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Created June 4, 2024 18:34
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The following fields were ADDED:
The following fields were REMOVED:
The following fields were CHANGED:
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: Current age (limit 89). Derived from Birthdate (RMS) ---MISSING DATA: Contact RMS Database Maintainers ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (Via IDB/RMS dates)'
' ---DESCRIPTION: Current age (limit 89). Derived from Birthdate (Revenue Management System (RMS)) ---MISSING DATA: Contact Revenue Management System (RMS) Database Maintainers ---SOURCE:Derived from IDB/Revenue Management System (RMS) dates'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: Binary indication if patient recieve anti-cancer medication prior to MSK ---MISSING DATA: Initial consult (IC) notes need to be (1) within a list of acceptable note types, (2) be within 90 days of first MSK dates if patients have multiple primaries. Note types consist of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgery, inpatient services and others, as they are most likely to contain information about external treatments prior to MSK. ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (NLP)'
' ---DESCRIPTION: Binary indication if patient recieve anti-cancer medication prior to MSK ---MISSING DATA: Initial consult (IC) notes need to be (1) within a list of acceptable note types, (2) be within 90 days of first MSK dates if patients have multiple primaries. Note types consist of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgery, inpatient services and others, as they are most likely to contain information about external treatments prior to MSK. ---SOURCE:NLP generated from medical oncology notes'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
"---DESCRIPTION: Inferred smoking history. Classes: Current/Former, Never, Unknown ---MISSING DATA: The patient might not have had a 'Smoking Status' section in their Clindoc note. Potential factor for older notes, if the formatting of the section has changed; majority are from 2015-->present. ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (NLP)"
" ---DESCRIPTION: Inferred smoking history. Classes: Current/Former, Never, Unknown ---MISSING DATA: The patient might not have had a 'Smoking Status' section in their Clindoc note. Potential factor for older notes, if the formatting of the section has changed; majority are from 2015-->present. ---SOURCE:NLP generated from medical oncology notes"
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
"---DESCRIPTION: This is similar to the previous column, except here we don't differentiate between non-Ashkenazi Jewish and Ashkenazi Jewish Europeans. ---MISSING DATA: Ancestry pipeline not run on patient. ---SOURCE:Kanika Arora (Berger Lab)"
'Continental-level genetic ancestry label for the patient. The patient is assigned European (EUR), African (AFR), East Asian (EAS), South Asian (SAS) or Native American (NAM) ancestry label if the inferred contribution of that population to their ancestry is at least 80%, otherwise they are labeled as admixed/other (ADM)'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: This is the main column with assigned ancestry label for the patient. The values in this column can be EUR, ASJ, AFR, EAS, SAS, NAM or ADM which stand for European (excluding Ashkenazi Jewish), Ashkenazi Jewish European, African, East Asian, South Asian, Native American and Admixed/Other ---MISSING DATA: Ancestry pipeline not run on patient. ---SOURCE:Kanika Arora (Berger Lab)'
'Final genetic ancestry label assigned to the patient based on ANCESTRY_CONTINENTAL_LABEL and ANCESTRY_ASJ. EUR = European (excluding Ashkenazi Jewish), ASJ = Ashkenazi Jewish European, AFR = African, EAS = East Asian, SAS = South Asian, NAM = Native American, ADM = Admixed/Other'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: History if patient ever had a pathology specimen annotated as PD-L1 positive ---MISSING DATA: Patient not tested for PD-L1 ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (NLP)'
' ---DESCRIPTION: History if patient ever had a pathology specimen annotated as PD-L1 positive ---MISSING DATA: Patient not tested for PD-L1 ---SOURCE:NLP generated from pathology reports'
DISPLAY_NAME: Value changed from:
'Intra Abdominal'
'Tumor Site: Intra-Abdominal (NLP)'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'Intra Abdominal'
'---DESCRIPTION: History of Intra-Abdominal as a tumor site as indicated in radiology report impression ---MISSING DATA: No CT/PET/MRI radiology report available for patient. Impression section missing from report. ---SOURCE:NLP generated from radiology reports'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: Patient level summary of the highest reported Gleason score from pathology reports. NLP used to derive ---MISSING DATA: No reported Gleason Score for patient. Rule-based NLP did not sense the word "gleason" any pathology reports. ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (NLP)'
' ---DESCRIPTION: Patient level summary of the highest reported Gleason score from pathology reports. NLP used to derive ---MISSING DATA: No reported Gleason Score for patient. Rule-based NLP did not sense the word "gleason" any pathology reports. ---SOURCE:NLP generated from pathology reports'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: Highest recorded stage in tumor registry (ICD-O). Data has been aggregated from the CDM derived stage information, which bins stage in "stage 1-3" and "stage 4". ---MISSING DATA: Stage data not entered by admins in tumor registry ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (Via IDB/RMS dates)'
' ---DESCRIPTION: Highest recorded stage in tumor registry (ICD-O). Data has been aggregated from the CDM derived stage information, which bins stage in "stage 1-3" and "stage 4". ---MISSING DATA: Stage data not entered by admins in tumor registry ---SOURCE:Derived from IDB/Revenue Management System (RMS) dates'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'---DESCRIPTION: History of Adrenal Gland as a tumor site as indicated in radiology report impression ---MISSING DATA: No CT/PET/MRI radiology report available for patient. Impression section missing from report. ---SOURCE:CDM Generated (NLP)'
' ---DESCRIPTION: History of Adrenal Gland as a tumor site as indicated in radiology report impression ---MISSING DATA: No CT/PET/MRI radiology report available for patient. Impression section missing from report. ---SOURCE:NLP generated from radiology reports'
DESCRIPTIONS: Value changed from:
'Microsatellite Instability (MSI) score. Source: MPath '
'Microsatellite Instability (MSI) score. Source: MPath\r\n'
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