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Created May 7, 2017 04:41
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env # to get all env variables
*********to work as root*************
su -
**************ifconfig synonyms------------
ip address show or ip a s or ip a s eth0
************formatted file name************
cp a.txt a_$(date +%F).txt
#to decompress .gz file
gunzip *gz
#check services running
service --status-all (redhat)
#for one service
service <service-name> status/start/restart
sudo chmod -R ugo+rw /DATA/SHARE
change rwx permission types to ug[oa]
chmod a-w
chmod a+rwx
permissions given in binary:
4 Read, 2 Write, 1 Execute
chmod 751
chmod 000
Get users / cut example
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd
sed 's/:.*//' /etc/passwd
special permission:
s setuid/setgid permissions - appears in the read portion of user/group
eg: g+s
[ The sticky bit can be very useful in shared environment because when it has been assigned to the permissions on a directory it sets it so only file owner can rename or delete the said file.]
t - sticky bit - appears in the executable portion of the all users. - only file owner can rename or delete the file
eg: chmod +t <dir>
# to execute a last command: !<command>, !ls or !!
# to view last ls file: vi !$file
vi case insensitive search
/\c searchString
case sensitive search
/\C case sensitive search
# to search for a previously executed command:
# ctrl r and type a few letters of the command
# to get from history
history | grep <command >
# grep with regular expression
egrep "sqoop|hive" *
find/grep in file recursively, ignoring case, with filename, including/excluding some files
grep -riH --exclude "*.java" p_shipment_serial_number
# while using vi and get out and come back
ctrl z to get out, and come back to editor fg 1 or fg 2
chmod -R a+X => capital X means only the directory
disc usage rolled up to one level below directories
du --max-depth=1
tail -20 <filename>
head -20 <filename>
To find in sub dir as well:
find . -name "*sh"
to find inside file:
grep <xxx> <filename>
to find files ignoring case:
find . -iname <filename>
to see running processes:
ps -ef
kill <processId from above>
grep top - high usage processes
to see logged in users:
to get information from web:
to see the processs:
to decompress and extract files:
tar -xvzf snr_split.tar.gz'
to compress and zip files:
tar -cvzf snr_split.tar.gz ~/snr_split
vi search replace
ssh from one machine to another(from namenode to datanode)
ssh <servername>
to know which version we use:
get ipconfig:
old: ifconfig
new: ip addr show
check services status, restart....
old: service <name> status
new: systemctl | grep mysql
disc usage:
du -sh folder
see ports/listening tcp/udp
sudo netstat -tulpn
cpu usage of processes:
ps aux | grep <processname>
checking mounted things:
system admin commands:
lsof | head
lsof /var/log/nginx/access.log
lsof <processid> | grep log
lsof <filename> gives which processes are using the file
lsof -u <username>
lsof -i :80(port)
lsof -i tcp
---------to see class files of a jar--------
jar tvf <jarfile>
-------------------root access -------------
su -
ip address show or ip a s/
ip r s -- ip root show
to get date formate = $(date + %F)
--------------to see ports ---------------------
----------create multiple folders at once---------
mkdir -p hdp{1,2,3}
--------------run command while ssh -------------------
ssh name@domain_name "df -h" to get free space
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