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James K Nelson jamesknelson

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mapObservableToChunkIterator(observable, mapValueToChunks, mapErrorToChunks?): Generator<Promise | Chunk[]>

A function that accepts an Observable with a subscribe() method, and optionally with a getCurrentValue() or getCurrentResult() method.

It returns a Generator that yields Promise (when waiting for a new value) or Chunk objects (i.e. objects that extend { type: string }).

By default, mapErrorToChunks takes the error emitted by an observable, and yields [{ type: 'error', error: error }].

When the observable is complete, the Generator's next() function will return { done: true }.

jamesknelson / component-routing.js
Last active March 19, 2019 11:22
Two APIs for routing with React that support POST methods and SSR.
This component and hook based routing/fetching API won't work, as `useAsync()`
is an impossible component.
In order to use async functions to respond to route changes, the functions will
need to be registered with a parent cache/provider with a unique key. As such, a
more natural component-based architecture would involve a `<Route path>` component
import { map, redirect, route } from 'navi'
function UpdatePasswordForm({ submitErrors }) {
return (
validate={value =>
value.password !== value.passwordConfirmation &&
jamesknelson / gist:432f00af5522ea07cbb39990a8105e0c
Created January 17, 2019 08:50
The Hierarchy (for React apps)
A React app can be split into a number of different types of functions and components, where *each type can depend only on the types above it in the hierarchy*.
This makes gives you a way to split up components and functions over your filesystem. It also helps you to keep components from growing too large, and encourages practices that make testing easier.
types (TypeScript typings)
utils (plain javascript functions)
contexts (React context, and provider components)
jamesknelson /
Last active August 22, 2018 02:11
React CRUV - 4 directories to solve project structure for good
create-react-app myapp
cd myapp/src
mkdir containers routes utils views
touch config.js contexts.js
mv App.* routes
sed -i '' -e 's/.\/App/.\/routes\/App/g' index.js
// typeof DocumentStorage
type DocumentStorage = Batchable<{
willUpdate: false | {
source: boolean | CompoundValueNode<boolean>;
undoHistories: boolean | CompoundValueNode<boolean>;
isAwaitingInitialData: false | {
source: boolean | CompoundValueNode<boolean>;
undoHistories: boolean | CompoundValueNode<boolean>;

I want to make a <TextFieldControl> component that passes a <Description> component to its render function.

Rendering a <Description> would automatically add an id to the element, and then add that id to the aria-describedby prop of the associated input.

For example, this component:

const EmailField = ({ error, value, onChange }) =>
import * as Govern from 'govern'
* This component subscribes to a Redux store, outputting its current state.
* Typically, you'll use this component as an element in another component's
* `subscribe()` method. For example:
* ```js
* class Identity extends Govern.Component {
import React, { PureComponent, PropTypes } from "react"
import Prism from 'prismjs'
const codeBlockAliases = {
'js': 'jsx',
'html': 'markup',
'mdx': 'markdown',
'md': 'markdown',
jamesknelson / Pitch.mdx
Last active February 3, 2017 08:39
mdx: A markdown-like format that gives you inline JSX, and compiles to a React stateless function
junctions.js lets you add routes to your React components.

import Link from './Link' import ButtonTheme from './ButtonTheme' import ExampleSet from './ExampleSet' import ComponentExample from './ComponentExample' import GistVanillaExample from './examples/the-gist-vanilla' import GistSugarFreeExample from './examples/the-gist-sugar-free' import BasicExample from './examples/basic'