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Created January 24, 2018 17:46
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module DQuery
import Record
namespace Json
data Json
= JsonString String
| JsonBool Bool
| JsonInt Int
| JsonObject (List (String, Json))
| JsonList (List Json)
decodeString : Json -> Maybe String
decodeString (JsonString val) = Just val
decodeString _ = Nothing
decodeBool : Json -> Maybe Bool
decodeBool (JsonBool val) = Just val
decodeBool _ = Nothing
decodeInt : Json -> Maybe Int
decodeInt (JsonInt val) = Just val
decodeInt _ = Nothing
decodeList : (itemDecoder : Json -> Maybe a) -> Json -> Maybe (List a)
decodeList itemDecoder (JsonList items) = traverse itemDecoder items
decodeList _ _ = Nothing
namespace Specification
data Spec
= StringSpec
| BoolSpec
| IntSpec
| ObjectSpec (List (String, Spec))
| ListSpec Spec
fieldTypes : List (String, Spec) -> List (String, Type)
fieldTypes [] = []
fieldTypes ((field, spec) :: xs) = (field, SpecType spec) :: fieldTypes xs
SpecType : Spec -> Type
SpecType StringSpec = String
SpecType BoolSpec = Bool
SpecType IntSpec = Int
SpecType (ObjectSpec fieldSpecs) = Record (fieldTypes fieldSpecs)
SpecType (ListSpec itemSpec) = List (SpecType itemSpec)
objectSpecFieldsDecoder : (fieldSpecs : List (String, Spec)) -> Json -> Maybe (Record (fieldTypes fieldSpecs))
objectSpecFieldsDecoder [] (JsonObject _) = Just []
objectSpecFieldsDecoder ((key, valSpec) :: rest) json@(JsonObject jsonFields) = do
jsonFieldVal <- lookup key jsonFields
val <- specDecoder valSpec jsonFieldVal
restRecord <- objectSpecFieldsDecoder rest json
pure $ (key := val) :: restRecord
objectSpecFieldsDecoder _ _ = Nothing
specDecoder : (s : Spec) -> Json -> Maybe (SpecType s)
specDecoder StringSpec = decodeString
specDecoder BoolSpec = decodeBool
specDecoder IntSpec = decodeInt
specDecoder (ObjectSpec fieldSpecs) = objectSpecFieldsDecoder fieldSpecs
specDecoder (ListSpec itemSpec) = decodeList (specDecoder itemSpec)
namespace MySchema
data UserField : Type where
Name : UserField
IsAdmin : UserField
Age : UserField
userFieldSpec : UserField -> Spec
userFieldSpec Name = StringSpec
userFieldSpec IsAdmin = BoolSpec
userFieldSpec Age = IntSpec
data QueryField : Type where
User : (id : String) -> (fields : List (String, UserField)) -> QueryField
queryFieldSpec : QueryField -> Spec
queryFieldSpec (User id fields) = ObjectSpec (map (map userFieldSpec) fields)
querySpec : List (String, QueryField) -> Spec
querySpec fields = ObjectSpec (map (map queryFieldSpec) fields)
namespace MyQuery
someQuery : List (String, QueryField)
someQuery =
[ ("user1", User "1" [("name", Name), ("isAdmin", IsAdmin), ("age", Age)])
, ("user2", User "2" [("name", Name), ("isAdmin", IsAdmin)])
someQueryResponseJson : Json
someQueryResponseJson =
[ ("user1", JsonObject [("name", JsonString "alice"), ("isAdmin", JsonBool True), ("age", JsonInt 900)])
, ("user2", JsonObject [("name", JsonString "bob"), ("isAdmin", JsonBool False)])
someQueryDecodedResult : Maybe (SpecType (querySpec DQuery.MyQuery.someQuery))
someQueryDecodedResult =
specDecoder (querySpec someQuery) someQueryResponseJson
userSummaries : List (String, Bool)
userSummaries = fromMaybe [] (summarize <$> someQueryDecodedResult) where
summarize : SpecType (querySpec DQuery.MyQuery.someQuery) -> List (String, Bool)
summarize result =
[ (result .. "user1" .. "name", result .. "user1" .. "isAdmin")
, (result .. "user2" .. "name", result .. "user2" .. "isAdmin")
--[("alice", True), ("bob", False)]
-- adapted from
module Record
%access public export
infix 5 :=
infix 5 -:
infixl 9 ..
-- A record field is some label type paired with a value. := just
-- gives a nicer syntax than tuples for this....
data Field : lbl -> Type -> Type where
(:=) : (field_label : lbl) ->
(value : b) -> Field field_label b
-- Then a record is essentially a heterogeneous list where everything
-- is labelled.
data Record : List (lbl, Type) -> Type where
Nil : Record {lbl} []
(::) : Field lbl a -> Record xs -> Record ((lbl, a) :: xs)
-- FieldType 'lbl rec ty
-- is a predicate stating that the label 'lbl in record with index
-- rec has type ty.
data FieldType : (field : lbl) -> Type -> List (lbl, Type) -> Type where
First : FieldType field ty ((field, ty) :: xs)
Later : FieldType field t xs -> FieldType field t (a :: xs)
-- To extract a field from the record, we need the field label, a
-- record, and a proof that the field is valid for the type we want.
get' : Record xs -> FieldType field t xs -> t
get' ((_ := val) :: xs) First = val
get' (_ :: xs) (Later y) = get' xs y
(..) : Record {lbl} xs -> (field : lbl) -> { auto prf : FieldType field t xs} -> t
(..) rec f {prf} = get' rec prf
-- Delete a field
delete' : FieldType field t zs -> Record {lbl} zs -> (m ** Record {lbl} m)
delete' First (x :: xs) = (_ ** xs)
delete' (Later y) (x :: xs) with (delete' y xs)
| (ts ** ys) = (_ :: ts ** x :: ys)
(-) : (field : lbl) -> Record {lbl} xs ->
{ auto prf : FieldType field t xs } ->
(m ** Record {lbl} m)
(-) f rec {prf} = delete' prf rec
-- Combine two records (prototypal inheritance)
(++) : Record {lbl} xs -> Record {lbl} ys -> Record (xs ++ ys)
(++) [] ys = ys
(++) (x :: xs) ys = x :: (xs ++ ys)
-- Update a field, possibly changing the type
update' : Record {lbl} xs -> FieldType field t xs -> Field field a -> (m ** Record {lbl} m)
update' (x :: xs) First v = (_ ** v :: xs)
update' (x :: xs) (Later y) v with (update' xs y v)
| (ts ** ys) = (_ :: ts ** x :: ys)
(-:) : Field field t -> Record {lbl} xs ->
{ auto prf : FieldType field t xs } ->
(m ** Record {lbl} m)
(-:) f rec {prf} = update' rec prf f
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