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Last active August 6, 2019 10:13
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Go simple middleware chain, inspired by
// Middleware is a type alias for a function that
// accepts an http.Handler as the "next" handler in a chain
// and returns an http.Handler that will be executed before that handler.
type Middleware func(httprouter.Handle) httprouter.Handle
// MiddlewareChain represents a chain of middleware functions that can be
// assigned to wrap a handler function.
type MiddlewareChain []Middleware
// NewMiddlewareChain is a constructor for a chain of middlewares.
func NewMiddlewareChain(middlewares ...Middleware) MiddlewareChain {
return MiddlewareChain(append([]Middleware{}, middlewares...))
// Wrap the final http.Handler with a closure which invokes all
// chained middlewares in the order they were constructed.
// E.g. for New(m1, m2, m3) we get m1(m2(m3(h))) which produces
// an execution chain of m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> h for each request.
func (mw MiddlewareChain) Wrap(h httprouter.Handle) httprouter.Handle {
if len(mw) == 0 {
return h
if h == nil {
// no-op handler
h = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// chain all the handlers together in the order they were called
// i.e. for NewMiddlewareChain(mw1, mw2, mw3) we get h = mw1 -> mw2 -> mw3 -> h
for i := range mw {
h = mw[len(mw)-1-i](h) // set h to "next" backwards through the chain
return h
// Middleware is a type alias for a function that
// accepts an http.Handler as the "next" handler in a chain
// and returns an http.Handler that will be executed before that handler.
type Middleware func(http.Handler) http.Handler
// MiddlewareChain represents a chain of middleware functions that can be
// assigned to wrap a handler function.
type MiddlewareChain []Middleware
// NewMiddlewareChain is a constructor for a chain of middlewares.
func NewMiddlewareChain(middlewares ...Middleware) MiddlewareChain {
return MiddlewareChain(append([]Middleware{}, middlewares...))
// Wrap the final http.Handler with a closure which invokes all
// chained middlewares in the order they were constructed.
// E.g. for New(m1, m2, m3) we get m1(m2(m3(h))) which produces
// an execution chain of m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> h for each request.
func (mw MiddlewareChain) Wrap(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
if len(mw) == 0 {
return h
if h == nil {
h = http.DefaultServeMux
// chain all the handlers together in the order they were called
// i.e. for NewMiddlewareChain(mw1, mw2, mw3) we get h = mw1 -> mw2 -> mw3 -> h
for i := range mw {
h = mw[len(mw)-1-i](h) // set h to "next" backwards through the chain
return h
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