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Created July 31, 2013 17:21
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Determine Bluetooth Device Status on OS X
on run
-- determine if we are looking for the mouse or the trackpad
set doWhat to system attribute "KMVAR_checkWhichDevice" -- set in Keyboard Maestro as M or TP
-- create a temp file
set theFile to (path to temporary items as string) & "test1.plist"
-- system_profiler - reports system hardware and software configuration.
-- try it out in a terminal
-- system_profiler -listDataTypes | grep -i blue
-- SPBluetoothDataType
-- write the output to an XML plist file
do shell script "system_profiler -xml -detailLevel basic SPBluetoothDataType > " & POSIX path of theFile
-- read property list comes from Property List Tools.osax
-- from
set _plist to read property list file (theFile)
set _devices to device_title of item 1 of _items of item 1 of _plist
-- |apple wireless trackpad| and |james mouse| are variable names, well, record keys
-- Alas AppleScript record keys cannot be read programmatically
-- debug and look in _devices for YOUR variable names
-- substitute the vars below
-- if you have more than 2 devices, add extra try/on error conditions
set dev1 to ""
set dev1Connected to true
if doWhat = "TP" then
set dev1 to |apple wireless trackpad| of item 1 of _devices
if device_isconnected of dev1 = "attrib_No" then
set dev1Connected to false
end if
on error
set dev1 to |apple wireless trackpad| of item 2 of _devices
if device_isconnected of dev1 = "attrib_No" then
set dev1Connected to false
end if
end try
end if
if doWhat = "M" then
set dev1 to |james mouse| of item 2 of _devices
if device_isconnected of dev1 = "attrib_No" then
set dev1Connected to false
end if
on error
set dev1 to |james mouse| of item 1 of _devices
if device_isconnected of dev1 = "attrib_No" then
set dev1Connected to false
end if
end try
end if
return dev1Connected
end run
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