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YubiKey as an SSH CA

Edit 2023-03-03: This is now written in long-form at

The original version is retained below.


  • ykman from the yubikey-manager package
  • libykcs11 from the yubico-piv-tool package


  1. Get a YubiKey to act as a dedicated CA - this key should not be used for other purposes
  2. Generate a certificate on the CA key
  3. Obtain the public key for the CA
  4. Collect SSH public keys to be signed
  5. Sign them!

Set up CA YubiKey

Identify the YubiKey

This is mostly necessary if you use multiple YubiKeys. You can skip this if you only have the CA key.

ykman list

Check the PIV info of the device you want to use

ykman --device <serial from above> piv info

(You can skip the --device flag if you only have one key.)

Setup the device

Assuming this is a brand new key, change the management key, PIN and PUK from the default values.

ykman --device <serial> piv change-management-key --touch --generate

Ref. for PIN limitations

You can use pwgen to generate a secure PIN, e.g.

pwgen -sy 8 1

Change the PIN and PUK. 123456 / 12345678 are the default values, respectively.

ykman --device <serial> piv change-pin -P 123456
ykman --device <serial> piv change-puk -p 12345678

We only need CCID mode on the CA YubiKey, OTP and FIDO won't be used, so let's disable them.

% ykman --device <serial> mode CCID
Set mode of YubiKey to CCID? [y/N]: y

(N.B. I had to reinsert the YubiKey after doing this, otherwise ykman generated a traceback with error ykman.driver_ccid.CCIDError: Failed to transmit with protocol T1. Card was reset. during the next step.)

Generate CA

Create a private key. We'll use slot 9d.


% ykman --device <serial> piv generate-key 9d ca.pem
Enter a management key [blank to use default key]:
Touch your YubiKey...

And now generate a certificate whose subject is "SSH CA" and is valid for ~10 years. This outputs the public key to ca.pem.

% ykman --device <serial> piv generate-certificate -s "SSH CA" -d 3650 9d ca.pem
Enter PIN:
Enter a management key [blank to use default key]:
Touch your YubiKey...

At this point we have a private key and self-signed certificate on the YubiKey

% ykman --device <serial> piv info
PIV version: 5.2.6
PIN tries remaining: 3
CHUID:  ...
CCC:    ...
Slot 9d:
    Algorithm:  RSA2048
    Subject DN: CN=SSH CA
    Issuer DN:  CN=SSH CA
    Serial:     ...
    Fingerprint:    ...
    Not before: 2020-10-04 15:21:26
    Not after:  2030-10-02 15:21:26

Let's get the SSH pubkey for this. We'll need a PKCS#11 library, either libykcs (provided with yubico-piv-tool) or OpenSC.

ssh-keygen -D /opt/local/lib/libykcs11.dylib

(N.B. if you have multiple YubiKeys installed this will be problematic.)

This will output two ssh-rsa keys. Take the first one and put it in a file called This is used for signing.

Getting the public key from another YubiKey used for SSH

This section is if you are using a separate YubiKey as your SSH private key.

Get the SSH pubkey for your SSH YubiKey (NOT the CA) if you don't already have it.

N.B. unplug the CA key first, otherwise you'll get both.

% ssh-keygen -D /opt/local/lib/libykcs11.dylib >

Signing an SSH public key

If you use a second YubiKey for SSH (as in the previous section), unplug that key now and ensure only the CA key is plugged in.

Sign your SSH key's pubkey. The key identity (-I) will be your email address and we add a principle (-n) of your SSH username.

% ssh-keygen -s -D /opt/local/lib/libykcs11.dylib -I -n bob
Enter PIN for 'YubiKey PIV #xxxxx':
Signed user key id "bob" serial 0 valid forever

You can inspect this with

% ssh-keygen -f -L
        Type: user certificate
        Public key: RSA-CERT SHA256:Xk7dUop5/qjwucmsUduwTtG9hgBmOE/jD3UJh+wqlVY
        Signing CA: RSA SHA256:TCVSthFvCaEuONOxziMLwJpdJAoY19fb4eZADw0Ovtw (using rsa-sha2-512)
        Key ID: "bob"
        Serial: 0
        Valid: forever
        Critical Options: (none)
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jamesog commented Mar 3, 2023

Hey @YoNevelt, I finally got around to writing this up properly:

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