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Created May 21, 2018 14:08
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  • Save jamesreggio/eedd17511a3d64d1ba1613cbc08d78c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Repro for apollo-cache-inmemory stack overflow issue
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Array.forEach (native)
at merge (blob:file:///71f10210-bc6a-4c31-bb2d-281064e4b98f:64781:24)
at blob:file:///71f10210-bc6a-4c31-bb2d-281064e4b98f:64787:11
at Array.forEach (native)
at merge (blob:file:///71f10210-bc6a-4c31-bb2d-281064e4b98f:64781:24)
at blob:file:///71f10210-bc6a-4c31-bb2d-281064e4b98f:64787:11
at Array.forEach (native)
at merge (blob:file:///71f10210-bc6a-4c31-bb2d-281064e4b98f:64781:24)
at blob:file:///71f10210-bc6a-4c31-bb2d-281064e4b98f:64787:11
at Array.forEach (native)
Unfortunately, no additional frames are available; however, judging by a profiler trace,
the complete recursive cycle is captured in this trace.
Specifically, it looks like the `forEach` in `merge` keeps hitting the `else if` arm and
recursing. I wasn't able to isolate which bit of data led to the infinite recursion.
query HomeFeedQuery($feedIncluded: Boolean = true, $feedPageSize: Int = 30, $feedAfter: String, $episodeSessionsIncluded: Boolean = true, $episodeSessionsPageSize: Int = 20, $upNextIncluded: Boolean = true, $upNextPageSize: Int = 10) {
feed(type: HOME, pagination: {first: $feedPageSize, after: $feedAfter}) @include(if: $feedIncluded) {
pageInfo {
items {
viewer: node(id: "viewer") {
... on User {
episodeSessions(pagination: {first: $episodeSessionsPageSize}) @include(if: $episodeSessionsIncluded) {
items {
episode {
owner {
... on Show {
upNext {
upNext(pagination: {first: $upNextPageSize}) @include(if: $upNextIncluded) {
items {
fragment FeedItemPublishedFragment on FeedItemPublished {
episode {
fragment EpisodeFragment on Episode {
owner {
images {
media {
fragment AccountFragment on Account {
image {
theme {
... on Show {
... on User {
fragment ImageFragment on Image {
fragment ThemeFragment on Theme {
halftones {
cmyk {
palette {
white {
black {
show {
fragment PaletteColorsFragment on PaletteColors {
fragment SubscribableFragment on Subscribable {
subscribersCount: subscribers(owner: ANY) {
mySubscriptionsCount: subscribers(owner: VIEWER) {
fragment MediaFragment on Media {
fragment EpisodeSessionsFragment on Episode {
myEpisodeSessionsPreview: episodeSessions(owner: VIEWER, pagination: {first: 1}) {
items {
fragment EpisodeSessionFragment on EpisodeSession {
episode {
fragment BookmarkableFragment on Bookmarkable {
myBookmarksCount: bookmarks(owner: VIEWER) {
fragment ListenableFragment on Listenable {
listenersCount: listeners(owner: ANY) {
subListenersCount: listeners(owner: SUBSCRIPTION_ONLY) {
subListenersPreview: listeners(owner: SUBSCRIPTION_ONLY, pagination: {first: 5}) {
items {
fragment UpvotableFragment on Upvotable {
upvotesCount: upvotes(owner: ANY) {
subUpvotesCount: upvotes(owner: SUBSCRIPTION_ONLY) {
myUpvotesCount: upvotes(owner: VIEWER) {
fragment HighlightableFragment on Highlightable {
fragment RecastableFragment on Recastable {
myRecastsCount: recasts(owner: VIEWER) {
myRecastsPreview: recasts(owner: VIEWER, pagination: {first: 1}) {
items {
fragment RecastFragment on Recast {
target {
owner {
message {
fragment MessageFragment on Message {
fragment ReplyableFragment on Replyable {
repliesCount: replies(owner: ANY) {
subRepliesPreview: replies(owner: SUBSCRIPTION, pagination: {first: 6}) {
items {
fragment ReplyFragment on Reply {
target {
parent {
owner {
message {
fragment FeedItemHighlightFragment on FeedItemHighlight {
episode {
highlights {
fragment HighlightFragment on Highlight {
target {
owner {
message {
media {
range {
fragment RangeFragment on Range {
fragment HighlightSessionsFragment on Highlight {
myHighlightSessionsPreview: highlightSessions(owner: VIEWER, pagination: {first: 1}) {
items {
fragment HighlightSessionFragment on HighlightSession {
highlight {
fragment FeedItemRecastFragment on FeedItemRecast {
episode {
recasts {
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"description": "This might be the most important podcast episode I've put out in the last two years. Please trust me and give it a full listen. It will surprise you, perhaps shock you, and definitely make you think differently.\n\nMichael Pollan (@michaelpollan) is the author of seven previous books, including Cooked, Food Rules, In Defense of Food, The Omnivore's Dilemma, and The Botany of Desire, all of which were New York Times bestsellers. A longtime contributor to the New York Times Magazine, he also teaches writing at Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley where he is the John S. and James L. Knight Professor of Science Journalism. In 2010, Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.\n\nHis most recent book, How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence, might be my favorite yet. This is the first podcast interview Michael has done about the book, the science and applications of psychedelics, his exploration, and his own experiences. It is a wild ride.\n\nIn fact, partially due to this book, I am committing a million dollars over the next few years to support the scientific study of psychedelic compounds. This is by far the largest commitment to research and nonprofits I've ever made, and if you'd like to join me in supporting this research, please check out\n\nIn our wide-ranging conversation, we cover many things, including:The fundamentals of \"psychedelics,\" what the term means, and what compounds like psilocybin, mescaline, and others have in common.New insights related to treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, alcohol/nicotine dependence, OCD, PTSD, and more.Recent scientific and clinical discussions of a \"grand unified theory of mental illness.\"Potential applications and risks of psychedelics.Michael's own experiences — which he did not initially intend on having — and what he's learned from them.The \"entropic brain,\" and why there might be a therapeutic sweet spot between mental order and chaos.Why researchers at Johns Hopkins, NYU, Yale, and elsewhere are dedicating resources to understanding these compounds.And much, much more...\n\n\nThe molecules discussed in this episode — and some incredible clinical results from well-designed studies — have absolutely captured my attention over the last two years. After wading in and supporting smaller studies, I've decided to go all-in on scientists exploring this area. It seems to be an Archimedes lever for potentially solving a wide range of root-cause problems, instead of playing whack-a-mole with symptoms one by one.\n\nThis episode is brought to you by Teeter. Inversion therapy, which uses gravity and your own body weight to decompress the spine or relieve pressure on the discs and surrounding nerves, seems to help with a whole slew of conditions. And just as a general maintenance program, it's one of my favorite things to do.\n\nSince 1981, more than three million people have put their trust in Teeter inversion tables for relief, and it's the only inversion table brand that's been both safety-certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and registered with the FDA as a class one medical device. For a limited time, my listeners can get the Teeter inversion table with bonus accessories and a free pair of gravity boots — a savings of over $148 — by going to!\n\nThis podcast is also brought to you by Helix Sleep. I recently moved into a new home and needed new beds, and I purchased mattresses from Helix Sleep. It offers mattresses personalized to your preferences and sleeping style — without costing thousands of dollars. Visit and take the simple 2-3 minute sleep quiz to get started, and the team there will build a mattress you'll love. Plus you’ll get up to $125 off your mattress order.",
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"description": "BLOG\nAdam talks with British writer, producer and presenter Charlie Brooker.\nTHIS EPISODE CONTAINS LANGUAGE AND THEMES THAT HAVE OFFENDED IN THE PAST AND MAY OFFEND AGAIN.\nThere was a problem with one of the mics on this episode hence roomy sound from back up recording. Apologies for any emo\n\n\nHello. Adam here with a few notes and links related to this episode for you.\nMy rambly conversation with Charlie was recorded in March of this year 2018, in the west London house where he lives with his wife Connie and their two young children.&nbsp;\nCharlie started his media career writing about video games in the 90s and we began by reminiscing about our childhood fascination with those blocky virtual worlds.\nWe also talked about Nathan Barley (Channel 4, 2005), Black Mirror (Channel 4, Netflix, 2011 - present), how comedic fury can be taken at face value, smoking, defecating, and how we would cope if we were on reality TV or facing armageddon and didn’t have Bear Grylls to advise us. Charlie also does an impression of comedian Jimmy Carr’s laugh which will improve your life.\nThanks to Seamus Murphy-Mitchel for production support.\nMusic and jingles by Adam Buxton\n\n\nADAM BUXTON’S OLD BITS DVD/DOWNLOAD\n\n\n\nTHE FREE ADAM BUXTON BUXTON APP\n\n\n\nCHARLIE CONVO LINKS\n\n\nADAM & JOE - PEOPLE PLACE&nbsp;\n\n\n\nTV GO HOME WEBSITE\n\n\n\nNATHAN BARELY EP 1\n\n\n\n‘WAKE IN FRIGHT’ 2012 ARTICLE IN THE NEW YORKER\n\n\n\n‘WAKE IN FRIGHT’ HOW WAS THE KANGAROO SLAUGHTER FILMED?\n\n\n\nARISTON AD FEATURING ROBOCOP VIDEO GAME MUSIC\n\n\n\nPYE CORNER AUDIO YOUTUBE PLAYLIST\n\n\n\nCHILDHOOD TRAUMA LINKS (STILL GRIM!)\n\n\nQ.E.D. - A GUIDE TO ARMAGEDDON\n\n\n\nPROTECT AND SURVIVE - 70s UK PUBLIC INFORMATION FILMS ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR\n\n\n\n‘CHARLIE SAYS’ DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS\n",
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"title": "a16z Podcast: B2B2C",
"description": "When it comes to B2B2C business models -- which combine both business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) -- who really \"owns\" the customer? That question might not matter as much in more symbiotic, mutually beneficial marketplaces and other platform contexts, but can be a problem in other contexts or if not done right. For example, if it gives entrepreneurs the illusion that they don't have to work to acquire customers, invest in direct sales, or provides a (false) sense of optionality for a second product/ business that \"will work later someday\".\n\nGeneral partners Alex Rampell (who among other things co-founded TrialPay and Affirm) and Martin Casado (who was formerly CTO and cofounder of Nicira, and then SVP and GM of VMWare's networking and security business unit) draw on their backgrounds on both the consumer and enterprise side of B2B2C to share lessons learned in this episode of the 16z Podcast (in conversation with Sonal Chokshi). In enterprise settings, expanding the sale is one of the biggest drivers of growth, and there are broader ecosystem partners and considerations at play. But more broadly, we discuss how one could think about \"channel\" -- a.k.a. the route to market for distributing product to customers -- as well as if, when, and how to build more than one product in a startup.",
"publishedAt": "2018-05-18T23:29:31.000Z",
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"title": "Weekly Roundup: Thursday, May 17",
"description": "As Republicans break off from their party leaders, an immigration vote edges closer to the House floor. Democrats get a rare win on the Senate floor. Plus, President Trump's plans for a summit with North Korea grow sour. This episode: Congressional correspondent Susan Davis, White House reporter Ayesha Rascoe, White House correspondent Scott Horsley, and editor & correspondent Ron Elving. Email the show at Find and support your local public radio station at",
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