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Created April 17, 2013 18:45
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Postgres stored procedures in python.
from inspect import getfullargspec, getsourcelines
type_map = {
int: 'integer'
tmpl = """
CREATE FUNCTION {func_name} ({args})
RETURNS {return_t}
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
class StoredProcedure(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.func = f
def __generate_schema(self):
function_name = self.func.__name__
spec = getfullargspec(self.func)
# Parse the arguments
psql_args = []
for arg in spec.args:
if not arg in spec.annotations:
raise SyntaxWarning(
'Parameter %s requires a type annotation' % arg)
arg_t = spec.annotations[arg]
if not arg_t in type_map:
raise ValueError(
"Type '%s' not supported for parameter %s" % (arg_t, arg))
psql_args.append('%s %s' % (arg, type_map[arg_t]))
# Parse the return type
if not 'return' in spec.annotations:
raise SyntaxWarning(
'A return type is required for function %s' % function_name)
return_t = spec.annotations['return']
if not return_t in type_map:
raise ValueError(
"Type '%s' not supported for return type of function %s" % (
arg_t, function_name))
source = ''.join(getsourcelines(self.func)[0][1:])
self._schema = tmpl.format(
args=', '.join(psql_args),
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
def stored_procedure(f):
return StoredProcedure(f)
# Usage
# @stored_procedure
# def pymax(a:int, b:int) -> int:
# if a > b:
# return a
# return b
# TODO: create the plpy module to run the queries locally, and perhaps restrict global usage.
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