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Created October 6, 2022 00:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implementation of asyncio support.
# This file is based on pySerial.
# (C) 2015-2020 pySerial-team
# (C) 2022 James Hilliard
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import asyncio
import os, pty, tty, termios
from pathlib import Path
devpath = Path('/tmp/ttysim')
class FdTransport(asyncio.Transport):
"""An asyncio transport model of a serial communication channel.
A transport class is an abstraction of a communication channel.
This allows protocol implementations to be developed against the
transport abstraction without needing to know the details of the
underlying channel, such as whether it is a pipe, a socket, or
indeed a serial port.
You generally won’t instantiate a transport yourself; instead, you
will call `create_serial_connection` which will create the
transport and try to initiate the underlying communication channel,
calling you back when it succeeds.
def __init__(self, loop, protocol, fd):
self._loop = loop
self._protocol = protocol
self._fd = fd
self._closing = False
self._protocol_paused = False
self._max_read_size = 1024
self._write_buffer = []
self._has_reader = False
self._has_writer = False
# XXX how to support url handlers too
# These two callbacks will be enqueued in a FIFO queue by asyncio
loop.call_soon(protocol.connection_made, self)
def loop(self):
"""The asyncio event loop used by this SerialTransport."""
return self._loop
def fd(self):
"""The underlying Serial instance.
Equivalent to get_extra_info("serial")
return self._fd
def get_extra_info(self, name, default=None):
"""Get optional transport information.
Currently only "serial" is available.
if name == "fd":
return self._fd
return default
def __repr__(self):
return '{self.__class__.__name__}({self.loop}, {self._protocol}, {self.fd})'.format(self=self)
def is_closing(self):
"""Return True if the transport is closing or closed."""
return self._closing
def close(self):
"""Close the transport gracefully.
Any buffered data will be written asynchronously. No more data
will be received and further writes will be silently ignored.
After all buffered data is flushed, the protocol's
connection_lost() method will be called with None as its
if not self._closing:
def _read_ready(self):
#data =
data =, self._max_read_size)
except Exception as e:
if data:
def write(self, data):
"""Write some data to the transport.
This method does not block; it buffers the data and arranges
for it to be sent out asynchronously. Writes made after the
transport has been closed will be ignored."""
if self._closing:
if self.get_write_buffer_size() == 0:
def can_write_eof(self):
"""Serial ports do not support the concept of end-of-file.
Always returns False.
return False
def pause_reading(self):
"""Pause the receiving end of the transport.
No data will be passed to the protocol’s data_received() method
until resume_reading() is called.
def resume_reading(self):
"""Resume the receiving end of the transport.
Incoming data will be passed to the protocol's data_received()
method until pause_reading() is called.
def set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
"""Set the high- and low-water limits for write flow control.
These two values control when the protocol’s
pause_writing()and resume_writing() methods are called. If
specified, the low-water limit must be less than or equal to
the high-water limit. Neither high nor low can be negative.
self._set_write_buffer_limits(high=high, low=low)
def get_write_buffer_size(self):
"""The number of bytes in the write buffer.
This buffer is unbounded, so the result may be larger than the
the high water mark.
return sum(map(len, self._write_buffer))
def write_eof(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Serial connections do not support end-of-file")
def abort(self):
"""Close the transport immediately.
Pending operations will not be given opportunity to complete,
and buffered data will be lost. No more data will be received
and further writes will be ignored. The protocol's
connection_lost() method will eventually be called.
def flush(self):
""" clears output buffer and stops any more data being written
def _maybe_pause_protocol(self):
"""To be called whenever the write-buffer size increases.
Tests the current write-buffer size against the high water
mark configured for this transport. If the high water mark is
exceeded, the protocol is instructed to pause_writing().
if self.get_write_buffer_size() <= self._high_water:
if not self._protocol_paused:
self._protocol_paused = True
except Exception as exc:
'message': 'protocol.pause_writing() failed',
'exception': exc,
'transport': self,
'protocol': self._protocol,
def _maybe_resume_protocol(self):
"""To be called whenever the write-buffer size decreases.
Tests the current write-buffer size against the low water
mark configured for this transport. If the write-buffer
size is below the low water mark, the protocol is
instructed that is can resume_writing().
if (self._protocol_paused and
self.get_write_buffer_size() <= self._low_water):
self._protocol_paused = False
except Exception as exc:
'message': 'protocol.resume_writing() failed',
'exception': exc,
'transport': self,
'protocol': self._protocol,
def _write_ready(self):
"""Asynchronously write buffered data.
This method is called back asynchronously as a writer
registered with the asyncio event-loop against the
underlying file descriptor for the serial port.
Should the write-buffer become empty if this method
is invoked while the transport is closing, the protocol's
connection_lost() method will be called with None as its
data = b''.join(self._write_buffer)
assert data, 'Write buffer should not be empty'
#n = self._fd.write(data)
n = os.write(self._fd, data)
except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError):
except serial.SerialException as exc:
self._fatal_error(exc, 'Fatal write error on serial transport')
if n == len(data):
assert self._flushed()
self._maybe_resume_protocol() # May cause further writes
# _write_ready may have been invoked by the event loop
# after the transport was closed, as part of the ongoing
# process of flushing buffered data. If the buffer
# is now empty, we can close the connection
if self._closing and self._flushed():
assert 0 <= n < len(data)
data = data[n:]
self._write_buffer.append(data) # Try again later
assert self._has_writer
def _ensure_reader(self):
if (not self._has_reader) and (not self._closing):
self._loop.add_reader(self._fd, self._read_ready)
self._has_reader = True
def _remove_reader(self):
if self._has_reader:
self._has_reader = False
def _ensure_writer(self):
if (not self._has_writer) and (not self._closing):
self._loop.add_writer(self._fd, self._write_ready)
self._has_writer = True
def _remove_writer(self):
if self._has_writer:
self._has_writer = False
def _set_write_buffer_limits(self, high=None, low=None):
"""Ensure consistent write-buffer limits."""
if high is None:
high = 64 * 1024 if low is None else 4 * low
if low is None:
low = high // 4
if not high >= low >= 0:
raise ValueError('high (%r) must be >= low (%r) must be >= 0' %
(high, low))
self._high_water = high
self._low_water = low
def _fatal_error(self, exc, message='Fatal error on serial transport'):
"""Report a fatal error to the event-loop and abort the transport."""
'message': message,
'exception': exc,
'transport': self,
'protocol': self._protocol,
def _flushed(self):
"""True if the write buffer is empty, otherwise False."""
return self.get_write_buffer_size() == 0
def _close(self, exc=None):
"""Close the transport gracefully.
If the write buffer is already empty, writing will be
stopped immediately and a call to the protocol's
connection_lost() method scheduled.
If the write buffer is not already empty, the
asynchronous writing will continue, and the _write_ready
method will call this _close method again when the
buffer has been flushed completely.
self._closing = True
if self._flushed():
def _abort(self, exc):
"""Close the transport immediately.
Pending operations will not be given opportunity to complete,
and buffered data will be lost. No more data will be received
and further writes will be ignored. The protocol's
connection_lost() method will eventually be called with the
passed exception.
self._closing = True
self._remove_writer() # Pending buffered data will not be written
async def _call_connection_lost(self, exc):
"""Close the connection.
Informs the protocol through connection_lost() and clears
pending buffers and closes the serial connection.
assert self._closing
assert not self._has_writer
assert not self._has_reader
# try:
# await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, self._serial.flush)
# except (serial.SerialException if == "nt" else termios.error):
# # ignore serial errors which may happen if the serial device was
# # hot-unplugged.
# pass
await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, os.close(self._fd))
self._fd = None
self._protocol = None
self._loop = None
async def connection_for_fd(loop, protocol_factory, fd):
"""Create a connection to the given serial port instance.
This function is a coroutine which will try to establish the
The chronological order of the operation is:
1. protocol_factory is called without arguments and must return
a protocol instance.
2. The protocol instance is tied to the transport
3. This coroutine returns successfully with a (transport,
protocol) pair.
4. The connection_made() method of the protocol
will be called at some point by the event loop.
Note: protocol_factory can be any kind of callable, not
necessarily a class. For example, if you want to use a pre-created
protocol instance, you can pass lambda: my_protocol.
protocol = protocol_factory()
transport = FdTransport(loop, protocol, fd)
return transport, protocol
async def create_fd_connection(protocol_factory, fd, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a connection to a new serial port instance.
This function is a coroutine which will try to establish the
The chronological order of the operation is:
1. protocol_factory is called without arguments and must return
a protocol instance.
2. The protocol instance is tied to the transport
3. This coroutine returns successfully with a (transport,
protocol) pair.
4. The connection_made() method of the protocol
will be called at some point by the event loop.
Note: protocol_factory can be any kind of callable, not
necessarily a class. For example, if you want to use a pre-created
protocol instance, you can pass lambda: my_protocol.
Any additional arguments will be forwarded to the Serial constructor.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
transport, protocol = await connection_for_fd(loop, protocol_factory, fd)
return transport, protocol
def hexdump(data, length=None, sep=":"):
if length is not None:
lines = ""
for seq in range(0, len(data), 16):
line = data[seq : seq + 16]
lines += sep.join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in line) + "\n"
lines = sep.join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in data)
return lines
class Ser2NetProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def __init__(self, vir_serial, on_con_lost):
self.transport = None
self.vir_serial = vir_serial
self.on_con_lost = on_con_lost
self._buffer = b''
def connection_made(self, transport):
self.transport = transport
self.vir_serial.ser2net = self
def data_received(self, data):
print('device data received', hexdump(data), repr(data))
if len(self._buffer) > 0:
print('application data written', hexdump(self._buffer), repr(self._buffer))
self._buffer = b''
def connection_lost(self, exc):
print('The server closed the connection')
class Output(asyncio.Protocol):
def __init__(self):
self.transport = None
self.ser2net = None
def connection_made(self, transport):
self.transport = transport
print('port opened', self.transport)
def data_received(self, data):
print('application data received', hexdump(data), repr(data))
def connection_lost(self, exc):
print('port closed')
def pause_writing(self):
print('pause writing')
def resume_writing(self):
print('resume writing')
async def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
master, slave = pty.openpty()
tty.setraw(master, termios.TCSANOW)
s_path = Path(os.ttyname(slave))
transport, protocol = await create_fd_connection(Output, master)
on_con_lost = loop.create_future()
await loop.create_connection(
lambda: Ser2NetProtocol(protocol, on_con_lost),
'', 2101)
await on_con_lost
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