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Created October 1, 2012 23:27
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Legendre & Associated Legendre Polynomials
object Legendre {
// Returns all the Legendre Polynomials Up to that l number using For Loop -> Yield - to get the l-th term take .tail (m = 0 for the Legendre Polynomials)
// Horner's Rule implemented as a Stream
def leg(l : Int, angle : Double) : IndexedSeq[Double] = {
val cosAngle = math.cos(angle)
lazy val stream : Stream[Double] = {
def loop(last:Double, curr:Double, k:Double = 0.0) : Stream[Double] = curr #:: loop(curr, ((2 * k + 1) * cosAngle * curr - k * last) / (k + 1), k + 1)
loop(0.0, 1.0)
stream.take(l + 1).toIndexedSeq
// Associated Legendre Polynomials for the range -1 <= x <= 1 (i.e. the cosine of the angle,
// n.b. give 0.0 explicitly if taking cos(pi / 2) as it's an approximation and numerically unstable otherwise.)
// Hacked from Numerical Recipes
def aLeg(l : Int, m : Int, x : Double = 0.0) : Double = {
var fact = 1.0
var pll = 0.0
var pmm = 1.0
var pmmp1 = 0.0
var somx2 = math.sqrt((1.0 - x) * (1.0 + x))
lazy val calc : Double = {
for(i <- 1 to m) {
pmm *= -fact * somx2
fact += 2.0
if(l == m) pmm else {
pmmp1 = x * (2 * m + 1) * pmm
if( l == (m + 1)) pmmp1 else {
for(ll <- m + 2 to l) {
pll = (x * (2 * ll - 1) * pmmp1 - (ll + m - 1) * pmm) / (ll - m)
pmm = pmmp1
pmmp1 = pll
(m < 0 || m > l || math.abs(x) > 1.0) match {
case true => println("Error!"); 0.0
case false => if(math.abs(calc) == 0.0) 0.0 else calc
// Returns an IndexedSeq[Double] for all orders associated legendre polynomials of order q up to maximum mode lmax (l), i.e. [P^0_lmax, P^1_lmax, P^2_lmax .. P^lmax_lmax] for cosAngle = 0 default param
def aLegSeries(lmax : Int) : IndexedSeq[Double] = (0 to lmax).map(m => aLeg(lmax, m))
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Legendre and Associated Legendre Polynomials

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