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Last active January 7, 2024 17:11
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Tribes 1 Model Formats
Tribes 1 uses file formats which are similar to file formats used in the Torque Game Engine, with the major difference being more use of tags and versioned objects serialized by class name (working on the same basic principle of class instantiation in torques' console system). Also a lot more emphasis on paletted textures.
Currently this document only covers enough to render .dts and interior (.dig,.dis,.dil) shapes present in Tribes 1. For tribes 2 file formats, your best bet is to check out the earlier torque code.
We'll refer to each field as [type] [name or tag value]. If successive fields need to be at a specific offset indicated by a field, that will be noted with "@nameOffset:" where appropriate. In addition if there is a list of typed data, it will be listed as "type[size]:" followed by the fields of that type.
Common types
* Tag
uint32 storing a tag, usually followed by the size of the proceeding data.
* ChunkSize
uint32 where the last bit indicates if the file size should be dword aligned, in which case the amount of data you need to read is ((ChunkSize & ~0x80000000) + 3) & ~3.
* ChunkList
A successive list of chunks which will be read until a number of chunks have been read. The number of chunks needs to be read somewhere in the second chunk, otherwise processing will be aborted.
* Chunk
A simple tuple of [Tag, ChunkSize] where ChunkSize is the sum of the size of the stored fields.
* Point2F
float[2] representing a point.
* Point3F
float[3] representing a point.
* Quat16
uint16[4] representing a quaternion. To decode you divide each component by 0x7fff.
* QuatF
float[4] representing a quaternion.
* Mat3F
float[3][3] representing a matrix in row-major format.
* String
uint16 length followed by the string data. If the last bit of the length is set, the actual size will be increased for dword padding i.e. the size to read is ((length & ~0x80000000) + 3) & ~3.
* VersionedPersBlock
A serialized object. Stored as follows:
Tag 'PERS'
uint32 chunkSize
String className
int32 version
Volume Format
Tribes '.vol' files are stored as follows:
Tag 'PVOL'
uint32 stringBlockOffset
for each file:
Tag 'VBLK'
ChunkSize encodedSize
Tag 'vols' (@stringBlockOffset)
ChunkSize volsSize
char[volsSize] stringData
Tag 'voli'
ChunkSize voliSize (should be multiple of entry size)
for each file entry:
uint32 id (always 0, not used in tribes)
int32 filenameOffset (relative to @stringBlockOffset+8)
int32 fileOffset (offset to relevant VBLK data)
uint32 size
uint8 compressType (0 = none, 1 = RLE, 2 = lzss, 3 = lha)
File data is typically stored uncompressed, however older Dynamix games like Red Baron II actually use the compression. All compressed data is compressed in chunks of 500 bytes.
For RLE, the following pseudocode should suffice:
until input consumed:
read byte
if byte & 0x80:
read repeat_byte
emit repeat_byte byte & ~0x80 times
read byte bytes
emit bytes
For LZH, using the standard algorithm without a starting size should work.
Palette Format
Tribes makes use of palettes. Normally a mission will load a single '.ppl' file which contains multiple palettes. Earlier games may make use of a simpler palette format with only 1 single palette in them. In addition microsoft palette files can be read.
Tag 'PL98'
uint32 numPalettes
int32 shadeShift (shadeLevels = 1<<shadeShift)
int32 hazeLevels
int32 hazeColor
uint8[32] allowedMatches (bit vector which marks colors that can be matched against)
uint32[256] colors
int32 index (batches up with index entry in bitmap)
uint32 type (noremap=0, shadehaze=1, translucent=2, colorquant=3, alphaquant=4, additivequant=5, additive=6, subtractivequant=7, subtractive=8)
[remap data]
uint32 weightPresent
if weightPresent != 0:
float[256] colorWeights
uint32 weightStart
uint32 weightEnd
Remap data size and content varies depending on the types of palettes used. Each maping table should be associated with the relevant palette data. Unless you are writing a software renderer however, the remap data is largely not useful. But it still needs to skipped past to properly read the palette.
for each data:
if type is shadehaze:
uint8[256 * shadeLevels * hazeLevels] shadeMap
if type is translucent or additive or subtractive:
uint8[256 * 256] transMap
for each data:
if type is translucent, shadeHaze, additive or subtractive:
uint8[256] colorIndex
float[256] colorRed
float[256] colorGreen
float[256] colorBlue
for each data:
if type is noremap:
uint8[256] colorIndex
float[256] colorRed
float[256] colorGreen
float[256] colorBlue
Phoenix Bitmap Format
Tribes uses its own bitmap format, which is similar to what you would get if you serialized a bitmap in torque... only it's mostly limited to paletted textures. It also supports loading microsoft bmp files.
In the case of microsoft bitmap files tribes will assign a palette index to them from bfReserved2 if `bfReserved1 == 0xf5f7 and bfReserved2 != 0xffff`, in which case the colors from that palette will be used instead of those provided by the bitmap.
Tribes '.bmp' files are serialized as follows:
Tag 'PBMP'
uint32 numPalettes
if Chunk = 'head':
uint32 version
uint32 width
uint32 height
uint32 bitDepth (should always be 8)
uint32 attribute (normal=0x0, transparent=0x1, fuzzy=0x2, translucent=0x4, ownmeme=0x8, additive=0x10, subtractive=0x20, alpha8=0x40)
[numChunks = version & 0x00ffffff]
[stride = ((width * bitDepth >> 3)+3)&~3]
if Chunk = 'DETL':
int32 mipLevels (maximum = 9)
if Chunk = 'DATA':
uint8[Chunk.size] data (mip0, mip1, mip2, ...)
If Chunk = 'piDX':
int32 paletteIndex
If Chunk = 'RIFF':
[microsoft palette data]
When loading bitmaps the colors used will be taken from a palette data entry equal to the paletteIndex value. It's also possible for a palette to be present in the bitmap data, in which case that can be used.
If loading bitmap data into OpenGL, you'll want to use the alpha channel if transparent or translucent is set. For transparent images, alpha should be 0 or 255. You'll also want to set the following modes depending on the attribute flags:
if (transparent)
glAlphaFUnc(GL_GREATER, 0.65f);
if (additive)
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
else if (subtractive)
Material Lists
These are stored either in '.dml' files or at the end of '.dts' files.
Tag 'PERS'
uint32 chunkSize
String className 'TS::MaterialList'
uint32 numMaterials
uint32 flags
float alpha
uint32 index
uint8[3] rgb
if version < 2:
uint8[16] filename
uint8[32] filename
if version == 1 or 2:
uint32 type
float elasticity
float friction
if version == 1 or version > 3:
uint32 useDefaultProps (assumed to be 1 if not present)
DTS Shapes
The format for the root shape object in '.dts' files is as follows:
Tag 'PERS'
uint32 chunkSize
String className 'TS::Shape'
int32 version
uint32 numNodes
uint32 numSequences
uint32 numSubSequences
uint32 numKeyframes
uint32 numTransforms
uint32 numNames
uint32 numObjects
uint32 numDetails
uint32 numMeshes
if version >= 2:
uint32 numTransitions
if version >= 4:
uint32 numFrameTriggers
float radius
Point3F center
if version > 7:
Point3F minBounds (can be estimated with center + radius and refined with points)
Point3F maxBounds
if version <= 7:
int32 name
int32 parentNode
int32 numSubSequences
int32 firstSubSequence
int32 defaultTransform
int16 name
int16 parentNode
int16 numSubSequences
int16 firstSubSequence
int16 defaultTransform
if version >= 5:
int32 name
int32 cyclic
float duration
int32 priority
int32 firstTriggerFrame
int32 numTriggerFrames
int32 numIFLSubSequences
int32 firstIFLSubSequence
else if version >= 4:
int32 name
int32 cyclic
float duration
int32 priority
int32 firstTriggerFrame
int32 numTriggerFrames
int32 name
int32 cyclic
float duration
int32 priority
if version <= 7:
int32 sequenceIdx
int32 numKeyFrames
int32 firstKeyFrame
int16 sequenceIdx
int16 numKeyFrames
int16 firstKeyFrame
if version < 3:
float pos
uint32 key (transform index - keyMask=0x3FFFFFFF, vis=0x80000000, valid=0x40000000)
else if version <= 7:
float pos
uint32 key (transform index or mesh frame)
uint32 matIndex (matMask=0x0FFFFFFF, vis=0x8000, visMatters=0x40000000, frameMatters=0x10000000, matMatters=0x20000000)
float pos
uint16 key (transform index or mesh frame)
uint16 matIndex (matMask=0x0FFF, vis=0x8000, visMatters=0x4000, frameMatters=0x1000, matMatters=0x2000)
if version < 7:
QuatF rot
Point3F pos
Point3F scale
else if version == 7:
Quat16 rot
Point3F pos
Point3F scale
Quat16 rot
Point3F pos
char data[24]
if version <= 7:
int16 name
uint16 flags (0x1 = invisible by default)
int32 meshIndex
int16 nodeIndex
Point3F offset (relative to node)
int16 numSubSequences
int16 firstSubSequence
int16 name
uint16 flags (0x1 = invisible by default)
int32 meshIndex
int32 nodeIndex
uint32 offsetFlags
Mat3F offsetRot
Point3F offset (relative to node)
int32 numSubSequences
int32 firstSubSequence
int32 rootNode
float size
if version >= 2:
if version < 7:
int32 startSequence
int32 endSequence
float startPosition
float endPosition
float duration
QuatF transformRot
Point3F transformPos
Point3F transformScale
else if version == 7:
int32 startSequence
int32 endSequence
float startPosition
float endPosition
float duration
Quat16 transformRot
Point3F transformPos
Point3F transformScale
int32 startSequence
int32 endSequence
float startPosition
float endPosition
float duration
Quat16 transformRot
Point3F transformPos
if version >= 4:
float pos
int32 value
if version >= 5:
int32 defaultMaterials
if version >= 6:
int32 alwaysNode
VersionedPersBlock object (always 'TS::CelAnimMesh')
int32 hasMaterials
if hasMaterials:
VersionedPersBlock materialList (always 'TS::MaterialList')
DTS Meshes
Meshes are persisted in the main DTS shape file in the mesh list. The only type of mesh is 'TS::CelAnimMesh', formatted as follows:
Tag 'PERS'
uint32 chunkSize
String className 'TS::CelAnimMesh'
int32 version
int32 numVerts
int32 vertsPerFrame
int32 numTextureVerts
int32 numFaces
int32 frames
if version >= 2:
int32 textureVertsPerFrame (for lower versions, should be assumed = numTextureVerts)
if version < 3:
Point3F scale (this was moved into the frame data for versions >= 3)
Point3F origin
float radius
uint8 x
uint8 y
uint8 z
uint8 encodedNormal (index into the encoded normal table, same as the one in torque)
int32 vertIndex0
int32 texIndex0
int32 vertIndex1
int32 texIndex1
int32 vertIndex2
int32 texIndex2
int32 matIndex
int32 firstVert
if version >= 3:
Point3F scale
Point3F origin
To unpack the vertices, multiply each element by the frame scale and add on the frame origin, or in the case of older shapes, use the scale and origin present in the mesh data. Frame data for meshes is controlled at runtime by keyframe data.
Rendering Shapes
Tribes will use the "Detail" data and the "alwaysNode" field to determine what to render. It's assumed the first node is always the "bounds" node, and the whole shape is moved by the inverse transform of that node to center the object.
In pseudocode:
select detail level based on size of projected radius
calculate node transform
render node objects relative to transform
Shapes have a default pose defined by the "defaultTransform" field in each Node which can be used in the absence of sequence data. Node transforms can simply be calculated by accumulating the transforms of the parent nodes, though keep in mind the translation component should be calculated by `parentPos + (parentRot * localPos)`.
All object meshes should be rendered relative to the associated node transform, and offset by the "offset" field in the object.
To incorporate sequence data, you need some sort of thread object which keeps track of the following:
* Current sequence
* Playback position
* Any transitioning state (if transitioning between sequences)
* Object states (mesh vert frame, mesh texvert frame, visiblity state)
* Node visibility states
For each animated node and object, there is a list of subsequences associated with each sequence where there is an animation track.
Animation tracks for objects change the mesh vert frame, texture vert frame, and visibility.
Animation tracks for nodes change the node transform and visibility.
For nodes, simply select the closest keyframes and interpolate between them. You'll want to interpolate rotations between keyframes the same way as torque does (refer to the interpolate method on its QuatF class).
For objects, simply change the frames or visibility as you pass the keyframe.
Interiors in tribes are split up into 4 files:
- A ".dis" file which indexes everything required
- One or more ".dig" files which store geometry
- One of more ".dil" files which store lighting information
- One ".dml" file which is a serialized material list
DIS Index
Tag 'ITRs'
uint32 chunkSize
int32 numStates
uint32 stateNameIdx
uint32 lodIdx
uint32 numLods
int32 numLods
uint32 minPixels
uint32 geomNameIndx (index into names list)
uint32 lightStateIdx
uint32 linkableFaces
int32 numLodLightStates
uint32 bits
int32 numLightStates
uint32 bits
int32 nameSize
char[nameSize] names
int32 materialListIdx (index into names list)
bool linkedInterior
Each Lod defines geometry for a particular detail level, shown at the `minPixels` level. This must be loaded from the file indicated by `geomNameIndx` from the same VOL file.
Similarly a filename for a DML file is specified via `materialListIdx`, and a DIL file via `stateNameIdx`
DIG Geometry
Tag 'PERS'
uint32 chunkSize
String className 'ITRGeometry'
int32 version
int32 buildId
float textureScale
Point3F minBounds
Point3F maxBounds
int32 numSurfaces
int32 numBSPNodes
int32 numSolidLeafs
int32 numEmptyLeafs
int32 numPVSBits
int32 numVerts
int32 numPoint3Fs
int32 numPoint2Fs
int32 numPlanes
uint8 flags
uint8 materials
uint8 tsX
uint8 tsY
uint8 toX
uint8 toY
uint16 planeIdx
uint32 vertIdx
uint32 pointIdx
uint8 numVerts
uint8 numPoints
uint16 planeIdx
int16 front
int16 back
int16 fill
uint32 surfIdx
uint32 planeIdx
uint16 numSurfaces
uint16 numPlanes
uint16 flags
uint16 numSurfs
uint32 pvsIdx
uint32 planeIdx
Point3F minBounds
Point3F maxBounds
uint16 numPlanes
uint16 pIdx
uint16 tIdx
float x
float y
float z
float d
int32 highestMip
uint32 flags
DIL Lighting Info
Rendering Interiors
Tribes will render an interior first based on the active `State`, then dependent on the current suitable `Lod` level from the range specified by `lodIdx...(lodIdx+numLods)`.
To render any particular `Surface`, you should use `Vertex` records specified from the range `vertIdx...(vertIdx+numVerts)`. These will specify a `tIdx` textureCoord which should be taken from the `Point2F` list, and a `pIdx` position from the `Point3F` list.
Texture coords should additionally be scaled by the `tsX` and `tsY` values, and offsetted using the `toX` and `toY` values using the following algorithm:
scale.x = (float)((int)surface.tsX+1) / texture_width
scale.y = (float)((int)surface.tsY+1) / texture_height
offset.x = (float)surface.toX / (float)texture_width
offset.y = (float)surface.toY / (float)texture_height
The surface normal is specified by the `planeIdx` Plane. Finally, the actual material is taken from the associated material list using the `materials` property.
TODO: figure out how lighting info is mapped, and how BSP nodes are evaluated.
And that's it for now. Hopefully this should be enough to get anyone started with prodding around these assets!
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