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Created September 21, 2016 23:18
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
use strict;
use Net::MQTT::Simple;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
$| = 1;
my $usage = "Usage: man mqtt-simple ;-)\n";
my @colors = qw(33;1 32;1 31;1 35;1 36;1 37;1 33 32 31 35 36);
"h|host=s" => \my $host,
"c|color!" => \(my $color = -t STDOUT),
"raw" => \my $raw,
"1|one" => \my $one,
"count=i" => \my $count,
"message-only" => \my $message_only,
"s|t|subscribe=s" => \my @topics,
"p|publish=s" => \my $publish,
"r|retain" => \my $retain,
"m|message=s" => \my $message,
"d|datetime:s" => \my $datetime,
"ssl" => \my $ssl,
"insecure" => \my $insecure,
"ca=s" => \my $ca,
"cert=s" => \my $cert,
"key=s" => \my $key,
"e|except=s" => \my @exceptions,
) or die $usage;
$host or die $usage;
$datetime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if defined $datetime and $datetime eq "";
die "--ca, --cert, --key and --insecure require --ssl\n"
if ($ca or $cert or $key or $insecure) and not $ssl;
die "--key requires --cert\n" if $key and not $cert;
die "--cert requires --key\n" if $cert and not $key;
require Net::MQTT::Simple::SSL if $ssl;
my $class = $ssl ? "Net::MQTT::Simple::SSL" : "Net::MQTT::Simple";
$ENV{MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_CA} = $ca if $ca;
$ENV{MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_CERT} = $cert if $cert;
$ENV{MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_KEY} = $key if $key;
$ENV{MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_INSECURE} = 1 if $insecure;
if ($one) {
die "--count and --one cannot be combined" if $count;
$count = 1;
$message_only = 1;
my $m = $class->new($host);
defined $publish or @topics or die $usage;
if (defined $publish) {
my $method = $retain ? "retain" : "publish";
if (defined $message) {
$m->$method($publish, $message);
} else {
while (defined (my $line = readline *STDIN)) {
chomp $line;
$m->$method($publish, $line);
} elsif (defined $message) {
die "-m requires -p. $usage";
} elsif ($retain) {
die "-r requires -p. $usage";
$_ = Net::MQTT::Simple::filter_as_regex($_) for @exceptions;
if (@topics) {
my $i = 0;
my $ansi_reset = $color ? "\e[0m" : "";
my $iv = $color ? "\e[7m" : "^"; # inverse video or caret
my $pv = $color ? "\e[27m" : "";
for (@topics) {
my $ansi = $color ? "\e[$colors[ $i % @colors ]m" : "";
$_ => sub {
my ($topic, $message) = @_;
$topic =~ /$_/ and return for @exceptions;
# $message is binary data so our output can have mixed encodings
unless ($raw) {
s/([\0-\x1F])/$iv . chr(64 + ord $1) . $pv/ge
for $topic, $message;
print POSIX::strftime($datetime . " ", localtime)
if defined $datetime;
print "$ansi$topic$ansi_reset "
unless $message_only;
print "$message\n";
exit if defined $count and --$count == 0;
=head1 NAME
mqtt-simple - Very simple MQTT implementation
mqtt-simple -h -c -s "sensors/#" -s "debug/#" -s "#"
mqtt-simple -h -p "example/unretained" -m "message"
mqtt-simple -h -r -p "example/retained" -m "message"
tail -f logfile | mqtt-simple -h -p "log/example"
mqtt-simple --ssl --insecure ...
mqtt-simple --ssl --ca ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key
This is just a simple utility program. It doesn't do much. Specifically, all
the QoS and username/password features are unsupported. Also, don't expect
fancy error messages and such :-)
=over 25
=item -h --host
MQTT server to connect to, required.
=item -p --publish I<topic>
Publish a message. Uses the message given with C<-m>, or will read lines from
B<stdin>, and publish a message for each given line.
=item -m --message I<message>
Message to publish. Requires C<-p>.
=item -r --retain
Causes messages published with C<-p> to have the "retain" flag on.
=item -s --subscribe I<filter>
Subscribe to the given topic filter. Use the standard MQTT wildcards like
C<+> and C<#>. Outputs matching published messages on B<stdout>. Can be given
multiple times.
=item -e --except I<filter>
Suppress published messages that match I<filter>. Can be given multiple times.
=item --count I<number>
Quit after receiving I<number> messages.
=item --message-only
Output only the message values, without the topics.
=item -1 --one
Shortcut for C<--count 1 --message-only>.
=item --color
=item --no-color
For each given C<-s>, print the matching topic in a different color. Note that
the first matching topic will be used for color selection, so specify the
topics with the most specific one first, the least specific one (like C<#>)
Color is enabled by default if I<stdout> is a terminal.
=item --raw
Pass ASCII control characters unaltered. By default, they're replaced by C<^@>
notation or, when C<--color> is enabled, reverse video characters. For example,
an ASCII newline would be displayed as C<^J> unless C<--raw> is used.
=item -d --datetime I<format>
Prefix messages with a timestamp. Optionally, a I<format> for C<strftime> can
be supplied.
=head2 SSL options
=over 25
=item --ssl
Use SSL instead of unencrypted connection.
=item --insecure
Disable SSL certificate validation. Useful for testing, bad idea in production.
Overrides the environment variable C<MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_INSECURE>.
=item --ca I<path>
The Certificate Authority to validate against. I<path> can be a file
or a directory. If unspecified, IO::Socket::SSL attempts to use the system
wide CA configuration.
Overrides the environment variable C<MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_CA>.
=item --cert I<path>
=item --key I<path>
A client certificate with its key.
Override the environment variables C<MQTT_SIMPLE_SSL_CERT> and
=head1 LICENSE
Pick your favourite OSI approved license :)
=head1 AUTHOR
Juerd Waalboer <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
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