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Created January 8, 2012 15:05
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  • Save jamesmorgan/1578621 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jamesmorgan/1578621 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - My version of a roadmap...
public class TODO {
private TODO() {
// ////////////////////////
// Build / Configuration //
// ////////////////////////
// FIXME -> Debug mode on/off for deployment
// FIXME -> Configure build process, updating versions/ debug enabled/ keys/ changelog etc
// FIXME -> Consider signing apk with maven ->
// FIXME -> When generating sources, set debug to false.
// FIXME -> Pro-guard bug when running on real phone -> Update latest maven-android-plugin - 3.0.1
// ////////////////
// Consideration //
// ////////////////
// FIXME -> Show location on a small map in overview mode?
// FIXME -> Open location on map from notification click handler
// FIXME -> Turn sun set and rise in time objects
// FIXME -> Fix bug when parsing RFC822 dates from yahoo -> - Date publish = new SimpleDateFormat ("EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh: mm az" Locale.US). Parse (s_date);
// FIXME -> Allow for user to override default timeout, functionality already created, no preference
// FIXME -> New providers, Google / The Weather Channel -
// FIXME -> Add temperature highs/lows for day on overview screen
// FIXME -> DB Version's & Tests
// FIXME -> Change to native XML parser ->
// FIXME -> Complete statuses, active, inactive, issues?
// FIXME -> Add fine grained user control to location services ->
// FIXME -> Improve location based service
// FIXME -> Add option to stop lookup if battery % to low ->
// FIXME -> Monitor service to prevent services stopping
// FIXME -> Lazy load service, are they needed -> is this possible?
// FIXME -> Deal with service restarts, monitor services-to-service
// FIXME -> Add option to extend location search, but may incur errors with weather lookup, must add in weather error checking e.g.
// FIXME -> Set maximum number of allowed notifications in preference
// FIXME -> Think about using a remote service and client for all operations ->
// FIXME -> Add provider -> add switcher ->
// FIXME -> Add option for date format
// FIXME -> Allow users to narrow down location accuracy
// FIXME -> Consider alternative GeoPlannet features ->
// FIXME -> Android bug with int-array preferences ->
// ///////////////
// Nice To Have //
// ///////////////
// FIXME -> Potentially show accuracy and time when looking up GPS location
// FIXME -> Option to disable collecting of logs via ACRA
// FIXME -> Check try/catch blocks report to ACRA if required
// FIXME -> Ability to sort front screen by various means, active, roaming at top, place name, date time etc
// FIXME -> Overlay weather on google maps
// FIXME -> Proper error handling when no weather details found, parse response.
// FIXME -> Create Broadcast Service helper e.g. BroadcastRegister.register(this); @BroadcastReciever on file will deal with unbind/bind
// FIXME -> Consider Android Annotations (
// FIXME -> Progress bar with service broadcast register updates, show failures, loading, success etc
// ///////////////////
// Next Version ?.? //
// ///////////////////
// FIXME -> Complete localisation
// FIXME -> Add flags for each country
// FIXME -> Change tabs for view pager
// ->
// ->
// FIXME -> Add 3rd party library's to credits -> ORMLite, ACRA, Yahoo Weather API
// FIXME -> Present user with error screen when application starts if background data transmission is disabled
// FIXME -> Hook into search button to enter a location, search-able activity
// FIXME -> Listen for 3rd party GPS position updated so can update notifications if required.
// FIXME -> Add ability to launch service from wake up i.e. unlock -> manifest changed - implementation missing
// FIXME -> Improve current notification layout
// FIXME -> Capture all shared preference values on application crash (ARCA)
// FIXME -> Add Google Guava to project, plus possible refactoring, removal of Apache Commons?
// //////////////////////
// Release Version 1.0 //
// //////////////////////
// FIXME -> Add ability to pay for application in-line
// FIXME -> Create Icon for application
// FIXME -> Add Application on Android Market
// FIXME -> DONE - (08/01/2012) - Clean up preferences, check defaults before go-live
// FIXME -> DONE - (08/01/2012) - Ensure all necessary data is being stored correctly, missing created datetime for roaming notifications
// FIXME -> DONE - (08/01/2012) - Set main menu view to default sort weathers by active, alphabetical
// FIXME -> DONE - (08/01/2012) - Added "About" section, Me, Twitter, Morgan-Design, Market Link
// FIXME -> DONE - (08/01/2012) - Ensure on reload -> cancel -> reload, all ongoing commands are cancelled
// FIXME -> DONE - (08/01/2012) - Prevent no Location details shown when roaming service fails to find location on first attempt.
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Open location on map from overview screen
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Add roaming symbol/icon to roaming notifications.
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Moved active icon on home screen
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Updated Change log to indicate initial release, confirm still works via menu and start up
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Improved cancel all notifications so force deletes all.
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Don't use notification services
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - BUG - Not allowed to add multiple notifications bug
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - BUG - When changing GPS location notifications are not updated correctly
// FIXME -> DONE - (07/01/2012) - Bug relates to locations which have a WOEID but yahoo returns no weather, reduced scope of Geocode and GPS lookup YahooPlaceTypes
// FIXME -> DONE - (02/01/2012) - Improve cancel all, verbose cancellation if three types
// FIXME -> DONE - (02/01/2012) - Add ability to force update all active notifications from home menu
// FIXME -> DONE - (02/01/2012) - Add ability to force update individual locations from context menu
// FIXME -> DONE - (02/01/2012) - Removal of old notification services
// FIXME -> DONE - (02/01/2012) - Set correct flags on overview screen as to not keep old data
// FIXME -> DONE - (28/12/2011) - Trailing single notification service, deprecated old ones
// FIXME -> DONE - (27/12/2011) - Handle situations when no locations found
// FIXME -> DONE - (27/12/2011) - Added interface of Woeid when creating weather requests
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Fixed NPE when unable to find Geocode location
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Set read time out on rest template, move all rest calls to RestTemplateFactory.class
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Alarm control via application start, ensuring services both register for alarm updates
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Added service update to alarm service so GUI updates with info about on going refresh
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Change yahoo date to string as no computation needed, update overview and notification
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Fix overview screens in-line with latest changes, no long passes object to activity
// FIXME -> DONE - (26/12/2011) - Add phone boot alarm service & option -
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - Add alarm service
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - Allow for roaming location based weather (paid version only) -
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - When reloading weather ensure still uses same service not creating a new one
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - Add preference for updating on connectivity change (StaticLookupService)
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - Ensure max 3 notifications, only one roaming based weather lookup, 2-3 optional other locations
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - Added protection if no weather icon code found after query
// FIXME -> DONE - (25/12/2011) - Allow re-loading of existing notifications on start up
// FIXME -> DONE - (24/12/2011) - Disable ACRA if running emulator
// FIXME -> DONE - (23/12/2011) - On preferences updated reload all notifications
// FIXME -> DONE - (23/12/2011) - Ability to Cancel all active notifications from home menu
// FIXME -> DONE - (22/12/2011) - Added Gmaven plugin in-order synchronise android and maven version numbers
// ->
// FIXME -> DONE - (22/12/2011) - ZipAlign apg as part of maven build
// ->
// ->
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Remove as much as possible Android Lint warnings/errors
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - When adding more than 3 weather notifications, don't set active flag to true
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Get WOEID from current lat/long
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Fix GPS bug when finding location
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Add constant feedback on home screen of ongoing lookups/queries e.g. loading
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Add ability to launch service on phone start up, check existing functionality
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Allow removal not just deletion of any notification via home screen
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Broadcast active notifications changed in order to reload choices on home screen
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Add fields to DB, Active, Latitude, Longitude -> rename to
// FIXME -> DONE - (19/12/2011) - Show active state on home screen
// FIXME -> DONE - (18/12/2011) - Improve progress/interaction when looking up GPS location
// FIXME -> DONE - (18/12/2011) - If GPS && network are disabled, prompt user to turn it on -
// ////////////////////////////////////
// Previously Completed - 18/12/2011 //
// ////////////////////////////////////
// FIXME -> DONE - Record service and current notification in application
// FIXME -> DONE - Update Overview screen to lookup weather
// FIXME -> DONE - allow only maximum number of 3 active notifications at once
// FIXME -> DONE - allow for multiple notifications at once (paid version only)
// FIXME -> DONE - Check for battery level (15%), active networks (GPS and Mobile), location age
// FIXME -> DONE - improve notification when no locations found
// FIXME -> DONE - Created none-bindable intent based service
// FIXME -> DONE - Add in and setup crash report handler (, Customised with toast and logcat logs
// FIXME -> DONE - Update latest ORMLite version - 4.31
// FIXME -> DONE - Change log pop-up and menu option
// FIXME -> DONE - Feedback log pop-up on new version
// FIXME -> DONE - Setup merchant account on google
// FIXME -> DONE - Added google analytics jar and initial tracking calls
// FIXME -> DONE - download new icon sets, weather channel icons
// FIXME -> DONE - add option for wind unit e.g. kmh/mph
// FIXME -> DONE - add location information to overview screen
// FIXME -> DONE - Improve notification layout
// FIXME -> DONE - Condition code translation class
// FIXME -> DONE - Convert all types correctly, dates, ints, floats, longs etc
// FIXME -> DONE - add swipe gesture to overview tabs
// FIXME -> DONE - custom tab view with xml skin
// FIXME -> DONE - Add Link to more information on Overview screen
// FIXME -> DONE - Add visibility/pressure/pressure rising to query and overview screen
// FIXME -> DONE - Add option for C or F when retrieving temperature
// FIXME -> DONE - improved error messages for no connection found for GPS and weather query
// FIXME -> DONE - handle on click event notification event. opening overview, initial design
// FIXME -> DONE - Create converter for decimal degrees to human readable wind direction
// FIXME -> DONE - Add icons over view sun set and rise
// FIXME -> DONE - Ensure Home screen is always updated on application focus/launch
// FIXME -> DONE - Query Yahoo based on GPS location (paid version only)
// FIXME -> DONE - GPS based location finding (paid version only)
// FIXME -> DONE - on preferences change notification service click handler
// FIXME -> DONE - on preferences change loader service polling options
// FIXME -> DONE - On click notification user preference (paid version only)
// FIXME -> DONE - start service on phone boot boot up (paid version only)
// FIXME -> DONE - start last known service on open (paid version only)
// FIXME -> DONE - swipe navigation path - (add to manual)
// FIXME -> DONE - periodically query for weather
// FIXME -> DONE - check phone has Internet before launching
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