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Last active November 21, 2015 21:44
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  • Save jamesmanning/b27aaac4910c170ab104 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jamesmanning/b27aaac4910c170ab104 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create the registry keys necessary to get 'Open PowerShell here' in Windows Explorer context menus
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# since this won't work without running with admin privs, check for those first
$prp=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($wid)
if ($IsAdmin -eq $false)
throw 'this must be run from an elevated PowerShell instance'
$commandToSet = (gcm powershell).path + " -NoExit -Command Set-Location -LiteralPath '%V'"
$keyLocationsToSet = (
'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\powershell', # this puts it in the context menu for Windows Explorer background
'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\powershell', # this puts it in the context menu for Windows Explorer folders
'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\powershell' # this puts it in the context menu for Windows Explorer drive icons
foreach ($key in $keyLocationsToSet)
write-host "Setting command to run of $commandToSet in location $key"
reg.exe add $key /f /ve /d "Open PowerShell Window Here"
reg.exe add $key /f /v NoWorkingDirectory
reg.exe add "$key\command" /f /ve /d $commandToSet
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