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Last active November 29, 2016 18:47
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Perlin noise in Clojure(Script) (based on eevee's implementation)
(ns spacebaluch.perlin)
; Based on eevee's implementation
; and blog post
(def sqrt
#?(:cljs js/Math.sqrt
:clj #(Math/sqrt %)))
(def floor
#?(:cljs js/Math.floor
:clj #(Math/floor %)))
(def ceil
#?(:cljs js/Math.ceil
:clj #(Math/ceil %)))
(def log
#?(:cljs js/Math.log
:clj #(Math/log %)))
(def cos
#?(:cljs js/Math.cos
:clj #(Math/cos %)))
(def π
#?(:cljs js/Math.PI
:clj Math/PI))
(def pow
#?(:cljs js/Math.pow
:clj #(Math/pow %1 %2)))
;; math/vector stuff
(defn gaussian
"Normal-distributed random number via Box-Muller transform"
(let [u (- 1 (rand 1))
v (- 1 (rand 1))]
(* (sqrt (* -2 (log u)))
(cos (* 2 π v)))))
(defn normalize
"Normalize a vector"
(let [scale (/ (sqrt (reduce + 0 (map #(* % %) v))))]
(mapv (partial * scale) v)))
(defn v-
[v w]
(mapv - v w))
(defn dot
[& vs]
(reduce + 0 (apply map * vs)))
(defn product
"Generate the cartesian product of vector"
(if (empty? colls)
(list '())
(->> (for [x (first colls)
xs (product (rest colls))]
(cons x xs))
(map vec))))
;; perlin stuff
(defn generate-gradient
(normalize (vec (repeatedly dims gaussian))))
(defn smoothstep
"Smooth curve for interpolating (zero derative @ 0 , 1)"
(* t t (- 3 (* 2 t))))
(defn lerp
"Linear interpolation between a & b, at point t between them"
[t a b]
(+ a (* t (- b a))))
(defn noise-generator
[{:keys [dimensions octaves tile unbias]
:or {octaves 1 tile [] unbias false}}]
(let [gradients (atom {})
dims dimensions
tile (into tile (repeat dims 0))
scale-factor (/ 2 (sqrt dims))
(fn [point]
(let [; list of (min,max) bounds in each direction
grid-coords (mapv (juxt floor (comp inc floor)) point)
; Dot products of each gradient vector &
; distance from grid point gives gradient's
; influence on the point
dots (for [grid-point (product grid-coords)]
(when-not (get @gradients grid-point)
(swap! gradients assoc grid-point
(generate-gradient dims)))
(dot (get @gradients grid-point)
(v- point grid-point))))]
; Now interpolate dot products together
(loop [dim (dec dims)
dots dots]
(if (> (count dots) 1)
(let [s (smoothstep
(- (get point dim)
(get-in grid-coords [dim 0])))]
(recur (dec dim)
(map (fn [[a b]] (lerp s a b))
(partition 2 dots))))
; for n dimensions, range of noise is ±sqrt (n)/2
; multiply to scale to ±1
(* scale-factor (first dots))))))
(fn [point]
(fn [r o]
(let [o2 (bit-shift-left 1 o)
new-point (vec (map-indexed
(fn [i coord]
(let [c (* coord o2)
t (get tile i)]
(if-not (zero? t)
(mod c (* t o2))
(+ r (/ (plain-noise-at new-point) o2))))
(range octaves)))
scale (fn [v] (/ v (- 2 (pow 2 (- 1 octaves)))))
unbias (fn [v]
(if-not unbias
(-> (reduce (fn [r _] (smoothstep r))
(/ (inc v) 2)
(range (ceil (/ octaves 2))))
(* 2)
(fn [point]
(-> point
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