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Created May 21, 2020 10:23
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Generated by XState Viz:
const terminal = {}
const input = {}
const terminalText = {}
const showmode = {}
const text = {}
const col = {}
const TEXT_CURSOR = textContent => `<span id="cursor">${textContent}</span>`;
let cursor;
const modeMachine = Machine(
id: "input-mode",
initial: "normal",
context: {
cursorPointer: undefined,
textContent: "",
textLength: undefined
states: {
normal: {
entry: ["applyNormalModeStyles"],
on: {
i: "insert",
v: "visual",
R: "replace",
h: {
target: ".",
actions: ["moveLeft", "updateCursorPosition"],
internal: true
a: {
target: "insert",
actions: ["moveRight", "updateCursorPosition"]
l: {
target: ".",
actions: ["moveRight", "updateCursorPosition"],
internal: true
$: {
target: ".",
actions: ["endOfLine", "updateCursorPosition"],
internal: true
0: {
target: ".",
actions: ["startOfLine", "updateCursorPosition"],
internal: true
visual: {
entry: "applyVisualModeStyles",
on: { Escape: "normal" }
insert: {
entry: ["getCursorElement", "applyInsertModeStyles"],
on: {
Escape: "normal",
target: ".",
actions: ["saveText", "updateBuffer"]
replace: {
entry: "applyReplaceModeStyles",
on: { Escape: "normal" }
actions: {
saveText: assign(({ cursorPointer, textContent, textLength }, e) => {
let updatedContent;
let updatedCursorPointer;
if (cursorPointer !== undefined && cursorPointer !== textLength) {
updatedContent = textContent
.slice(0, cursorPointer)
} else {
updatedContent = textContent.concat(;
if ( == null) {
updatedContent = textContent.slice(0, textLength - 1);
updatedCursorPointer =
cursorPointer !== undefined ? cursorPointer - 1 : undefined;
} else {
updatedCursorPointer =
cursorPointer !== undefined ? cursorPointer + 1 : undefined;
return {
textContent: updatedContent,
textLength: updatedContent.length,
cursorPointer: updatedCursorPointer
updateBuffer: ctx => {
terminalText.textContent = ctx.textContent;
col.innerText = `1,${ctx.cursorPointer || ctx.textLength || 0}`;
moveLeft: assign(({ cursorPointer, textLength }) => {
if (cursorPointer !== undefined) {
return { cursorPointer: cursorPointer === 0 ? 0 : cursorPointer - 1 };
return { cursorPointer: textLength - 1 };
moveRight: assign(({ cursorPointer, textLength }) => {
if (cursorPointer !== undefined) {
return {
cursorPointer === textLength ? textLength : cursorPointer + 1
return { cursorPointer: textLength };
endOfLine: assign(({ textLength }) => ({
cursorPointer: textLength
startOfLine: assign(() => ({
cursorPointer: 0
getCursorElement: () => {
cursor = document.getElementById("cursor");
updateCursorPosition: ({ textContent, cursorPointer, textLength }) => {
const getInnerText = () => {
if (cursorPointer !== undefined) {
return cursorPointer;
} else if (textLength !== undefined) {
return textLength;
return 0;
col.innerText = `1,${getInnerText()}`;
text.innerHTML = textContent
.slice(0, cursorPointer)
TEXT_CURSOR(textContent.slice(cursorPointer, cursorPointer + 1))
.concat(textContent.slice(cursorPointer + 1));
applyInsertModeStyles: () => {
showmode.textContent = "-- INSERT --"; = "1.5px";
applyReplaceModeStyles: () => {
showmode.textContent = "-- REPLACE --";
applyNormalModeStyles: ({ textContent, cursorPointer, textLength }) => {
col.innerText = `1,${cursorPointer || textLength || 0}`;
const innerText = content => (cursorPointer > 0 ? content : "");
text.innerHTML = textContent
.slice(0, cursorPointer || textLength)
innerText(textContent.slice(cursorPointer, cursorPointer + 1))
.concat(innerText(textContent.slice(cursorPointer + 1)));
showmode.textContent = "";
applyVisualModeStyles: () => {
showmode.textContent = "-- VISUAL --";
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