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Created May 1, 2015 19:06
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machine network def
{ numZookeeperNodes ? 1 }:
with import <nixpkgs/lib>;
makeMachine = n: nameValuePair "zk-${toString n}"
({ config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
zkServers = concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (node: conf:
let zk =; in
if zk.enable then "server.${toString} = ${node}:2888:3888\n" else ""
) nodes);
allowOthers = concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (node: conf:
let zk =; in
if zk.enable then ''
iptables -A nixos-fw -s ${node} -p tcp -m multiport --dports 2888,3888 -m comment --comment "Allow zookeeper node ${node}" -j ACCEPT
'' else ""
) nodes);
in { = {
enable = true;
id = n;
servers = zkServers;
config.networking.firewall = {
enable = true;
allowedTCPPorts = [ 2181 ];
extraCommands = allowOthers;
config.environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ zookeeper netcat ];
in listToAttrs (map makeMachine (range 0 (numZookeeperNodes - 1)))
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