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Created July 17, 2012 21:53
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CLEAN algorithm Implemented in Scala
package CLEAN
import scalala.tensor.dense.{DenseMatrix => Image}
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Clean class implemented in Scala
* Author: James R. Thompson, D.Phil
* Date: 7/16/12
* Time: 9:31 AM
* USC Mork Family Dept. of Chem. Eng. & Mat. Sci.
abstract class PixelType
case class EdgePixel(loc:(Int,Int), intensity:Double) extends PixelType
case class GotchaPixel(loc:(Int,Int), intensity:Double) extends PixelType
case class DimPixel(loc:(Int,Int), intensity:Double) extends PixelType
class Clean(img:Image[Short], val patchSize:Int) {
implicit def conv2DTo1D(loc:(Int,Int)) : Int = loc._2 * img.numCols + loc._1
implicit def conv1Dto2D(loc:Int) : (Int,Int) = (loc % img.numCols, math.floor(loc / img.numCols).toInt)
implicit def normalize(in:Image[Short]) : Array[Double] = {
val data =
val max = data.max.toDouble
val min = data.min.toDouble => (s.toDouble - min) * (1 / (max - min)))
lazy val i : Array[Double] = img
lazy val mean = i.sum / i.length
val foundSpots = ArrayBuffer[(Double,Double)]()
def cleanImage(brightest:Double, threshold:Double) = {
val loc = i.indexOf(brightest)
assignPixelType(loc, brightest, threshold) match {
case e:EdgePixel => i.update(loc,mean)
case g:GotchaPixel => foundSpots += cleanMe(loc)
case d:DimPixel => ()
def assignPixelType(loc:(Int,Int), intensity:Double, threshold:Double) = {
if(loc._1 <= patchSize || loc._2 <= patchSize || loc._1 >= img.numCols - patchSize || loc._2 >= img.numRows - patchSize) EdgePixel(loc, intensity)
else if(intensity < threshold) DimPixel(loc, intensity)
else GotchaPixel(loc, intensity)
def cleanMe(loc:(Int,Int)) = {
val pixelMap = for(x <- loc._1 - patchSize to loc._1 + patchSize; y <- loc._2 - patchSize to loc._2 + patchSize) yield ((x,y),i.apply((x,y))) => i.update(p._1, mean))
def findSpots(threshold:Double) = {
while(i.max > threshold) cleanImage(i.max, threshold)
(i, foundSpots.toArray)
def moment(in:IndexedSeq[((Int,Int), Double)]) = {
val d =
val x = => v._1._1 * v._2).sum / d
val y = => v._1._2 * v._2).sum / d
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Clean algorithm adapted for Scala. Detects spots in a pixelated image, assuming the spots are imaged as approximate Gaussians. Fits the location using a moment finding method and outputs the locations and cleaned image. Adapted for single molecule TIRF microscopy image analysis here.

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