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Last active October 6, 2015 22:47
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(ns explicit-state-transducers)
(defn take-with-explicit-state
"A stateless rewrite of the `c.c/take` transducer that requires its state to
be provided as part of each input"
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result {:keys [state value] :or {state n}}]
(let [state' (dec state)
result (if (pos? state)
(rf result {:state state' :value value})
(if (not (pos? state'))
(ensure-reduced result)
(defn drop-with-explicit-state
"A stateless rewrite of the `c.c/drop` transducer that requires its state to
be provided as part of each input"
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result {:keys [state value] :or {state n}}]
(if (pos? state)
(rf result {:state (dec state)})
(rf result {:state state :value value}))))))
(defn with-implicit-state
"Takes an `init-state` function and a stateless transducer that must consume
and emit maps with `:state` and `:value` keys. Returns a new stateful
transducer whose state is managed using the functions returned by
`init-state`. The `init-state` function is called when the transducer is
initialized with a reducing function as part of a new transducing process.
The function's return value must be a vector of three functions in the
following order: `initialized?` should return a boolean indicating whether or
not the state has yet been initialized by the transducer; `get-state` should
return the state; and `set-state!` should take a single argument and reset
the state to the given value."
[init-state xform]
(fn [rf]
(let [[initialized? get-state set-state!] (init-state)
rf' (fn
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(if (contains? input :state)
(set-state! (:state input)))
(if (contains? input :value)
(rf result (:value input))
f (xform rf')]
([] (f))
([result] (f result))
([result input]
(f result (if (initialized?)
{:state (get-state) :value input}
{:value input})))))))
(defn with-hidden-state
"Takes a stateless transducer that must consume and emit maps with `:state`
and `:value` keys. Returns a new stateful transducer whose state is hidden."
(let [init-state (fn []
(let [vol (volatile! {})]
[#(contains? @vol :state)
#(:state @vol)
#(vreset! vol {:state %})]))]
(with-implicit-state init-state xform)))
(defn with-external-atom-state
"Takes an atom and a stateless transducer that must consume and emit maps
with `:state` and `:value` keys. Returns a new stateful transducer whose
state is held in the given atom."
[a xform]
(let [init-state (fn []
[#(contains? @a :state)
#(:state @a)
#(reset! a {:state %})])]
(with-implicit-state init-state xform)))
(into [] (with-hidden-state (take-with-explicit-state 5)) (range))
; [0 1 2 3 4]
(into [] (with-hidden-state (drop-with-explicit-state 5)) (range 10))
; [5 6 7 8 9]
(def a (atom {}))
(into [] (with-external-atom-state a (take-with-explicit-state 5)) [0 1])
; [0 1]
; {:state 3}
(into [] (with-external-atom-state a (take-with-explicit-state 5)) [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
; [2 3 4]
; {:state 0}
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