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Created June 14, 2012 14:57
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Uber Heroku Workshop

Running Java, Play! & Scala Apps on the Cloud Workshop


  • Deploy a Spring + Tomcat Java app. Make changes and redeploy.
  • Heroku Basics: Logging, Scaling, Configuring, Collaborating, Extending
  • Deploy Play Framework on Heroku


Java on Heroku

  1. Go to:
  2. Clone the Spring + Tomcat app
  3. Test out the new app
  4. Follow the instructions on the app's index page to copy the app to your local machine
  5. Make a change
  6. Test the change locally
  7. Push the change

Heroku Basics

  • Logging

      heroku logs -t
  • Scaling

      heroku scale web=2
  • Configuring

      heroku config:add FOO=bar
      heroku config
  • Collaborating

      heroku sharing:add
  • Extending with Heroku Add-ons

      heroku addons:add papertrail

Play on Heroku

  1. Create a new Play app:

     play new foo
  2. Test the app locally:

     cd foo
     play ~run

    Open: http://localhost:9000

  3. Change the app/views/index.scala.html file

  4. Test the change locally

  5. Create a new git repo, add the files, commit:

     git init
     git add .
     git commit -m init
  6. Create a new app on Heroku:

     heroku create -s cedar
  7. Deploy the app:

     git push heroku master
  8. Test the app on Heroku:

     heroku open

Learn More

Heroku Dev Center

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