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Last active January 16, 2024 12:29
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What if we specified “an RPC VM”?

Basically, lean into designing a basic language/repl/vm, with a plaintext and binary encoding format.

  • State is maintained as “session IDs”
    • Every request can be one of:
      • “CREATE SESSION” - creates a new session id, returned to client
      • “EPHEMERAL” - “oneshot” actions, do a single function call
      • “RESUME SESSION” - the provided input should be run in the context of the given session id, or should not run at all
    • These sessions (and bound values) can be serialized and stored in a DB, or kept in RAM, or either, or none
    • Server may choose to discard/evict sessions whenever they feel like it
  • Primitives are basically:
    • Binding values to IDs/names, within the session
    • Calling functions
      • Can pass values by IDs
      • Can bind return values to IDs
      • Do this forth/stack-machine style? But with stronger typing? like BoH in mnemos/forth3?
    • “recv/wait for input”
    • “send output”
      • Note: not everything gets “sent back” to the client. Only items that are actively sent.
  • Some notion of spawn/fork? so you could stream responses while doing other requests. Also join?
    • Structured concurrency server side in general?
    • This seems like a bad idea
  • Probably have some sort of “interpreter fuel” or “fuel rate” for rate limiting in CPU/network/ram time

Servers define the NOUNS and VERBS, clients define the FLOWS. Servers become libraries and vms.

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