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Last active April 8, 2018 16:16
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HW7 Submission: Feature Matching with RANSAC
std::vector<Feature> R2Image::
Harris(double sigma)
std::cout << "Computing harris filter" << std::endl;
const R2Image self = *this;
R2Image *t1 = new R2Image(self); t1->SobelX(); t1->Square();
R2Image *t2 = new R2Image(self); t2->SobelY(); t2->Square();
R2Image *t3 = new R2Image(Width(), Height());
R2Image *t4 = new R2Image(Width(), Height());
// Set T3 to product of T1 and T2
for(int x=0; x<Width(); x++) {
for(int y=0; y<Height(); y++) {
double v = t1->Pixel(x, y)[0] * t2->Pixel(x, y).Red();
t3->Pixel(x, y).Reset(v, v, v, 1);
for(int x=0; x<Width(); x++) {
for(int y=0; y<Height(); y++) {
double t1v = t1->Pixel(x, y)[0];
double t2v = t2->Pixel(x, y)[0];
double t3v = t3->Pixel(x, y)[0];
double v = t1v * t2v - t3v * t3v - 0.04 * ((t1v + t2v) * (t1v + t2v));
v += 0.5;
t4->Pixel(x, y).Reset(v, v, v, 1);
std::cout << "Generating feature list" << std::endl;
std::vector<Feature> features;
std::vector<Feature> featuresOut;
for(int x=0; x<Width(); x++) {
for(int y=0; y<Height(); y++) {
R2Pixel p = t4->Pixel(x, y);
double v = p[0];
double sensitivity = 0.50;
if(v > sensitivity) {
features.push_back(Feature(x, y, p));
std::cout << "Marking best features" << std::endl;
std::sort(features.begin(), features.end());
std::reverse(features.begin(), features.end());
int featuresCount = 150;
int ct=0, index=0;
while(ct < featuresCount && index < features.size()) {
bool skip = false;
Feature ft =;
for(int i=0; i<index; i++) {
if(ft.closeTo( {
skip = true;
break; // goes to end of for loop
if(!skip) {
featuresOut.resize(std::min(int(featuresOut.size()), featuresCount));
return featuresOut;
* Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) with the RGB color specified by
* R, G, and B (which are integers from 0 to 255) and draws a box around the
* point (x2, y2)
void R2Image::
drawLineWithBox(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b) {
float rf = float(r)/255.0;
float gf = float(g)/255.0;
float bf = float(b)/255.0;
int m, n, x;
for(m=-4; m<=4; m++) {
for(n=-4; n<=4; n++) {
this->Pixel(x2+m, y2+n).Reset(rf, gf, bf, 1);
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
if(dx != 0) { // avoid div by zero errors
for(x=std::min(x1, x2); x<=std::max(x1, x2); x++) {
int y = int(std::round(y1 + (double(dy * (x-x1)) / double(dx))));
this->Pixel(x, y).Reset(rf, gf, bf, 1);
void R2Image::
blendOtherImageTranslated(R2Image * otherImage)
R2Image *output = new R2Image(*otherImage);
std::vector<Feature> features = this->Harris(3); // passed by value
std::vector<Feature>::iterator it;
int searchSpaceXDim = this->Width() / 10; // half the search space dimension
int searchSpaceYDim = this->Height() / 10;
int windowDimension = 12; // half the window dimension
int count = 0; // temp for cout
for(it=features.begin(); it != features.end(); it++) {
std::cout << "feature " << count << " searching..." << std::endl;
int i, j, m, n;
double min_ssd = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
int min_ssd_x = 0, min_ssd_y = 0;
Feature ft = *it;
// Loop through search space
i = std::max(ft.centerX - searchSpaceXDim, windowDimension);
i <= std::min(ft.centerX + searchSpaceXDim, this->Width() - windowDimension);
) {
j = std::max(ft.centerY - searchSpaceYDim, windowDimension);
j <= std::min(ft.centerY + searchSpaceYDim, this->Height() - windowDimension);
) {
// For each pixel (i, j) in the search space
double ssd = 0;
// Calculate the SSD with the feature assuming (i, j) is the center of the new feature
for(m=-1*windowDimension; m<=windowDimension; m++) {
for(n=-1*windowDimension; n<=windowDimension; n++) {
double oldLuminance = this->Pixel(ft.centerX + m, ft.centerY + n).Luminance();
double newLuminance = otherImage->Pixel(i + m, j + n).Luminance();
double diff = oldLuminance - newLuminance;
ssd += diff * diff;
// If the computed SSD is lower than the current minimum, set the current minimum to (i, j)
if(ssd < min_ssd) {
min_ssd = ssd;
min_ssd_x = i;
min_ssd_y = j;
ft.x2 = min_ssd_x;
ft.y2 = min_ssd_y;
*it = ft;
std::cout << "Feature " << count << " at (" << ft.centerX << ", " << ft.centerY << ") found at ("
<< ft.x2 << ", " << ft.y2 << ") with SSD " << min_ssd << std::endl;
count++; // temp for cout
std::cout << "Starting RANSAC calculations" << std::endl;
int numberOfTrials = 10;
int maxInliers = 0;
double bestVectorLength = 0;
double threshold = 3.0;
for(int i=0; i<numberOfTrials; i++) {
std::cout << "Starting trial " << i << std::endl;
// Randomly select a single track
int randomIndex = rand() % features.size();
Feature ft =;
int dx = ft.x2 - ft.centerX;
int dy = ft.y2 - ft.centerY;
double vectorLength = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
std::cout << "Feature " << randomIndex << " at (" << ft.centerX << ", " << ft.centerY << ") found at ("
<< ft.x2 << ", " << ft.y2 << ")" << std::endl;
// Check all other features, and see if their motion vector is similar
int inliers = 0;
for(std::vector<Feature>::iterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); it++) {
int otherdx = it->x2 - it->centerX;
int otherdy = it->y2 - it->centerY;
double otherVectorLength = sqrt((otherdx * otherdx) + (otherdy * otherdy));
double diffVectorLength = abs(vectorLength - otherVectorLength);
// Count the number of points within a certain distance threshold (inliers)
if(diffVectorLength < threshold) {
// If the number of inliers is less than some threshold repeat the above
if(inliers > maxInliers) {
maxInliers = inliers;
bestVectorLength = vectorLength;
// After N trials choose the largest inlier set and re-estimate the translation
// Loop over features and draw output image
for(std::vector<Feature>::iterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); it++) {
Feature ft = *it;
int dx = ft.x2 - ft.centerX;
int dy = ft.y2 - ft.centerY;
double vectorLength = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
if(abs(bestVectorLength - vectorLength) < threshold) {
g = 255;
} else {
r = 255;
output->drawLineWithBox(ft.centerX, ft.centerY, ft.x2, ft.y2, r, g, b);
this->pixels = output->pixels;
output->pixels = nullptr;
delete output;
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