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Created October 3, 2013 12:05
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countryHash: {
unicodeCountry: {
AF: "Afghanistan",
AX: "Aland Islands",
AL: "Albania",
DZ: "Algeria",
AS: "American Samoa",
AD: "Andorra",
AO: "Angola",
AI: "Anguilla",
AQ: "Antarctica",
AG: "Antigua and Barbuda",
AR: "Argentina",
AM: "Armenia",
AW: "Aruba",
AU: "Australia",
AT: "Austria",
AZ: "Azerbaijan",
BS: "Bahamas",
BH: "Bahrain",
BD: "Bangladesh",
BB: "Barbados",
BY: "Belarus",
BE: "Belgium",
BZ: "Belize",
BJ: "Benin",
BM: "Bermuda",
BT: "Bhutan",
BO: "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
BA: "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
BW: "Botswana",
BV: "Bouvet Island",
BR: "Brazil",
IO: "British Indian Ocean Territory",
BN: "Brunei Darussalam",
BG: "Bulgaria",
BF: "Burkina Faso",
BI: "Burundi",
KH: "Cambodia",
CM: "Cameroon",
CA: "Canada",
CV: "Cape Verde",
KY: "Cayman Islands",
CF: "Central African Republic",
TD: "Chad",
CL: "Chile",
CN: "China",
CX: "Christmas Island",
CC: "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
CO: "Colombia",
KM: "Comoros",
CG: "Congo",
CD: "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
CK: "Cook Islands",
CR: "Costa Rica",
CI: "Cote d'Ivoire",
HR: "Croatia",
CU: "Cuba",
CY: "Cyprus",
CZ: "Czech Republic",
DK: "Denmark",
DJ: "Djibouti",
DM: "Dominica",
DO: "Dominican Republic",
EC: "Ecuador",
EG: "Egypt",
SV: "El Salvador",
GQ: "Equatorial Guinea",
ER: "Eritrea",
EE: "Estonia",
ET: "Ethiopia",
FK: "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
FO: "Faroe Islands",
FJ: "Fiji",
FI: "Finland",
FR: "France",
GF: "French Guiana",
PF: "French Polynesia",
TF: "French Southern Territories",
GA: "Gabon",
GM: "Gambia",
GE: "Georgia",
DE: "Germany",
GH: "Ghana",
GI: "Gibraltar",
GR: "Greece",
GL: "Greenland",
GD: "Grenada",
GP: "Guadeloupe",
GU: "Guam",
GT: "Guatemala",
GG: "Guernsey",
GN: "Guinea",
GW: "Guinea-Bissau",
GY: "Guyana",
HT: "Haiti",
HM: "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
VA: "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
HN: "Honduras",
HK: "Hong Kong",
HU: "Hungary",
IS: "Iceland",
IN: "India",
ID: "Indonesia",
IR: "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
IQ: "Iraq",
IE: "Ireland",
IM: "Isle of Man",
IL: "Israel",
IT: "Italy",
JM: "Jamaica",
JP: "Japan",
JE: "Jersey",
JO: "Jordan",
KZ: "Kazakhstan",
KE: "Kenya",
KI: "Kiribati",
KP: "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
KR: "Korea, Republic of",
KW: "Kuwait",
KG: "Kyrgyzstan",
LA: "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
LV: "Latvia",
LB: "Lebanon",
LS: "Lesotho",
LR: "Liberia",
LY: "Libya",
LI: "Liechtenstein",
LT: "Lithuania",
LU: "Luxembourg",
MO: "Macao",
MK: "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",
MG: "Madagascar",
MW: "Malawi",
MY: "Malaysia",
MV: "Maldives",
ML: "Mali",
MT: "Malta",
MH: "Marshall Islands",
MQ: "Martinique",
MR: "Mauritania",
MU: "Mauritius",
YT: "Mayotte",
MX: "Mexico",
FM: "Micronesia, Federated States of",
MD: "Moldova, Republic of",
MC: "Monaco",
MN: "Mongolia",
ME: "Montenegro",
MS: "Montserrat",
MA: "Morocco",
MZ: "Mozambique",
MM: "Myanmar",
NA: "Namibia",
NR: "Nauru",
NP: "Nepal",
NL: "Netherlands",
AN: "Netherlands Antilles",
NC: "New Caledonia",
NZ: "New Zealand",
NI: "Nicaragua",
NE: "Niger",
NG: "Nigeria",
NU: "Niue",
NF: "Norfolk Island",
MP: "Northern Mariana Islands",
NO: "Norway",
OM: "Oman",
PK: "Pakistan",
PW: "Palau",
PS: "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
PA: "Panama",
PG: "Papua New Guinea",
PY: "Paraguay",
PE: "Peru",
PH: "Philippines",
PN: "Pitcairn",
PL: "Poland",
PT: "Portugal",
PR: "Puerto Rico",
QA: "Qatar",
RE: "Reunion",
RO: "Romania",
RU: "Russian Federation",
RW: "Rwanda",
BL: "Saint Barthelemy",
SH: "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
KN: "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
LC: "Saint Lucia",
MF: "Saint Martin (French part)",
PM: "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
VC: "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
WS: "Samoa",
SM: "San Marino",
ST: "Sao Tome and Principe",
SA: "Saudi Arabia",
SN: "Senegal",
RS: "Serbia",
SC: "Seychelles",
SL: "Sierra Leone",
SG: "Singapore",
SK: "Slovakia",
SI: "Slovenia",
SB: "Solomon Islands",
SO: "Somalia",
ZA: "South Africa",
GS: "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
ES: "Spain",
LK: "Sri Lanka",
SD: "Sudan",
SR: "Suriname",
SJ: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
SZ: "Swaziland",
SE: "Sweden",
CH: "Switzerland",
SY: "Syrian Arab Republic",
TW: "Taiwan",
TJ: "Tajikistan",
TZ: "Tanzania, United Republic of",
TH: "Thailand",
TL: "Timor-Leste",
TG: "Togo",
TK: "Tokelau",
TO: "Tonga",
TT: "Trinidad and Tobago",
TN: "Tunisia",
TR: "Turkey",
TM: "Turkmenistan",
TC: "Turks and Caicos Islands",
TV: "Tuvalu",
UG: "Uganda",
UA: "Ukraine",
AE: "United Arab Emirates",
GB: "United Kingdom",
US: "United States",
UM: "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
UY: "Uruguay",
UZ: "Uzbekistan",
VU: "Vanuatu",
VE: "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
VN: "Viet Nam",
VG: "Virgin Islands, British",
VI: "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
WF: "Wallis and Futuna",
EH: "Western Sahara",
YE: "Yemen",
ZM: "Zambia",
ZW: "Zimbabwe"
countryUnicode: {
afghanistan: "AF",
"aland islands": "AX",
albania: "AL",
algeria: "DZ",
"american samoa": "AS",
andorra: "AD",
angola: "AO",
anguilla: "AI",
antarctica: "AQ",
"antigua and barbuda": "AG",
argentina: "AR",
armenia: "AM",
aruba: "AW",
australia: "AU",
austria: "AT",
azerbaijan: "AZ",
bahamas: "BS",
bahrain: "BH",
bangladesh: "BD",
barbados: "BB",
belarus: "BY",
belgium: "BE",
belize: "BZ",
benin: "BJ",
bermuda: "BM",
bhutan: "BT",
"bolivia, plurinational state of": "BO",
"bosnia and herzegovina": "BA",
botswana: "BW",
"bouvet island": "BV",
brazil: "BR",
"british indian ocean territory": "IO",
"brunei darussalam": "BN",
bulgaria: "BG",
"burkina faso": "BF",
burundi: "BI",
cambodia: "KH",
cameroon: "CM",
canada: "CA",
"cape verde": "CV",
"cayman islands": "KY",
"central african republic": "CF",
chad: "TD",
chile: "CL",
china: "CN",
"christmas island": "CX",
"cocos (keeling) islands": "CC",
colombia: "CO",
comoros: "KM",
congo: "CG",
"congo, the democratic republic of the": "CD",
"cook islands": "CK",
"costa rica": "CR",
"cote d'ivoire": "CI",
croatia: "HR",
cuba: "CU",
cyprus: "CY",
"czech republic": "CZ",
denmark: "DK",
djibouti: "DJ",
dominica: "DM",
"dominican republic": "DO",
ecuador: "EC",
egypt: "EG",
"el salvador": "SV",
"equatorial guinea": "GQ",
eritrea: "ER",
estonia: "EE",
ethiopia: "ET",
"falkland islands (malvinas)": "FK",
"faroe islands": "FO",
fiji: "FJ",
finland: "FI",
france: "FR",
"french guiana": "GF",
"french polynesia": "PF",
"french southern territories": "TF",
gabon: "GA",
gambia: "GM",
georgia: "GE",
germany: "DE",
ghana: "GH",
gibraltar: "GI",
greece: "GR",
greenland: "GL",
grenada: "GD",
guadeloupe: "GP",
guam: "GU",
guatemala: "GT",
guernsey: "GG",
guinea: "GN",
"guinea-bissau": "GW",
guyana: "GY",
haiti: "HT",
"heard island and mcdonald islands": "HM",
"holy see (vatican city state)": "VA",
honduras: "HN",
"hong kong": "HK",
hungary: "HU",
iceland: "IS",
india: "IN",
indonesia: "ID",
"iran, islamic republic of": "IR",
iraq: "IQ",
ireland: "IE",
"isle of man": "IM",
israel: "IL",
italy: "IT",
jamaica: "JM",
japan: "JP",
jersey: "JE",
jordan: "JO",
kazakhstan: "KZ",
kenya: "KE",
kiribati: "KI",
"korea, democratic people's republic of": "KP",
"korea, republic of": "KR",
kuwait: "KW",
kyrgyzstan: "KG",
"lao people's democratic republic": "LA",
latvia: "LV",
lebanon: "LB",
lesotho: "LS",
liberia: "LR",
libya: "LY",
liechtenstein: "LI",
lithuania: "LT",
luxembourg: "LU",
macao: "MO",
"macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of": "MK",
madagascar: "MG",
malawi: "MW",
malaysia: "MY",
maldives: "MV",
mali: "ML",
malta: "MT",
"marshall islands": "MH",
martinique: "MQ",
mauritania: "MR",
mauritius: "MU",
mayotte: "YT",
mexico: "MX",
"micronesia, federated states of": "FM",
"moldova, republic of": "MD",
monaco: "MC",
mongolia: "MN",
montenegro: "ME",
montserrat: "MS",
morocco: "MA",
mozambique: "MZ",
myanmar: "MM",
namibia: "NA",
nauru: "NR",
nepal: "NP",
netherlands: "NL",
"netherlands antilles": "AN",
"new caledonia": "NC",
"new zealand": "NZ",
nicaragua: "NI",
niger: "NE",
nigeria: "NG",
niue: "NU",
"norfolk island": "NF",
"northern mariana islands": "MP",
norway: "NO",
oman: "OM",
pakistan: "PK",
palau: "PW",
"palestinian territory, occupied": "PS",
panama: "PA",
"papua new guinea": "PG",
paraguay: "PY",
peru: "PE",
philippines: "PH",
pitcairn: "PN",
poland: "PL",
portugal: "PT",
"puerto rico": "PR",
qatar: "QA",
reunion: "RE",
romania: "RO",
"russian federation": "RU",
rwanda: "RW",
"saint barthelemy": "BL",
"saint helena, ascension and tristan da cunha": "SH",
"saint kitts and nevis": "KN",
"saint lucia": "LC",
"saint martin (french part)": "MF",
"saint pierre and miquelon": "PM",
"saint vincent and the grenadines": "VC",
samoa: "WS",
"san marino": "SM",
"sao tome and principe": "ST",
"saudi arabia": "SA",
senegal: "SN",
serbia: "RS",
seychelles: "SC",
"sierra leone": "SL",
singapore: "SG",
slovakia: "SK",
slovenia: "SI",
"solomon islands": "SB",
somalia: "SO",
"south africa": "ZA",
"south georgia and the south sandwich islands": "GS",
spain: "ES",
"sri lanka": "LK",
sudan: "SD",
suriname: "SR",
"svalbard and jan mayen": "SJ",
swaziland: "SZ",
sweden: "SE",
switzerland: "CH",
"syrian arab republic": "SY",
taiwan: "TW",
tajikistan: "TJ",
"tanzania, united republic of": "TZ",
thailand: "TH",
"timor-leste": "TL",
togo: "TG",
tokelau: "TK",
tonga: "TO",
"trinidad and tobago": "TT",
tunisia: "TN",
turkey: "TR",
turkmenistan: "TM",
"turks and caicos islands": "TC",
tuvalu: "TV",
uganda: "UG",
ukraine: "UA",
"united arab emirates": "AE",
"united kingdom": "GB",
"united states": "US",
"united states minor outlying islands": "UM",
uruguay: "UY",
uzbekistan: "UZ",
vanuatu: "VU",
"venezuela, bolivarian republic of": "VE",
"viet nam": "VN",
"virgin islands, british": "VG",
"virgin islands, u.s.": "VI",
"wallis and futuna": "WF",
"western sahara": "EH",
yemen: "YE",
zambia: "ZM",
zimbabwe: "ZW"
searchCountry: {
a: "Afghanistan;Aland Islands;Albania;Algeria;American Samoa;Andorra;Angola;Anguilla;Antarctica;Antigua and Barbuda;Argentina;Armenia;Aruba;Australia;Austria;Azerbaijan".split(";"),
af: ["Afghanistan"],
afg: ["Afghanistan"],
al: ["Aland Islands", "Albania", "Algeria"],
ala: ["Aland Islands"],
alb: ["Albania"],
alg: ["Algeria"],
am: ["American Samoa"],
ame: ["American Samoa"],
an: ["Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antarctica", "Antigua and Barbuda"],
and: ["Andorra"],
ang: ["Angola", "Anguilla"],
ant: ["Antarctica", "Antigua and Barbuda"],
ar: ["Argentina", "Armenia", "Aruba"],
arg: ["Argentina"],
arm: ["Armenia"],
aru: ["Aruba"],
au: ["Australia", "Austria"],
aus: ["Australia", "Austria"],
az: ["Azerbaijan"],
aze: ["Azerbaijan"],
b: "Bahamas;Bahrain;Bangladesh;Barbados;Belarus;Belgium;Belize;Benin;Bermuda;Bhutan;Bolivia, Plurinational State of;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Botswana;Bouvet Island;Brazil;British Indian Ocean Territory;Brunei Darussalam;Bulgaria;Burkina Faso;Burundi".split(";"),
ba: ["Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados"],
bah: ["Bahamas", "Bahrain"],
ban: ["Bangladesh"],
bar: ["Barbados"],
be: ["Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bermuda"],
bel: ["Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize"],
ben: ["Benin"],
ber: ["Bermuda"],
bh: ["Bhutan"],
bhu: ["Bhutan"],
bo: ["Bolivia, Plurinational State of", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Bouvet Island"],
bol: ["Bolivia, Plurinational State of"],
bos: ["Bosnia and Herzegovina"],
bot: ["Botswana"],
bou: ["Bouvet Island"],
br: ["Brazil", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "Brunei Darussalam"],
bra: ["Brazil"],
bri: ["British Indian Ocean Territory"],
bru: ["Brunei Darussalam"],
bu: ["Bulgaria", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi"],
bul: ["Bulgaria"],
bur: ["Burkina Faso", "Burundi"],
c: "Cambodia;Cameroon;Canada;Cape Verde;Cayman Islands;Central African Republic;Chad;Chile;China;Christmas Island;Cocos (Keeling) Islands;Colombia;Comoros;Congo;Congo, the Democratic Republic of the;Cook Islands;Costa Rica;Cote d'Ivoire;Croatia;Cuba;Cyprus;Czech Republic".split(";"),
ca: ["Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cape Verde", "Cayman Islands"],
cam: ["Cambodia", "Cameroon"],
can: ["Canada"],
cap: ["Cape Verde"],
cay: ["Cayman Islands"],
ce: ["Central African Republic"],
cen: ["Central African Republic"],
ch: ["Chad", "Chile", "China", "Christmas Island"],
cha: ["Chad"],
chi: ["Chile", "China"],
chr: ["Christmas Island"],
co: "Cocos (Keeling) Islands;Colombia;Comoros;Congo;Congo, the Democratic Republic of the;Cook Islands;Costa Rica;Cote d'Ivoire".split(";"),
coc: ["Cocos (Keeling) Islands"],
col: ["Colombia"],
com: ["Comoros"],
con: ["Congo", "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the"],
coo: ["Cook Islands"],
cos: ["Costa Rica"],
cot: ["Cote d'Ivoire"],
cr: ["Croatia"],
cro: ["Croatia"],
cu: ["Cuba"],
cub: ["Cuba"],
cy: ["Cyprus"],
cyp: ["Cyprus"],
cz: ["Czech Republic"],
cze: ["Czech Republic"],
d: ["Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic"],
de: ["Denmark"],
den: ["Denmark"],
dj: ["Djibouti"],
dji: ["Djibouti"],
"do": ["Dominica", "Dominican Republic"],
dom: ["Dominica", "Dominican Republic"],
e: "Ecuador;Egypt;El Salvador;Equatorial Guinea;Eritrea;Estonia;Ethiopia".split(";"),
ec: ["Ecuador"],
ecu: ["Ecuador"],
eg: ["Egypt"],
egy: ["Egypt"],
el: ["El Salvador"],
els: ["El Salvador"],
eq: ["Equatorial Guinea"],
equ: ["Equatorial Guinea"],
er: ["Eritrea"],
eri: ["Eritrea"],
es: ["Estonia"],
est: ["Estonia"],
et: ["Ethiopia"],
eth: ["Ethiopia"],
f: "Falkland Islands (Malvinas);Faroe Islands;Fiji;Finland;France;French Guiana;French Polynesia;French Southern Territories".split(";"),
fa: ["Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "Faroe Islands"],
fal: ["Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"],
far: ["Faroe Islands"],
fi: ["Fiji", "Finland"],
fij: ["Fiji"],
fin: ["Finland"],
fr: ["France", "French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "French Southern Territories"],
fra: ["France"],
fre: ["French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "French Southern Territories"],
g: "Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana".split(" "),
ga: ["Gabon", "Gambia"],
gab: ["Gabon"],
gam: ["Gambia"],
ge: ["Georgia", "Germany"],
geo: ["Georgia"],
ger: ["Germany"],
gh: ["Ghana"],
gha: ["Ghana"],
gi: ["Gibraltar"],
gib: ["Gibraltar"],
gr: ["Greece", "Greenland", "Grenada"],
gre: ["Greece", "Greenland", "Grenada"],
gu: "Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana".split(" "),
gua: ["Guadeloupe", "Guam", "Guatemala"],
gue: ["Guernsey"],
gui: ["Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau"],
guy: ["Guyana"],
h: "Haiti;Heard Island and McDonald Islands;Holy See (Vatican City State);Honduras;Hong Kong;Hungary".split(";"),
ha: ["Haiti"],
hai: ["Haiti"],
he: ["Heard Island and McDonald Islands"],
hea: ["Heard Island and McDonald Islands"],
ho: ["Holy See (Vatican City State)", "Honduras", "Hong Kong"],
hol: ["Holy See (Vatican City State)"],
hon: ["Honduras", "Hong Kong"],
hu: ["Hungary"],
hun: ["Hungary"],
i: "Iceland;India;Indonesia;Iran, Islamic Republic of;Iraq;Ireland;Isle of Man;Israel;Italy".split(";"),
ic: ["Iceland"],
ice: ["Iceland"],
"in": ["India", "Indonesia"],
ind: ["India", "Indonesia"],
ir: ["Iran, Islamic Republic of", "Iraq", "Ireland"],
ira: ["Iran, Islamic Republic of", "Iraq"],
ire: ["Ireland"],
is: ["Isle of Man", "Israel"],
isl: ["Isle of Man"],
isr: ["Israel"],
it: ["Italy"],
ita: ["Italy"],
j: ["Jamaica", "Japan", "Jersey", "Jordan"],
ja: ["Jamaica", "Japan"],
jam: ["Jamaica"],
jap: ["Japan"],
je: ["Jersey"],
jer: ["Jersey"],
jo: ["Jordan"],
jor: ["Jordan"],
k: "Kazakhstan;Kenya;Kiribati;Korea, Democratic People's Republic of;Korea, Republic of;Kuwait;Kyrgyzstan".split(";"),
ka: ["Kazakhstan"],
kaz: ["Kazakhstan"],
ke: ["Kenya"],
ken: ["Kenya"],
ki: ["Kiribati"],
kir: ["Kiribati"],
ko: ["Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", "Korea, Republic of"],
kor: ["Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", "Korea, Republic of"],
ku: ["Kuwait"],
kuw: ["Kuwait"],
ky: ["Kyrgyzstan"],
kyr: ["Kyrgyzstan"],
l: "Lao People's Democratic Republic;Latvia;Lebanon;Lesotho;Liberia;Libya;Liechtenstein;Lithuania;Luxembourg".split(";"),
la: ["Lao People's Democratic Republic", "Latvia"],
lao: ["Lao People's Democratic Republic"],
lat: ["Latvia"],
le: ["Lebanon", "Lesotho"],
leb: ["Lebanon"],
les: ["Lesotho"],
li: ["Liberia", "Libya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania"],
lib: ["Liberia", "Libya"],
lie: ["Liechtenstein"],
lit: ["Lithuania"],
lu: ["Luxembourg"],
lux: ["Luxembourg"],
m: "Macao;Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of;Madagascar;Malawi;Malaysia;Maldives;Mali;Malta;Marshall Islands;Martinique;Mauritania;Mauritius;Mayotte;Mexico;Micronesia, Federated States of;Moldova, Republic of;Monaco;Mongolia;Montenegro;Montserrat;Morocco;Mozambique;Myanmar".split(";"),
ma: "Macao;Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of;Madagascar;Malawi;Malaysia;Maldives;Mali;Malta;Marshall Islands;Martinique;Mauritania;Mauritius;Mayotte".split(";"),
mac: ["Macao", "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of"],
mad: ["Madagascar"],
mal: ["Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta"],
mar: ["Marshall Islands", "Martinique"],
mau: ["Mauritania", "Mauritius"],
may: ["Mayotte"],
me: ["Mexico"],
mex: ["Mexico"],
mi: ["Micronesia, Federated States of"],
mic: ["Micronesia, Federated States of"],
mo: "Moldova, Republic of;Monaco;Mongolia;Montenegro;Montserrat;Morocco;Mozambique".split(";"),
mol: ["Moldova, Republic of"],
mon: ["Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montenegro", "Montserrat"],
mor: ["Morocco"],
moz: ["Mozambique"],
my: ["Myanmar"],
mya: ["Myanmar"],
n: "Namibia;Nauru;Nepal;Netherlands;Netherlands Antilles;New Caledonia;New Zealand;Nicaragua;Niger;Nigeria;Niue;Norfolk Island;Northern Mariana Islands;Norway".split(";"),
na: ["Namibia", "Nauru"],
nam: ["Namibia"],
nau: ["Nauru"],
ne: ["Nepal", "Netherlands", "Netherlands Antilles", "New Caledonia", "New Zealand"],
nep: ["Nepal"],
net: ["Netherlands", "Netherlands Antilles"],
"new": ["New Caledonia", "New Zealand"],
ni: ["Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Niue"],
nic: ["Nicaragua"],
nig: ["Niger", "Nigeria"],
niu: ["Niue"],
no: ["Norfolk Island", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Norway"],
nor: ["Norfolk Island", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Norway"],
o: ["Oman"],
om: ["Oman"],
oma: ["Oman"],
p: "Pakistan;Palau;Palestinian Territory, Occupied;Panama;Papua New Guinea;Paraguay;Peru;Philippines;Pitcairn;Poland;Portugal;Puerto Rico".split(";"),
pa: "Pakistan;Palau;Palestinian Territory, Occupied;Panama;Papua New Guinea;Paraguay".split(";"),
pak: ["Pakistan"],
pal: ["Palau", "Palestinian Territory, Occupied"],
pan: ["Panama"],
pap: ["Papua New Guinea"],
par: ["Paraguay"],
pe: ["Peru"],
per: ["Peru"],
ph: ["Philippines"],
phi: ["Philippines"],
pi: ["Pitcairn"],
pit: ["Pitcairn"],
po: ["Poland", "Portugal"],
pol: ["Poland"],
por: ["Portugal"],
pu: ["Puerto Rico"],
pue: ["Puerto Rico"],
q: ["Qatar"],
qa: ["Qatar"],
qat: ["Qatar"],
r: ["Reunion", "Romania", "Russian Federation", "Rwanda"],
re: ["Reunion"],
reu: ["Reunion"],
ro: ["Romania"],
rom: ["Romania"],
ru: ["Russian Federation"],
rus: ["Russian Federation"],
rw: ["Rwanda"],
rwa: ["Rwanda"],
s: "Saint Barthelemy;Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha;Saint Kitts and Nevis;Saint Lucia;Saint Martin (French part);Saint Pierre and Miquelon;Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;Samoa;San Marino;Sao Tome and Principe;Saudi Arabia;Senegal;Serbia;Seychelles;Sierra Leone;Singapore;Slovakia;Slovenia;Solomon Islands;Somalia;South Africa;South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands;Spain;Sri Lanka;Sudan;Suriname;Svalbard and Jan Mayen;Swaziland;Sweden;Switzerland;Syrian Arab Republic".split(";"),
sa: "Saint Barthelemy;Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha;Saint Kitts and Nevis;Saint Lucia;Saint Martin (French part);Saint Pierre and Miquelon;Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;Samoa;San Marino;Sao Tome and Principe;Saudi Arabia".split(";"),
sai: "Saint Barthelemy;Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha;Saint Kitts and Nevis;Saint Lucia;Saint Martin (French part);Saint Pierre and Miquelon;Saint Vincent and the Grenadines".split(";"),
sam: ["Samoa"],
san: ["San Marino"],
sao: ["Sao Tome and Principe"],
sau: ["Saudi Arabia"],
se: ["Senegal", "Serbia", "Seychelles"],
sen: ["Senegal"],
ser: ["Serbia"],
sey: ["Seychelles"],
si: ["Sierra Leone", "Singapore"],
sie: ["Sierra Leone"],
sin: ["Singapore"],
sl: ["Slovakia", "Slovenia"],
slo: ["Slovakia", "Slovenia"],
so: ["Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"],
sol: ["Solomon Islands"],
som: ["Somalia"],
sou: ["South Africa", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"],
sp: ["Spain"],
spa: ["Spain"],
sr: ["Sri Lanka"],
sri: ["Sri Lanka"],
su: ["Sudan", "Suriname"],
sud: ["Sudan"],
sur: ["Suriname"],
sv: ["Svalbard and Jan Mayen"],
sva: ["Svalbard and Jan Mayen"],
sw: ["Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland"],
swa: ["Swaziland"],
swe: ["Sweden"],
swi: ["Switzerland"],
sy: ["Syrian Arab Republic"],
syr: ["Syrian Arab Republic"],
t: "Taiwan;Tajikistan;Tanzania, United Republic of;Thailand;Timor-Leste;Togo;Tokelau;Tonga;Trinidad and Tobago;Tunisia;Turkey;Turkmenistan;Turks and Caicos Islands;Tuvalu".split(";"),
ta: ["Taiwan", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania, United Republic of"],
tai: ["Taiwan"],
taj: ["Tajikistan"],
tan: ["Tanzania, United Republic of"],
th: ["Thailand"],
tha: ["Thailand"],
ti: ["Timor-Leste"],
tim: ["Timor-Leste"],
to: ["Togo", "Tokelau", "Tonga"],
tog: ["Togo"],
tok: ["Tokelau"],
ton: ["Tonga"],
tr: ["Trinidad and Tobago"],
tri: ["Trinidad and Tobago"],
tu: ["Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tuvalu"],
tun: ["Tunisia"],
tur: ["Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Turks and Caicos Islands"],
tuv: ["Tuvalu"],
u: "Uganda;Ukraine;United Arab Emirates;United Kingdom;United States;United States Minor Outlying Islands;Uruguay;Uzbekistan".split(";"),
ug: ["Uganda"],
uga: ["Uganda"],
uk: ["Ukraine"],
ukr: ["Ukraine"],
un: ["United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States", "United States Minor Outlying Islands"],
uni: ["United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States", "United States Minor Outlying Islands"],
ur: ["Uruguay"],
uru: ["Uruguay"],
uz: ["Uzbekistan"],
uzb: ["Uzbekistan"],
v: ["Vanuatu", "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of", "Viet Nam", "Virgin Islands, British", "Virgin Islands, U.S."],
va: ["Vanuatu"],
van: ["Vanuatu"],
ve: ["Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of"],
ven: ["Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of"],
vi: ["Viet Nam", "Virgin Islands, British", "Virgin Islands, U.S."],
vie: ["Viet Nam"],
vir: ["Virgin Islands, British", "Virgin Islands, U.S."],
w: ["Wallis and Futuna", "Western Sahara"],
wa: ["Wallis and Futuna"],
wal: ["Wallis and Futuna"],
we: ["Western Sahara"],
wes: ["Western Sahara"],
y: ["Yemen"],
ye: ["Yemen"],
yem: ["Yemen"],
z: ["Zambia", "Zimbabwe"],
za: ["Zambia"],
zam: ["Zambia"],
zi: ["Zimbabwe"],
zim: ["Zimbabwe"]
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