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Created December 26, 2021 11:38
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(ns rover.core)
(def grid-size 10)
(def obstacles #{[2 1]})
(def initial-state {:direction 0 :position [0 0]})
(def move-vectors [[0 1]
[1 0]
[0 -1]
[-1 0]])
(def direction->str {0 "N" 1 "E" 2 "S" 3 "W"})
(defn rotate-right [{:keys [position direction]}]
{:position position
:direction (-> direction
(mod 4))})
(defn rotate-left [{:keys [position direction]}]
{:position position
:direction (-> direction
(+ 4)
(mod 4))})
(defn add-vecs [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[(+ x1 x2) (+ y1 y2)])
(defn wrap-coords [[x y]]
[(-> x (+ grid-size) (mod grid-size))
(-> y (+ grid-size) (mod grid-size))])
(defn move [{:keys [position direction]}]
(let [direction-vector (get move-vectors direction)
new-position (-> position
(add-vecs direction-vector)
{:position new-position
:direction direction}))
(defn check-collision [{:keys [position] :as new-state} old-state]
(if (contains? obstacles position)
(reduced old-state)
(defn apply-command [state command]
(case command
\L (rotate-left state)
\R (rotate-right state)
\M (-> (move state)
(check-collision state))))
(defn traverse [path]
(reduce apply-command
(defn format [{[x y] :position direction :direction}]
(str x ":" y ":" (direction->str direction)))
(traverse "MRMMMM")
(traverse "MMRMMMM")
(traverse "MRMMMM")
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