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Created May 13, 2022 16:49
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  • Save jamesmunns/f2ff4a749932c8d9433bdaddb7472d52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This data set is composed of HTTP request logs that are small and contain many strings.

Raw Data

For operations, time per iteration; for size, bytes. Lower is better.

Serialize / deserialize speed and size

Format / Lib Serialize Deserialize Size Zlib Zstd
postcard 313.51 us 2.3749 ms 765778 312739 264630
postcard-all-varints 411.37 us 2.4322 ms 724953 303462 253747
postcard-rework-flavors 404.73 us 2.5114 ms 724953 303462 253747


Relative to best. Higher is better.

Serialize / deserialize speed and size

Format / Lib Serialize Deserialize Size Zlib Zstd
postcard 100.00% 100.00% 94.67% 97.03% 95.89%
postcard-all-varints 76.21% 97.64% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
postcard-rework-flavors 77.46% 94.56% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%


This data set is a single mesh. The mesh contains an array of triangles, each of which has three vertices and a normal vector.

Raw Data

For operations, time per iteration; for size, bytes. Lower is better.

Serialize / deserialize speed and size

Format / Lib Serialize Deserialize Size Zlib Zstd
postcard 1.6169 ms 2.8784 ms 6000003 5380817 5345900
postcard-all-varints 1.5419 ms 2.8142 ms 6000003 5380817 5345900
postcard-rework-flavors 719.06 us 2.8251 ms 6000003 5380817 5345900


Relative to best. Higher is better.

Serialize / deserialize speed and size

Format / Lib Serialize Deserialize Size Zlib Zstd
postcard 44.47% 97.77% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
postcard-all-varints 46.63% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
postcard-rework-flavors 100.00% 99.61% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%


This data set is composed of Minecraft player saves that contain highly structured data.

Raw Data

For operations, time per iteration; for size, bytes. Lower is better.

Serialize / deserialize speed and size

Format / Lib Serialize Deserialize Size Zlib Zstd
postcard 368.84 us 2.1622 ms 356311 213270 198488
postcard-all-varints 435.54 us 2.2842 ms 367489 222144 207344
postcard-rework-flavors 440.40 us 2.2460 ms 367489 222144 207344


Relative to best. Higher is better.

Serialize / deserialize speed and size

Format / Lib Serialize Deserialize Size Zlib Zstd
postcard 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
postcard-all-varints 84.69% 94.66% 96.96% 96.01% 95.73%
postcard-rework-flavors 83.75% 96.27% 96.96% 96.01% 95.73%
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