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Created August 20, 2012 18:48
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Cooley-Tukey FFT - Scala
import scala.math._
case class Complex(re: Double, im: Double = 0.0) {
def +(x: Complex): Complex = Complex((, (
def -(x: Complex): Complex = Complex((, (
def *(x: Complex): Complex = Complex(**,**
def transformReal(input:IndexedSeq[Double]) = {
val data = padder( => Complex(i)).toList)
val outComplex = fft(data) => math.sqrt(( * + ( * / 2) + 1).toIndexedSeq // Magnitude Output
def powerSpectrum(input:IndexedSeq[Double]) = {
val data = padder( => Complex(i)).toList)
val outComplex = fft(data)
val out = => math.sqrt(( * + ( * / 2) + 1).toIndexedSeq => (i * i) / data.length) // Power Spectral Density Output
def padder(data:List[Complex]) : List[Complex] = {
def check(num:Int) : Boolean = if((num.&(num-1)) == 0) true else false
def pad(i:Int) : Int = {
check(i) match {
case true => i
case false => pad(i + 1)
if(check(data.length) == true) data else data.padTo(pad(data.length), Complex(0))
def fft(f: List[Complex]) : List[Complex] = {
f.size match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => f
case n => {
val c: Double => Complex = phi => Complex(cos(phi), sin(phi))
val e = fft(f.zipWithIndex.filter(_._2%2==0).map(_._1))
val o = fft(f.zipWithIndex.filter(_._2%2!=0).map(_._1))
def it(in:List[(Int, Complex)], k:Int = 0) : List[(Int, Complex)] = {
k < (n / 2) match {
case true => it( (k+n/2,e(k)-o(k)*c(-2*Pi*k/n)) :: (k,e(k)+o(k)*c(-2*Pi*k/n)) :: in, k + 1)
case false => in
it(List[(Int, Complex)]()).sortWith((x,y) => x._1 < y._1).map(_._2)
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Fast Fourier Transform

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