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Created December 20, 2015 13:22
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  • Save jamesnvc/bfe8d2b5e52e71719e5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jamesnvc/bfe8d2b5e52e71719e5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* SLADE Configuration File
* Don't edit this unless you know what you're doing
archive_load_data 0
elist_colname_width 80
elist_colsize_width 64
elist_coltype_width 160
elist_colindex_width 64
elist_colsize_show 1
elist_coltype_show 1
elist_colindex_show 0
elist_hrules 0
elist_vrules 0
elist_filter_dirs 0
elist_type_bgcol 0
elist_type_bgcol_intensity 0.18000
elist_name_monospace 0
elist_alt_row_colour 0
base_resource -1
max_recent_files 25
auto_open_wads_root 0
close_archive_with_tab 1
am_current_tab 0
am_file_browser_tab 1
check_dir_archives 1
autosave_entry_changes 2
confirm_entry_delete 1
context_submenus 1
last_colour "RGB(255, 0, 0)"
last_tint_colour "RGB(255, 0, 0)"
last_tint_amount 50
auto_entry_replace 0
snd_volume 100
snd_autoplay 0
browser_bg_type 0
browser_item_size 96
col_cie_kl 1.00000
col_cie_k1 0.04500
col_cie_k2 0.01500
col_cie_kc 1.00000
col_cie_kh 1.00000
col_cie_tristim_x 95.02000
col_cie_tristim_z 108.82000
dmx_padding 1
wolfsnd_rate 7042
tx_arc 0
dir_last_soundfont ""
snd_midi_usetimidity 0
snd_timidity_path ""
snd_timidity_options ""
dir_last_pngtool ""
run_last_exe ""
run_last_config 0
run_last_extra ""
hud_statusbar 1
hud_center 1
hud_wide 0
hud_bob 0
path_acc ""
path_acc_libs ""
path_pngout ""
path_pngcrush ""
path_deflopt ""
path_db2 ""
confirm_entry_revert 1
game_configuration ""
port_configuration ""
debug_configuration 0
gfx_show_border 1
gfx_hilight_mouseover 1
gfx_arc 0
gfx_extraconv 0
bgtx_colour1 "#404050"
bgtx_colour2 "#505060"
hex_grid_width 16
iconset_general "Default"
iconset_entry_list "Default"
dir_last "/Users/james/Library/Application Support/ZDoom"
log_verbosity 1
temp_location 0
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setup_wizard_run 1
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update_check_beta 0
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grid_dashed 0
scroll_smooth 1
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selection_clear_click 0
property_edit_dclick 1
map_showfps 0
camera_3d_gravity 1
camera_3d_crosshair_size 6
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map_bg_ms 15
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hilight_smooth 1
map_show_help 1
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map_show_selection_numbers 1
map_max_selection_numbers 1000
mlook_invert_y 0
grid_64_style 1
map_merge_undo_step 1
map_remove_invalid_lines 0
map_merge_lines_on_delete_vertex 0
mew_maximized 1
nodebuilder_id "zdbsp"
nodebuilder_options ""
save_archive_with_map 1
map_image_width -5
map_image_height -5
mobj_props_show_all 0
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map_image_thickness 1.50000
map_view_things 1
vertex_round 1
vertex_size 7
line_width 1.50000
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thing_drawtype 1
thing_force_dir 0
thing_overlay_square 0
flat_brightness 0.80000
flat_ignore_light 0
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sector_hilight_fill 1
sector_selected_fill 1
map_animate_hilight 1
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map_animate_tagged 1
arrow_alpha 1.00000
arrow_colour 0
flats_use_vbo 1
halo_width 5
arrowhead_angle 0.78540
arrowhead_length 25.00000
action_lines 1
arrow_pathed_color "#22FFFF"
arrow_dragon_color "#FF2222"
test_ssplit 0
render_max_dist 2000.00000
render_max_thing_dist 2000.00000
render_thing_icon_size 16
render_fog_quality 1
render_max_dist_adaptive 0
render_adaptive_ms 15
render_3d_sky 1
render_3d_things 1
render_3d_things_style 1
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render_3d_brightness 1.00000
render_fog_distance 1500.00000
render_fog_new_formula 1
map_tex_sort 2
map_tex_treespec "type,archive,category"
map_tex_filter 0
fs_soundfont_path ""
fs_driver ""
size_as_string 1
percent_encoding 0
gl_tex_enable_np2 1
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gl_tweak_accuracy 1
gl_vbo 1
gl_depth_buffer_size 16
col_match 1
col_match_r 1.00000
col_match_g 1.00000
col_match_b 1.00000
col_match_h 1.00000
col_match_s 1.00000
col_match_l 1.00000
col_greyscale_r 0.29900
col_greyscale_g 0.58700
col_greyscale_b 0.11400
script_show_language_list 1
shapedraw_shape 0
shapedraw_centered 0
shapedraw_lockratio 0
shapedraw_sides 16
show_toolbar_names 0
toolbars_hidden ""
toolbar_size 16
toolbar_button_flat 1
txed_tab_width 4
txed_auto_indent 1
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txed_style_set "SLADE Default"
txed_calltips_mouse 1
txed_calltips_parenthesis 1
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browser_thing_tiles 1
use_zeth_icons 0
list_font_monospace 0
wad_force_uppercase 1
iwad_lock 1
font_monospace "Consolas,Lucida Console"
tab_style 1
"/Users/james/Library/Application Support/ZDoom/DOOM2.WAD"
copy "c|C"
cut "c|X"
paste "c|V"
select_all "c|A"
el_new "c|N"
el_delete "delete"
el_move_up "c|U"
el_move_down "c|D"
el_rename "c|R", "f2"
el_import "c|I"
el_import_files "cs|I"
el_export "c|E"
el_up_dir "backspace"
ted_autocomplete "c|space"
ted_calltip "cs|space"
ted_findreplace "c|F"
ted_findnext "f3"
ted_jumpto "c|J"
txed_patch_left "c|left"
txed_patch_left8 "left"
txed_patch_up "c|up"
txed_patch_up8 "up"
txed_patch_right "c|right"
txed_patch_right8 "right"
txed_patch_down "c|down"
txed_patch_down8 "down"
txed_patch_add "insert"
txed_patch_delete "delete"
txed_patch_replace "f2", "c|R"
txed_patch_duplicate "c|D"
txed_patch_forward "]"
txed_patch_back "["
txed_tex_up "c|up", "c|U"
txed_tex_down "c|down", "c|D"
txed_tex_new "c|N"
txed_tex_new_patch "cs|N"
txed_tex_new_file "ac|N"
txed_tex_delete "delete"
map_edit_accept "return", "num_enter"
map_edit_cancel "escape"
map_toggle_3d "Q"
map_screenshot "cs|P"
me2d_clear_selection "C"
me2d_pan_view "mouse3", "c|space"
me2d_move "Z"
me2d_zoom_in_m "mwheelup"
me2d_zoom_out_m "mwheeldown"
me2d_zoom_in "="
me2d_zoom_out "-"
me2d_show_object "s|=", "s|mwheelup"
me2d_show_all "s|-", "s|mwheeldown"
me2d_left "left"
me2d_right "right"
me2d_up "up"
me2d_down "down"
me2d_grid_inc "["
me2d_grid_dec "]"
me2d_grid_toggle_snap "s|G"
me2d_mode_vertices "V"
me2d_mode_lines "L"
me2d_mode_sectors "S"
me2d_mode_things "T"
me2d_flat_type "c|F"
me2d_split_line "cs|S"
me2d_lock_hilight "c|H"
me2d_begin_linedraw "space"
me2d_begin_shapedraw "s|space"
me2d_create_object "insert"
me2d_delete_object "delete"
me2d_copy_properties "cs|C"
me2d_paste_properties "cs|V"
me2d_begin_object_edit "E"
me2d_toggle_selection_numbers "N"
me2d_mirror_x "c|M"
me2d_mirror_y "cs|M"
me2d_object_properties "return"
me2d_line_change_texture "c|T"
me2d_line_flip "F"
me2d_line_flip_nosides "s|F"
me2d_line_tag_edit "s|T"
me2d_sector_light_up16 "'"
me2d_sector_light_up "s|'"
me2d_sector_light_down16 ";"
me2d_sector_light_down "s|;"
me2d_sector_floor_up8 "c|."
me2d_sector_floor_up "cs|."
me2d_sector_floor_down8 "c|,"
me2d_sector_floor_down "cs|,"
me2d_sector_ceil_up8 "a|."
me2d_sector_ceil_up "as|."
me2d_sector_ceil_down8 "a|,"
me2d_sector_ceil_down "as|,"
me2d_sector_height_up8 "."
me2d_sector_height_up "s|."
me2d_sector_height_down8 ","
me2d_sector_height_down "s|,"
me2d_sector_change_texture "c|T"
me2d_sector_join "J"
me2d_sector_join_keep "s|J"
me2d_thing_change_type "c|T"
me2d_thing_quick_angle "D"
me3d_toggle_fog "F"
me3d_toggle_fullbright "B"
me3d_adjust_brightness "s|B"
me3d_toggle_gravity "G"
me3d_release_mouse "tab"
me3d_clear_selection "C"
me3d_toggle_things "T"
me3d_thing_style "s|T"
me3d_toggle_hilight "H"
me3d_copy_tex_type "c|C", "mouse3"
me3d_paste_tex_type "c|V", "s|mouse3"
me3d_toggle_info "I"
me3d_quick_texture "c|T"
me3d_camera_forward "W"
me3d_camera_back "S"
me3d_camera_left "A"
me3d_camera_right "D"
me3d_camera_up "up"
me3d_camera_down "down"
me3d_camera_turn_left "left"
me3d_camera_turn_right "right"
me3d_light_up16 "'"
me3d_light_up "s|'"
me3d_light_down16 ";"
me3d_light_down "s|;"
me3d_light_toggle_link "c|L"
me3d_xoff_up8 "num_4"
me3d_xoff_up "num_left"
me3d_xoff_down8 "num_6"
me3d_xoff_down "num_right"
me3d_yoff_up8 "num_8"
me3d_yoff_up "num_up"
me3d_yoff_down8 "num_2"
me3d_yoff_down "num_down"
me3d_scalex_up_l "c|num_4"
me3d_scalex_up_s "c|num_left"
me3d_scalex_down_l "c|num_6"
me3d_scalex_down_s "c|num_right"
me3d_scaley_up_l "c|num_8"
me3d_scaley_up_s "c|num_up"
me3d_scaley_down_l "c|num_2"
me3d_scaley_down_s "c|num_down"
me3d_wall_toggle_link_ofs "c|O"
me3d_wall_autoalign_x "c|A"
me3d_wall_reset "R"
me3d_wall_unpeg_lower "L"
me3d_wall_unpeg_upper "U"
me3d_flat_height_up8 "num_plus", "mwheelup"
me3d_flat_height_up "s|num_plus", "s|mwheelup"
me3d_flat_height_down8 "num_minus", "mwheeldown"
me3d_flat_height_down "s|num_minus", "s|mwheeldown"
me3d_thing_remove "delete"
me3d_thing_up8 "num_8"
me3d_thing_up "num_up"
me3d_thing_down8 "num_2"
me3d_thing_down "num_down"
zdbsp ""
zennode ""
glbsp ""
bsp ""
chocolate_doom ""
eternity ""
glboom ""
gzdoom ""
prboom ""
zdoom ""
main 1024 768 0 0
map 1024 768 0 0
// End Configuration File
kk:40:00 : SLADE - It's a Doom Editor
kk:40:00 : Version 3.1.1 Beta 2
kk:40:00 : Written by Simon Judd, 2008-2015
kk:40:00 : Compiled with wxWidgets 3.0.2
kk:40:00 : --------------------------------
kk:40:00 : Loading configuration
kk:40:00 : Loading resources
kk:40:00 : Resource animated.lmp was not found in dir /Applications/!
This resource folder cannot be used. (Did you install SLADE 3 in a SLumpEd folder?)
kk:40:01 : Loading icons
kk:40:01 : Loading entry types
kk:40:01 : Loading text languages
kk:40:01 : Loading text style sets
kk:40:01 : Loading colour configuration
kk:40:01 : Loading base resource
kk:40:01 : Base resource loaded
kk:40:01 : SLADE Initialisation OK
kk:40:13 : Opening archive /Users/james/Miscellaneous/ZDoom Maps/eevee.wad
kk:40:13 : Warning: No fluidsynth soundfont set, MIDI playback will not work
kk:40:13 : Opening took 783 ms
kk:40:14 : Initialising OpenGL...
kk:40:14 : OpenGL Version: 2.1
kk:40:14 : Max Texture Size: 8192x8192
kk:40:15 : Checking extensions...
kk:40:15 : Vertex Buffer Objects supported
kk:40:15 : Point Sprites supported
kk:40:15 : Framebuffer Objects supported
kk:40:21 : Read game configuration "doom2" + "zdoom"
kk:40:22 : Opening map MAP01
kk:40:22 : Removed 0 detached vertices, 0 detached sides, 0 invalid sides and 0 detached sectors
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