicalIntro = id
-- Eliminators can be extended backways via a natural transformation, using (>>>):
extendBack :: (g ~> f) -> (f -< a) -> (g -< a)
extendBack u v = u >>> v
-- Introducers can be extended forwards via a natural transformation, using (>>>) too:
extendForward :: (g ~> f) -> (f >- a) -> (g >- a)
extendForward u v = u >>> v
type PairI a b t = (t -> a, t -> b)
pair :: PairI a b >- (a, b)
pair (f, g) x = (f x, g x)
type From2 a b t = a -> b -> t
-- | 'uncurry' is the eliminator for pairs
usePair :: From2 a b -< (a, b)
usePair = uncurry
data Role = Admin | Normal
data Role' admin normal = Role' {admin :: admin, normal :: normal}
deriving stock (Generic)
type RoleE t = Role' t t
-- Note that here we rely on Haskell's laziness.
useRole :: RoleE -< Role
useRole Role' {..} = \case
Admin -> admin
Normal -> normal
-- small example of using an eliminator:
printRole :: Role -> String
printRole = useRole Role' {admin = "admin", normal = "normal"}
-- A natural transformation, essentially saying how booleans can represent roles.
isAdmin :: From Bool ~> RoleE
isAdmin b =
{ admin = b True,
normal = b False
accessMessage :: Role -> String
accessMessage = isAdmin >>> useRole $ ("has access: " ++) . show
data User' name age rol = User
{ name :: name,
age :: age,
role :: rol
type User = User' String Int Role
-- Here we make a design choice that when creating users, they should always
-- start as 'Normal'.
type UserI t = User' (t -> String) (t -> Int) ()
mkUser :: UserI >- User
mkUser User {..} t =
{ name = name t,
age = age t,
role = Normal
-- Here we make a design choice that when processing a 'User', one should always
-- pay special attention to the user's role.
-- One can read this as:
-- - to eliminate a User
-- - first eliminate a Role
-- - then eliminate a String and an Int
type UserE t = RoleE (String -> Int -> t)
-- We do this by using 'useRole' in the implementation of 'useUser':
useUser :: UserE -< User
useUser roleE User {..} = useRole roleE role name age
-- E.g. to write the following function, use of 'useUser' makes us fill in two
-- cases, one for normal users, and one for admins.
decideAccess :: User -> Bool
decideAccess =
{ normal = const . ("bill" ==),
admin = const (const True)
-- In essence we have given the product type 'User' the API of a sum-type, as if
-- we had defined the original 'User' type like:
data RoledUser
= AdminUser {name :: String, age :: Int}
| NormalUser {name :: String, age :: Int}
-- The walking sum type
data Either' left right = Either'
{ left :: left,
right :: right
deriving stock (Generic)
type EitherElim a b t = Either' (a -> t) (b -> t)
useEither :: EitherElim a b -< Either a b
useEither Either' {..} = \case
Left x -> left x
Right x -> right x
data Foo = Foo Int String | Bar Int
data Foo' foo bar = Foo'
{ foo :: foo,
bar :: bar
deriving stock (Generic)
type FooE t = Foo' (Int -> String -> t) (Int -> t)
useFoo :: FooE -< Foo
useFoo Foo' {..} = \case
Foo x y -> foo x y
Bar x -> bar x
-- How does one use this to "pattern match" on an Either of Foos?
flom1 :: Either Foo Foo -> Int
flom1 =
{ left =
{ foo = const,
bar = id
right =
{ foo = const length,
bar = (+ 1)
-- we can use lenses to move the 'useFoo' calls out:
flom2 :: Either Foo Foo -> Int
flom2 =
{ left = Foo' {foo = const, bar = id},
right = Foo' {foo = const length, bar = (+ 1)}
& #left %~ useFoo
& #right %~ useFoo
& useEither
-- We can extract this transformation we did, which was just application of a
-- function, and package it up as its own function. It's simply another
-- eliminator, this time specialsed to eliminating 'Either Foo Foo':
type EitherFoosE t = Either' (FooE t) (FooE t)
eitherFoos :: EitherFoosE -< Either Foo Foo
eitherFoos = #left %~ useFoo >>> #right %~ useFoo >>> useEither
flom3 :: Either Foo Foo -> Int
flom3 =
{ left = Foo' {foo = const, bar = id},
right = Foo' {foo = const length, bar = (+ 1)}
-- "Domain specific" eliminators
-- consider a type which is essentially a pair of real numbers:
data Plane = Plane {planeX :: Double, planeY :: Double}
-- We can provide an eliminator which cuts the plane up into two parts:
-- - The diagonal,
-- - The rest
data DiagE t = DiagE
{ diagonal :: Double -> t,
nonDiagonal :: Double -> Double -> t
diag :: DiagE -< Plane
diag DiagE {..} Plane {..} =
if planeX == planeY
then diagonal planeX
else nonDiagonal planeX planeY
-- Let's play with lists.
data List' nil cons = List'
{ nil :: nil,
cons :: cons
deriving stock (Functor, Generic)
data ConsCell a = ConsCell {head :: a, tail :: [a]}
type ListE a t = List' t (ConsCell a -> t)
-- This is the most basic way of consuming lists. It is exactly equivalent to
-- the 'list' function in 'Prelude', but adapted to non-nameless style.
useList :: ListE a -< [a]
useList List' {..} = \case
[] -> nil
x : xs -> cons (ConsCell x xs)
-- This framework allows "non-nameless" pointfree programming, similar to
-- lawvere-lang.
sum1 :: [Int] -> Int
sum1 =
{ nil = 0,
cons = head +. (tail >>> sum1)
-- here '(+.)' is just the "pointfree (+)", that is: 'liftA2 (+)'.
-- note that the function 'sum1' handles its own recursivity, 'useList' does not
-- dictate any particular recursion pattern.
-- Let's make a recursive eliminator type:
newtype ListRec a t = ListRec (List' t (a -> ListRec a t))
-- Eliminators are always functors (and introducers are always contravariant functors).
instance Functor (ListRec a) where
fmap f (ListRec List' {..}) =
{ nil = f nil,
cons = fmap f . cons
useListRec :: ListRec a -< [a]
useListRec (ListRec (List' {..})) xs = case xs of
[] -> nil
x : rest -> useListRec (cons x) rest
-- To use 'useListRec' one therefore builds a recurive eliminator.
-- Note the use of 'fmap': given a 'ListRec a s', one can form a 'ListRec a t'
-- if one has a function 's -> t'. Thankfully GHC derives this functor instance
-- for free.
sum2 :: [Int] -> Int
sum2 = useListRec go
go =
ListRec $
{ nil = 0,
cons = \x -> fmap (+ x) go
-- Again sum2 manages its own recursion, but not quite in the same way. This
-- time it must recurse by providing a recursive elimnator to 'useListRec'.
-- This does not mean the same recursion needs to happen at each level however.
-- Consider the following function which handles the first two items of the list
-- specially:
sayList :: [Int] -> String
sayList = useListRec firstly
firstly = go "Nothing at all!" "First comes" secondly
secondly = go ", all alone." ", secondly comes" thenly
thenly = go "." ", then comes" thenly
go e t next =
{ nil = e,
cons = \x -> ((t ++ " " ++ show x) ++) <$> next
-- Finally we have fully managed recursion:
type FoldList a t = List' t (a -> t -> t)
-- This is just an equivalent of 'foldr'
foldList :: FoldList a -< [a]
foldList folder = \case
[] -> nil folder
x : xs -> cons folder x (foldList folder xs)
sum3 :: [Int] -> Int
sum3 = foldList List' {nil = 0, cons = (+)}
-- Let's use 'foldList' to print out a list of 'Foo's:
showListOfFoos1 :: [Foo] -> String
showListOfFoos1 =
{ nil = "",
cons =
{ foo = \i x s -> show i ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ s,
bar = \i s -> show i ++ " " ++ s
-- Again we can lift out the various 'use' calls:
showListOfFoos2 :: [Foo] -> String
showListOfFoos2 =
{ nil = "",
cons =
{ foo = \i x s -> show i ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ s,
bar = \i s -> show i ++ " " ++ s
& #cons %~ useFoo
& foldList
-- And package this up as an eliminator in its own right:
type ListOfFooE t = List' t (FooE (t -> t))
foldListFoos :: ListOfFooE -< [Foo]
foldListFoos = #cons %~ useFoo >>> foldList
showListOfFoos3 :: [Foo] -> String
showListOfFoos3 =
{ nil = "",
cons =
{ foo = \i x s -> show i ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ s,
bar = \i s -> show i ++ " " ++ s
-- Here is another eliminator, which sees if the items of a list can be paired up:
data Parity even odd = Parity
{ even_ :: even,
odd_ :: odd
deriving stock (Generic)
type Pairwise a t = Parity ([(a, a)] -> t) t
pairwise :: Pairwise a -< [a]
pairwise Parity {..} = \case
[] -> even_ []
[_] -> odd_
x : y : rest -> pairwise Parity {even_ = even_ . ((x, y) :), ..} rest
-- Let's imagine we are interested in the "first class pattern matching" which
-- consists of matching for either a list a things which can be paired up twice,
-- or a Foo.
type PairsOfPairsOrFoo a t = Either' (Parity (Pairwise (a, a) t) t) (FooE t)
pairsOfPairsOrFoo :: PairsOfPairsOrFoo a -< Either [a] Foo
pairsOfPairsOrFoo =
#left . #even_ %~ pairwise
>>> #left %~ pairwise
>>> #right %~ useFoo
>>> useEither
-- The result gives us an eliminator with all the cases we should consider:
weird :: Either [Foo] Foo -> String
weird =
{ left =
{ even_ =
{ even_ = length >>> show >>> ("number of pairs of pairs: " ++),
odd_ = "couldn't form pairs of pairs"
odd_ = "couldn't form pairs"
right =
{ foo = const (const "some foo"),
bar = const "some bar"
-- Pointfree versions of common functions
(+.) :: Num n => (a -> n) -> (a -> n) -> (a -> n)
(+.) = liftA2 (+)
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