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Created November 8, 2012 14:21
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Rosalind 4 haskell
import Data.List
--Data.List elemIndex :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
main = do
l <- getContents
let l' = lines l
-- putStrLn $ (show l')
let l'' = fixlist l'
-- putStrLn $ (show l'')
let labellist = filter (\x -> (head x == '>')) l''
let stringlist = filter (\x -> not (head x == '>')) l''
let gclist = getgclist stringlist
let maxgclist = maximum gclist
let idnum = escapemaybe(elemIndex maxgclist gclist)
putStrLn $ (drop 1 (labellist!!idnum))
putStrLn $ (show (maxgclist*100)) ++ "%"
-- filterinput :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
-- filterinput [] = []
-- filterinput x = fst(splitAt ind):filterinput(snd(helper))
-- where indices = escapemaybe(elemIndex '>' x)
fixlist :: [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
fixlist [] = []
fixlist (x:[]) = [x]
fixlist (x:y:end)
| ((head x == '>') || (head y == '>')) = x:(fixlist (y:end))
| otherwise = (fixlist ((x++y):end))
-- removechar :: Char -> [Char] -> [Char]
-- removechar c [] = []
-- removechar c (x:xs)
-- | (c==x) = removechar c xs
-- | otherwise = x:removechar c xs
getgclist :: [[Char]] -> [Double]
getgclist x = map getgcContent x
getgcContent :: [Char] -> Double
getgcContent x = (mytoDouble2((mycount 'G' x) + (mycount 'C' x)))/(mytoDouble(length x))
mycount :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Integer
mycount c x = sum ( map (counthelp c) x)
counthelp :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Integer
counthelp c x
| c==x = 1
| otherwise = 0
escapemaybe :: Maybe Int -> Int
escapemaybe (Just x) = x
escapemaybe Nothing = 0
escapemaybe' :: Maybe [Int] -> [Int]
escapemaybe' (Just x) = x
escapemaybe' Nothing = []
mytoDouble :: Int -> Double
mytoDouble x = fromIntegral x
mytoDouble2 :: Integer -> Double
mytoDouble2 x = fromIntegral x
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