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jamesmacaulay / profiles.clj
Last active November 15, 2023 01:18
My ~/.lein/profiles.clj at the moment.
{:user {:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.3"]
[spyscope "0.1.3"]
[criterium "0.4.1"]]
:injections [(require '( repl find))
; try/catch to workaround an issue where `lein repl` outside a project dir
; will not load reader literal definitions correctly:
(try (require 'spyscope.core)
(catch RuntimeException e))]
:plugins [[lein-pprint "1.1.1"]
[lein-beanstalk "0.2.6"]
jamesmacaulay /
Created February 21, 2019 23:26
A 3D bin packing algorithm in Rust
pub type V3 = [usize; 3];
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PositionedVolume {
dimensions: V3,
position: V3,
// mutable stack of sub-containers, initialized with input container
// mutable vec of remaining items, initialized with all input items
-- paste into and click "compile"
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Text
import Color exposing (..)
import Time
import Signal
jamesmacaulay / Clojure.sublime-settings
Last active January 18, 2021 19:01
Clojure stuff for Sublime Text 2. Files live in ~/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User
// installed Clojure packages:
// * BracketHighlighter
// * lispindent
// * SublimeREPL
// * sublime-paredit
"word_separators": "/\\()\"',;!@$%^&|+=[]{}`~?",
"paredit_enabled": true,
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am jamesmacaulay on github.
* I am jamesmacaulay ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDnKw1JsZHofgcB89uvNLIux6FkTNSz64gv8aS99WWGXgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# git-freeze: take the current index and working tree state and "freeze" them
# by creating a commit for each as necessary
# git-thaw: look for commits created by git-freeze and restore them to
# working tree or index as appropriate
# alias gf='git-freeze'
# alias gt='git-thaw'
function git-freeze () {
lastlast=$(last --time-format=iso -1 -R | head -1 | awk '{ print $3 "\n" $5 }' | xargs -n1 date +%s -d 2> /dev/null)
lastuserinputs=$(who -s | awk '{ print $2 }' | (cd /dev && xargs stat -c '%X'))
sincelatestevent=$(echo "$events" | sort -rn | head -1 | awk '{ print '"$(date +%s)"'-$1 }')
uptime=$(cat /proc/uptime | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p')
idletime=$(echo "$durations" | sort -n | head -1)
echo "$idletime"
module DQuery
import Record
namespace Json
data Json
= JsonString String
| JsonBool Bool
| JsonInt Int
| JsonObject (List (String, Json))
jamesmacaulay / MoneyCoderExample.elm
Last active November 9, 2017 16:49
Json.Bidirectional.Coder hoisting subset of object's fields into a tuple
module Main exposing (main)
import Html exposing (Html, text)
import Json.Bidirectional as Json
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
import String
import Tuple
-- inspired by:
-- thanks for the help:
module UserDecoder where
import Date exposing (Date)
import User exposing (User)
import Json.Decode as Js exposing ((:=))
-- Applicative's `pure`: