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Created July 3, 2017 07:24
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Demo combining the html5ever parser from Servo with the Tokio wrapper for Curl.
name = "crawler"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Jamey Sharp <>"]
curl = "0.4"
futures = "0.1"
html5ever = "0.5"
scraper = "0.4"
tendril = "0.2"
tokio-core = "0.1"
tokio-curl = "0.1"
// Demo combining the html5ever parser from Servo with the Tokio wrapper
// for Curl.
extern crate curl;
extern crate futures;
extern crate html5ever;
extern crate scraper;
extern crate tendril;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_curl;
use curl::easy::Easy;
use futures::Future;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded;
use html5ever::driver::parse_document;
use scraper::html::Html;
use std::env::args;
use tendril::{Tendril, TendrilSink};
use tendril::fmt::UTF8;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use tokio_curl::Session;
fn main() {
let url = args().nth(1).unwrap();
// We need a Tokio Core event loop and a Curl session.
let mut lp = Core::new().unwrap();
let session = Session::new(lp.handle());
// The Tokio Curl wrapper runs Curl in a separate thread, but the
// string representation used internally by the HTML parser doesn't
// implement `Send` so we can't feed stuff directly into it and then
// use the final result in a different thread. So we send the
// strings across a channel instead, which also gives us a little
// parallelism.
let (sink, source) = unbounded();
// Set up a request. The Curl bindings allow for returning lots of
// errors that can't actually happen, so here's a pile of unwraps.
let mut req = Easy::new();
req.write_function(move |data| {
println!("sending {} bytes", data.len());
// Tendril doesn't support directly stealing the input byte
// slice, so we're forced to let it copy.
// FIXME: This could totally fail! But error reporting out
// through the callback is tricky, so pretend it can't for now.
let tendril: Tendril<UTF8> = Tendril::try_from_byte_slice(data).unwrap();
// Then we have to tell Tendril to make the copy it now owns
// safe to Send across a channel. Since it is definitely owned,
// the documentation says this should be cheap.
if sink.send(tendril.into_send()).is_err() {
// Receiver quit, so tell Curl to stop reading.
return Ok(0);
// If the request completes successfully, we need to reset the
// callback so the Curl binding will drop its reference to the sink,
// which will allow the other end of the channel to terminate. If
// the request failed, the join() call below will stop reading from
// the other end of the channel anyway so we don't have to care.
let request = session.perform(req).and_then(|mut req| {
req.write_function(|_| Ok(0)).unwrap();
// The source side of the channel has an error type of (), which
// indicates that it (theoretically) can't fail, but we need it to
// have the same error type as the Curl request so we can wait for
// them both at the same time. Since this shouldn't happen, just
// panic if it does.
let source = source.map_err(|()| unreachable!());
// Simultaneously, let's feed the data we've read into a parser
// that's filling in a new document. To do that, we reduce the
// stream of text blocks one at a time, pushing each one into the
// parser as we receive it.
let builder = source.fold(parse_document(Html::new_document(), Default::default()), |mut parser, tendril| {
// The parser requires a StrTendril, which we can get from a
// SendTendril using Tendril::from.
println!("parsed a chunk");
// Each time, we construct a new Future that immediately
// resolves to the new parser state. After the last chunk is
// processed, calling finish on the parser will give us the
// constructed HTML document.
}).and_then(|parser| Ok(parser.finish()));
// Now run the Curl request and the HTML parser in parallel,
// blocking until both complete.
let (mut req, html) =;
// Finally we can access whatever HTTP status information and parsed
// HTML we care about.
println!("{:?}: {} nodes", req.response_code(), html.tree.values().count());
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fitzgen commented Jul 3, 2017

// The source side of the channel has an error type of (), which
// indicates that it (theoretically) can't fail,

That isn't true. If it was Result<T, !>, then it couldn't fail, but () can be constructed just fine.

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