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Last active January 4, 2020 04:15
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Save jameslyons/00cad4f1ab6a49c2b3df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
convert pdb file to fasta
import sys
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print 'usage: python file.pdb > file.fasta'
input_file = open(sys.argv[1])
letters = {'ALA':'A','ARG':'R','ASN':'N','ASP':'D','CYS':'C','GLU':'E','GLN':'Q','GLY':'G','HIS':'H',
print '>',sys.argv[1]
prev = '-1'
for line in input_file:
toks = line.split()
if len(toks)<1: continue
if toks[0] != 'ATOM': continue
if toks[4] != prev:
sys.stdout.write('%c' % letters[toks[3]])
prev = toks[4]
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Hello, it's the same for me: I change toks[4] in line 19 and 21 to toks[3].

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jlaffy commented Feb 26, 2016

Lines 19 and 21 should be changed to toks[5] rather than toks[3] as the latter solution skips amino acids that are the same as the previous one in the sequence.

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Lines 18 and 20 "prev=toks[4]" should be changed to toks[5] rather than toks[4] .

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hello, i develop a program from your program~~~

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This script is not useful for sequence having repeated residues.
After changing [5] to [3] script runs, but gives wrong output. For examples if original pdb has sequence "IIPLEES" this script generates "IPLES", This script omits repeating residues.
Download rosetta and use the script "" from folder "rosetta_bin_linux_2019.35.60890_bundle/tools/protein_tools/scripts".
Syntax: python PDB chainID outputname

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