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Created November 10, 2018 15:24
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namespace ChickenSoftware.PanzerGeneral
open System.IO
open FSharp.Data
open Xamarin.Forms
open System.Reflection
type TileContext = JsonProvider<"Data//Scenario_Tile.json">
type UnitContext = JsonProvider<"Data//Scenario_Unit.json">
type EquipmentContext = JsonProvider<"Data//Equipment.json">
type ContentData = {TileId: int; ColumnNumber: int; RowNumber: int; UnitId: int option}
type App() =
inherit Application()
let getTiles (scenarioId:int) =
let assembly = IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo(typeof<App>).Assembly
let stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("scenariotile");
let reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let json = reader.ReadToEnd()
let scenarioTile = TileContext.Parse(json)
|> Array.filter(fun st -> st.ScenarioId = scenarioId)
let getUnits (scenarioId: int) =
let assembly = IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo(typeof<App>).Assembly
let stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("scenariounit");
let reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let json = reader.ReadToEnd()
let unit = UnitContext.Parse(json)
|> Array.filter(fun su -> su.ScenarioId = scenarioId)
let getEquipments =
let assembly = IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo(typeof<App>).Assembly
let stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("equipment");
let reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let json = reader.ReadToEnd()
let equipment = EquipmentContext.Parse(json)
let createImage path =
let image = new Image()
image.Source <- ImageSource.FromResource(path)
let createTileContentData (tile:TileContext.ScenarioTile) (units: UnitContext.ScenarioUnit seq) (equipments: EquipmentContext.Equipment seq) =
let scenarioUnit =
|> Seq.tryFind(fun u -> u.StartingScenarioTileId = tile.ScenarioTileId)
let unitId =
match scenarioUnit with
| Some u ->
let equipment = equipments |> Seq.find(fun e -> e.EquipmentId = u.EquipmentId)
Some equipment.Icon
| None -> None
{TileId = tile.TerrainId;
ColumnNumber = tile.ColumnNumber;
RowNumber = tile.RowNumber;
UnitId = unitId}
let createRectangle columnIndex rowIndex scale =
let height = 50.0 * scale
let width = 60.0 * scale
let yOffsetPlug = 25.0 * scale
let xOffsetPlug = -15.0 * scale
let columnIndex' = float columnIndex
let rowIndex' = float rowIndex
let yOffset =
match columnIndex % 2 = 0 with
| true -> yOffsetPlug
| false -> yOffsetPlug + yOffsetPlug
let xOffset = (columnIndex' * xOffsetPlug) + xOffsetPlug
let x = xOffset + columnIndex' * width
let y = yOffset + rowIndex' * height
new Rectangle(x,y,width,height)
let createLayout numberOfTiles scale =
let width = 60.0 * scale
let height = 50.0 * scale
let layout = new AbsoluteLayout()
layout.WidthRequest <- 12.0 * width
let rows = numberOfTiles % 20 |> float
layout.HeightRequest <- rows * height
let addTileContent (layout:AbsoluteLayout) (contentData: ContentData) (scale: float) =
let rectangle = createRectangle contentData.ColumnNumber contentData.RowNumber scale
let terrainImageLocator = "tacmapdry" + contentData.TileId.ToString()
layout.Children.Add(createImage terrainImageLocator, rectangle)
match contentData.UnitId with
|Some i ->
let unitImageLocator = "tacicons" + i.ToString()
layout.Children.Add(createImage unitImageLocator, rectangle)
|None -> ()
let populateBoard =
let tiles = getTiles 0
let units = getUnits 0
let equipments = getEquipments
let numberOfTiles = tiles |> Seq.length
let scale = 1.0
let layout = createLayout numberOfTiles scale
|> t -> createTileContentData t units equipments)
|> Array.iter(fun cd -> addTileContent layout cd scale)
let scrollView = new ScrollView()
scrollView.Orientation <- ScrollOrientation.Both
scrollView.Content <- layout
base.MainPage <- ContentPage(Content = scrollView)
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