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Created April 1, 2009 14:54
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entry form with beginnings of inline image uploads
- unless entry_form.heading_image.nil? || !File.exist?(entry_form.heading_image.asset.path(:headline))
= image_tag(entry_form.heading_image.asset.url(:headline))
- else
= image_tag('headline_blank.png')
- form_for(image_form, :url => assets_path, :html => {:enctype => 'multipart/form-data', :id => 'headline_image_form'}) do |f|
= f.label :asset, "Headline image"
= f.file_field :asset
= hidden_field_tag :kind, 'heading'
- unless image_form.new_record?
= hidden_field_tag :asset_path, asset_path(image_form)
= f.submit('Upload image')
- unless entry_form.heading_image.nil?
= image_tag(entry_form.heading_image.asset.url(:cropper), :id => 'cropbox')
- else
= image_tag('headline_source_blank.png', :id => 'cropbox')
%a#headline_crop.button Headline
%a#headline_save.button Save headline
%a#thumbnail_crop.button Thumbnail
%a#thumbnail_save.button Save thumbnail
- unless entry_form.heading_image.nil? || !File.exist?(entry_form.heading_image.asset.path(:thumbnail))
= image_tag(entry_form.heading_image.asset.url(:thumbnail))
- else
= image_tag('thumbnail_blank.png', :id => 'thumbnail_image')
- form_for(entry_form) do |f|
= f.label :title, "Post title"
= f.text_field :title
= hidden_field_tag('heading_image_id',
- if entry_form.draft?
= f.label :url_slug, "URL slug"
= f.text_field :url_slug
- else
%p.label_slug URL slug
%p.field_slug= entry_form.url_slug
= f.label :date
= f.text_field :date
%p= f.label :summary
= f.text_area :summary
%p.label Post body
= f.file_field :asset
= hidden_field_tag :kind, 'inline'
- unless image_form.new_record?
= hidden_field_tag :asset_path, asset_path(image_form)
= f.submit('Upload image')
image here
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)
image here
![This is a really long piece of text that I'm just using here to test out](/path/to/img.jpg)
image here
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)
= f.text_area :body
= f.label :tags, "Tags"
=f.text_field :tags
%p.small Separate tags with commas
- unless entry_form.deleted?
= f.label :status, "Post status"
= :status, entry_form.usable_statuses
- else
%p.label_status Post status
%p.field_status Post is deleted
- if entry_form.new_record?
= f.submit("Create blog post")
- else
= f.submit("Save changes")
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